Database Creation on 11.2 Grid Infracture with Role Separation ( ORA-15025, KFSG-00312, ORA-15081 )


       This document discusses the necessary steps to take before creating a 11.2 / 11.1 / 10.2 database with 11.2 Grid Infrastructure when Role Separation is in place.



In case of role separation we typically have the following groups and users:

Grid Infrastructure Home Owner : grid
Primary Group : oinstall
Secondary Groups : asmadmin, asmdba, asmoper

RDBMS Home Owner : oracle
Primary Group : oinstall
Secondary Groups : dba, oper, asmdba


       In case of stand alone set up, if the 11.2 Database be managed by Oracle Restart ( srvctl stop/start ), then 'grid' user should also be a part of 'dba' group.

The ASM Disks would be owned by grid:asmadmin

11.2  Database
       If we use 11.2 DBCA to create the database, everything will go through fine. If we create the 11.2 database manually, then before creating the database we need to run the following command:

$ su - grid
$ cd <Grid Home>/bin
$ ./setasmgidwrap o=<11.2 RDBMS Home>/bin/oracle

       If we do not do this, database creation will fail with ORA-15025 as it will not be able to access the ASM Disks.

Pre11.2 Database
       For pre11.2 Databases ( 11.1 and 10.2 ), whether creating the database using DBCA or manually, apply Patch 9575578 to the 11.2 Grid Home. After applying the patch run:

$ su - grid
$ cd <Grid Home>/bin
$ ./setasmgidwrap o=<11.1/10.2 RDBMS Home>/bin/oracle

Without the patch script setasmgidwrap will fail with KFSG-00312






From Oracle



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DBA 超级群:63306533();  DBA4 群: 83829929  DBA5群: 142216823   

聊天 群:40132017   聊天2群:69087192

