1、srand48 和drand48 在windows下没有,根据原理自己编了一个。不对请指出:
- #define MNWZ 0x100000000
- #define ANWZ 0x5DEECE66D
- #define CNWZ 0xB16
- int labelsize;
- int dim;
- static unsigned long long seed = 1;
- double drand48(void)
- {
- seed = (ANWZ * seed + CNWZ) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
- unsigned int x = seed >> 16;
- return ((double)x / (double)MNWZ);
- }
- //static unsigned long long seed = 1;
- void srand48(unsigned int i)
- {
- seed = (((long long int)i) << 16) | rand();
- }
于是我定义了:#define INFINITY 0xFFFFFFFFF(不知道对不对,运行没错误)。
- string filepath = string(logdir) + "/learnlog/" + string(logtag) + ".log";
一直报错,最后我吧#include <string.h>改成了#include <string>就没问题了。应该说搜索路径的问题。
1. Download and install the 2006/2007/2008 PASCAL VOC devkit and dataset.
(you should set VOCopts.testset='test' in VOCinit.m)
2. Modify 'globals.m' according to your configuration.
3. Run 'make' to compile learn.cc, the LSVM gradient descent code.
(Run from a shell, not Matlab.)
4. Start matlab.
5. Run the 'compile' script to compile the helper functions.
(you may need to edit compile.m to use a different convolution
routine depending on your system)
6. Use the 'pascal' script to train and evaluate a model.
> pascal('person', 3); % train and evaluate a 6 component person model
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <iostream>
- //#include "stdafx.h"
- using namespace std;
- /*
- * Optimize LSVM objective function via gradient descent.
- *
- * We use an adaptive cache mechanism. After a negative example
- * scores beyond the margin multiple times it is removed from the
- * training set for a fixed number of iterations.
- */
- // Data File Format
- //
- // long label ints
- // blocks int
- // dim int
- // DATA{blocks}
- //
- // DATA:
- // block label float
- // block data floats
- //
- // Internal Binary Format
- // len int (byte length of EXAMPLE)
- // EXAMPLE <see above>
- // unique flag byte
- // number of iterations
- /*#ifndef DRAND48_H
- #define DRAND48_H
- #include <stdlib.h> */
- //#define m 0x100000000LL
- //#define a 0x5DEECE66DLL
- //static unsigned long long seed = 1;
- //#endif
- //#define Infinity 1.0+308
- #define ITER 10e6
- // minimum # of iterations before termination
- #define MIN_ITER 5e6
- // convergence threshold
- #define DELTA_STOP 0.9995
- // number of times in a row the convergence threshold
- // must be reached before stopping
- #define STOP_COUNT 5
- // small cache parameters
- #define INCACHE 25
- #define MINWAIT (INCACHE+25)
- #define REGFREQ 20
- // error checking
- #define check(e) \
- (e ? (void)0 : (printf("%s:%u error: %s\n%s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #e, strerror(errno)), exit(1)))
- // number of non-zero blocks in example ex
- #define NUM_NONZERO(ex) (((int *)ex)[labelsize+1])
- // float pointer to data segment of example ex
- #define EX_DATA(ex) ((float *)(ex + sizeof(int)*(labelsize+3)))
- // class label (+1 or -1) for the example
- #define LABEL(ex) (((int *)ex)[1])
- // block label (converted to 0-based index)
- #define BLOCK_IDX(data) (((int)data[0])-1)
- // set to 0 to use max-component L2 regularization
- // set to 1 to use full model L2 regularization
- #define FULL_L2 0
- #define MNWZ 0x100000000
- #define ANWZ 0x5DEECE66D
- #define CNWZ 0xB16
- int labelsize;
- int dim;
- static unsigned long long seed = 1;
- double drand48(void)
- {
- seed = (ANWZ * seed + CNWZ) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
- unsigned int x = seed >> 16;
- return ((double)x / (double)MNWZ);
- }
- //static unsigned long long seed = 1;
- void srand48(unsigned int i)
- {
- seed = (((long long int)i) << 16) | rand();
- }
- // comparison function for sorting examples
- int comp(const void *a, const void *b) {
- // sort by extended label first, and whole example second...
- int c = memcmp(*((char **)a) + sizeof(int),
- *((char **)b) + sizeof(int),
- labelsize*sizeof(int));
- if (c)
- return c;
- // labels are the same
- int alen = **((int **)a);
- int blen = **((int **)b);
- if (alen == blen)
- return memcmp(*((char **)a) + sizeof(int),
- *((char **)b) + sizeof(int),
- alen);
- return ((alen < blen) ? -1 : 1);
- }
- // a collapsed example is a sequence of examples
- struct collapsed {
- char **seq;
- int num;
- };
- // the two node types in an AND/OR tree
- enum node_type { OR, AND };
- // set of collapsed examples
- struct data {
- collapsed *x;
- int num;
- int numblocks;
- int numcomponents;
- int *blocksizes;
- int *componentsizes;
- int **componentblocks;
- float *regmult;
- float *learnmult;
- };
- // seed the random number generator with an arbitrary (fixed) value
- void seed_rand() {
- srand48(3);
- //srand(3);
- }
- static inline double min(double x, double y) { return (x <= y ? x : y); }
- static inline double max(double x, double y) { return (x <= y ? y : x); }
- // compute the score of an example
- static inline double ex_score(const char *ex, data X, double **w) {
- double val = 0.0;
- float *data = EX_DATA(ex);
- int blocks = NUM_NONZERO(ex);
- for (int j = 0; j < blocks; j++) {
- int b = BLOCK_IDX(data);
- data++;
- double blockval = 0;
- for (int k = 0; k < X.blocksizes[b]; k++)
- blockval += w[b][k] * data[k];
- data += X.blocksizes[b];
- val += blockval;
- }
- return val;
- }
- // return the value of the object function.
- // out[0] : loss on negative examples
- // out[1] : loss on positive examples
- // out[2] : regularization term's value
- double compute_loss(double out[3], double C, double J, data X, double **w) {
- double loss = 0.0;
- #if FULL_L2
- // compute ||w||^2
- for (int j = 0; j < X.numblocks; j++) {
- for (int k = 0; k < X.blocksizes[j]; k++) {
- loss += w[j][k] * w[j][k] * X.regmult[j];
- }
- }
- #else
- // compute max norm^2 component
- for (int c = 0; c < X.numcomponents; c++) {
- double val = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < X.componentsizes[c]; i++) {
- int b = X.componentblocks[c][i];
- double blockval = 0;
- for (int k = 0; k < X.blocksizes[b]; k++)
- blockval += w[b][k] * w[b][k] * X.regmult[b];
- val += blockval;
- }
- if (val > loss)
- loss = val;
- }
- #endif
- loss *= 0.5;
- // record the regularization term
- out[2] = loss;
- // compute loss from the training data
- for (int l = 0; l <= 1; l++) {
- // which label subset to look at: -1 or 1
- int subset = (l*2)-1;
- double subsetloss = 0.0;
- for (int i = 0; i < X.num; i++) {
- collapsed x = X.x[i];
- // only consider examples in the target subset
- char *ptr = x.seq[0];
- if (LABEL(ptr) != subset)
- continue;
- // compute max over latent placements
- int M = -1;
- double V = -INFINITY;
- //double V = -NWZ;
- for (int m = 0; m < x.num; m++) {
- double val = ex_score(x.seq[m], X, w);
- if (val > V) {
- M = m;
- V = val;
- }
- }
- // compute loss on max
- ptr = x.seq[M];
- int label = LABEL(ptr);
- double mult = C * (label == 1 ? J : 1);
- subsetloss += mult * max(0.0, 1.0-label*V);
- }
- loss += subsetloss;
- out[l] = subsetloss;
- }
- return loss;
- }
- // gradient descent
- void gd(double C, double J, data X, double **w, double **lb, char *logdir, char *logtag) {
- ofstream logfile;
- string filepath = string(logdir) + "/learnlog/" + string(logtag) + ".log";
- /*char* filepath;
- strcat(filepath,logdir);
- strcat(filepath,"/learnlog/");
- strcat(filepath,logtag);
- strcat(filepath,"/log");*/
- logfile.open(filepath.c_str());
- //logfile.open(filepath);
- logfile.precision(14);
- logfile.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
- int num = X.num;
- // state for random permutations
- int *perm = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*X.num);
- check(perm != NULL);
- // state for small cache
- int *W = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*num);
- check(W != NULL);
- for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
- W[j] = INCACHE;
- double prev_loss = 1E9;
- bool converged = false;
- int stop_count = 0;
- int t = 0;
- while (t < ITER && !converged) {
- // pick random permutation
- for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
- perm[i] = i;
- for (int swapi = 0; swapi < num; swapi++) {
- int swapj = (int)(drand48()*(num-swapi)) + swapi;
- //int swapj = (int)(rand()*(num-swapi)) + swapi;
- int tmp = perm[swapi];
- perm[swapi] = perm[swapj];
- perm[swapj] = tmp;
- }
- // count number of examples in the small cache
- int cnum = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
- if (W[i] <= INCACHE)
- cnum++;
- int numupdated = 0;
- for (int swapi = 0; swapi < num; swapi++) {
- // select example
- int i = perm[swapi];
- // skip if example is not in small cache
- if (W[i] > INCACHE) {
- W[i]--;
- continue;
- }
- collapsed x = X.x[i];
- // learning rate
- double T = min(ITER/2.0, t + 10000.0);
- double rateX = cnum * C / T;
- t++;
- if (t % 100000 == 0) {
- double info[3];
- double loss = compute_loss(info, C, J, X, w);
- double delta = 1.0 - (fabs(prev_loss - loss) / loss);
- logfile << t << "\t" << loss << "\t" << delta << endl;
- if (delta >= DELTA_STOP && t >= MIN_ITER) {
- stop_count++;
- if (stop_count > STOP_COUNT)
- converged = true;
- } else if (stop_count > 0) {
- stop_count = 0;
- }
- prev_loss = loss;
- printf("\r%7.2f%% of max # iterations "
- "(delta = %.5f; stop count = %d)",
- 100*double(t)/double(ITER), max(delta, 0.0),
- STOP_COUNT - stop_count + 1);
- fflush(stdout);
- if (converged)
- break;
- }
- // compute max over latent placements
- int M = -1;
- double V = -INFINITY;
- //double V = -NWZ;
- for (int m = 0; m < x.num; m++) {
- double val = ex_score(x.seq[m], X, w);
- if (val > V) {
- M = m;
- V = val;
- }
- }
- char *ptr = x.seq[M];
- int label = LABEL(ptr);
- if (label * V < 1.0) {
- numupdated++;
- W[i] = 0;
- float *data = EX_DATA(ptr);
- int blocks = NUM_NONZERO(ptr);
- for (int j = 0; j < blocks; j++) {
- int b = BLOCK_IDX(data);
- double mult = (label > 0 ? J : -1) * rateX * X.learnmult[b];
- data++;
- for (int k = 0; k < X.blocksizes[b]; k++)
- w[b][k] += mult * data[k];
- data += X.blocksizes[b];
- }
- } else {
- if (W[i] == INCACHE)
- W[i] = MINWAIT + (int)(drand48()*50);
- //W[i] = MINWAIT + (int)(rand()*50);
- else
- W[i]++;
- }
- // periodically regularize the model
- if (t % REGFREQ == 0) {
- // apply lowerbounds
- for (int j = 0; j < X.numblocks; j++)
- for (int k = 0; k < X.blocksizes[j]; k++)
- w[j][k] = max(w[j][k], lb[j][k]);
- double rateR = 1.0 / T;
- #if FULL_L2
- // update model
- for (int j = 0; j < X.numblocks; j++) {
- double mult = rateR * X.regmult[j] * X.learnmult[j];
- mult = pow((1-mult), REGFREQ);
- for (int k = 0; k < X.blocksizes[j]; k++) {
- w[j][k] = mult * w[j][k];
- }
- }
- #else
- // assume simple mixture model
- int maxc = 0;
- double bestval = 0;
- for (int c = 0; c < X.numcomponents; c++) {
- double val = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < X.componentsizes[c]; i++) {
- int b = X.componentblocks[c][i];
- double blockval = 0;
- for (int k = 0; k < X.blocksizes[b]; k++)
- blockval += w[b][k] * w[b][k] * X.regmult[b];
- val += blockval;
- }
- if (val > bestval) {
- maxc = c;
- bestval = val;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < X.componentsizes[maxc]; i++) {
- int b = X.componentblocks[maxc][i];
- double mult = rateR * X.regmult[b] * X.learnmult[b];
- mult = pow((1-mult), REGFREQ);
- for (int k = 0; k < X.blocksizes[b]; k++)
- w[b][k] = mult * w[b][k];
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- if (converged)
- printf("\nTermination criteria reached after %d iterations.\n", t);
- else
- printf("\nMax iteration count reached.\n", t);
- free(perm);
- free(W);
- logfile.close();
- }
- // score examples
- double *score(data X, char **examples, int num, double **w) {
- double *s = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*num);
- check(s != NULL);
- for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
- s[i] = ex_score(examples[i], X, w);
- return s;
- }
- // merge examples with identical labels
- void collapse(data *X, char **examples, int num) {
- collapsed *x = (collapsed *)malloc(sizeof(collapsed)*num);
- check(x != NULL);
- int i = 0;
- x[0].seq = examples;
- x[0].num = 1;
- for (int j = 1; j < num; j++) {
- if (!memcmp(x[i].seq[0]+sizeof(int), examples[j]+sizeof(int),
- labelsize*sizeof(int))) {
- x[i].num++;
- } else {
- i++;
- x[i].seq = &(examples[j]);
- x[i].num = 1;
- }
- }
- X->x = x;
- X->num = i+1;
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- seed_rand();
- int count;
- data X;
- // command line arguments
- check(argc == 12);
- double C = atof(argv[1]);
- double J = atof(argv[2]);
- char *hdrfile = argv[3];
- char *datfile = argv[4];
- char *modfile = argv[5];
- char *inffile = argv[6];
- char *lobfile = argv[7];
- char *cmpfile = argv[8];
- char *objfile = argv[9];
- char *logdir = argv[10];
- char *logtag = argv[11];
- // read header file
- FILE *f = fopen(hdrfile, "rb");
- check(f != NULL);
- int header[3];
- count = fread(header, sizeof(int), 3, f);
- check(count == 3);
- int num = header[0];
- labelsize = header[1];
- X.numblocks = header[2];
- X.blocksizes = (int *)malloc(X.numblocks*sizeof(int));
- count = fread(X.blocksizes, sizeof(int), X.numblocks, f);
- check(count == X.numblocks);
- X.regmult = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*X.numblocks);
- check(X.regmult != NULL);
- count = fread(X.regmult, sizeof(float), X.numblocks, f);
- check(count == X.numblocks);
- X.learnmult = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*X.numblocks);
- check(X.learnmult != NULL);
- count = fread(X.learnmult, sizeof(float), X.numblocks, f);
- check(count == X.numblocks);
- check(num != 0);
- fclose(f);
- printf("%d examples with label size %d and %d blocks\n",
- num, labelsize, X.numblocks);
- printf("block size, regularization multiplier, learning rate multiplier\n");
- dim = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < X.numblocks; i++) {
- dim += X.blocksizes[i];
- printf("%d, %.2f, %.2f\n", X.blocksizes[i], X.regmult[i], X.learnmult[i]);
- }
- // read component info file
- // format: #components {#blocks blk1 ... blk#blocks}^#components
- f = fopen(cmpfile, "rb");
- count = fread(&X.numcomponents, sizeof(int), 1, f);
- check(count == 1);
- printf("the model has %d components\n", X.numcomponents);
- X.componentblocks = (int **)malloc(X.numcomponents*sizeof(int *));
- X.componentsizes = (int *)malloc(X.numcomponents*sizeof(int));
- for (int i = 0; i < X.numcomponents; i++) {
- count = fread(&X.componentsizes[i], sizeof(int), 1, f);
- check(count == 1);
- printf("component %d has %d blocks:", i, X.componentsizes[i]);
- X.componentblocks[i] = (int *)malloc(X.componentsizes[i]*sizeof(int));
- count = fread(X.componentblocks[i], sizeof(int), X.componentsizes[i], f);
- check(count == X.componentsizes[i]);
- for (int j = 0; j < X.componentsizes[i]; j++)
- printf(" %d", X.componentblocks[i][j]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- fclose(f);
- // read examples
- f = fopen(datfile, "rb");
- check(f != NULL);
- printf("Reading examples\n");
- char **examples = (char **)malloc(num*sizeof(char *));
- check(examples != NULL);
- for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- // we use an extra byte in the end of each example to mark unique
- // we use an extra int at the start of each example to store the
- // example's byte length (excluding unique flag and this int)
- //int buf[labelsize+2];
- int *buf = new int[labelsize+2];
- count = fread(buf, sizeof(int), labelsize+2, f);
- check(count == labelsize+2);
- // byte length of an example's data segment
- int len = sizeof(int)*(labelsize+2) + sizeof(float)*buf[labelsize+1];
- // memory for data, an initial integer, and a final byte
- examples[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(int)+len+1);
- check(examples[i] != NULL);
- // set data segment's byte length
- ((int *)examples[i])[0] = len;
- // set the unique flag to zero
- examples[i][sizeof(int)+len] = 0;
- // copy label data into example
- for (int j = 0; j < labelsize+2; j++)
- ((int *)examples[i])[j+1] = buf[j];
- // read the rest of the data segment into the example
- count = fread(examples[i]+sizeof(int)*(labelsize+3), 1,
- len-sizeof(int)*(labelsize+2), f);
- check(count == len-sizeof(int)*(labelsize+2));
- delete [] buf;
- }
- fclose(f);
- printf("done\n");
- // sort
- printf("Sorting examples\n");
- char **sorted = (char **)malloc(num*sizeof(char *));
- check(sorted != NULL);
- memcpy(sorted, examples, num*sizeof(char *));
- qsort(sorted, num, sizeof(char *), comp);
- printf("done\n");
- // find unique examples
- int i = 0;
- int len = *((int *)sorted[0]);
- sorted[0][sizeof(int)+len] = 1;
- for (int j = 1; j < num; j++) {
- int alen = *((int *)sorted[i]);
- int blen = *((int *)sorted[j]);
- if (alen != blen ||
- memcmp(sorted[i] + sizeof(int), sorted[j] + sizeof(int), alen)) {
- i++;
- sorted[i] = sorted[j];
- sorted[i][sizeof(int)+blen] = 1;
- }
- }
- int num_unique = i+1;
- printf("%d unique examples\n", num_unique);
- // collapse examples
- collapse(&X, sorted, num_unique);
- printf("%d collapsed examples\n", X.num);
- // initial model
- double **w = (double **)malloc(sizeof(double *)*X.numblocks);
- check(w != NULL);
- f = fopen(modfile, "rb");
- for (int i = 0; i < X.numblocks; i++) {
- w[i] = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*X.blocksizes[i]);
- check(w[i] != NULL);
- count = fread(w[i], sizeof(double), X.blocksizes[i], f);
- check(count == X.blocksizes[i]);
- }
- fclose(f);
- // lower bounds
- double **lb = (double **)malloc(sizeof(double *)*X.numblocks);
- check(lb != NULL);
- f = fopen(lobfile, "rb");
- for (int i = 0; i < X.numblocks; i++) {
- lb[i] = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*X.blocksizes[i]);
- check(lb[i] != NULL);
- count = fread(lb[i], sizeof(double), X.blocksizes[i], f);
- check(count == X.blocksizes[i]);
- }
- fclose(f);
- // train
- printf("Training\n");
- gd(C, J, X, w, lb, logdir, logtag);
- printf("done\n");
- // save model
- printf("Saving model\n");
- f = fopen(modfile, "wb");
- check(f != NULL);
- for (int i = 0; i < X.numblocks; i++) {
- count = fwrite(w[i], sizeof(double), X.blocksizes[i], f);
- check(count == X.blocksizes[i]);
- }
- fclose(f);
- // score examples
- printf("Scoring\n");
- double *s = score(X, examples, num, w);
- // Write info file
- printf("Writing info file\n");
- f = fopen(inffile, "w");
- check(f != NULL);
- for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- int len = ((int *)examples[i])[0];
- // label, score, unique flag
- count = fprintf(f, "%d\t%f\t%d\n", ((int *)examples[i])[1], s[i],
- (int)examples[i][sizeof(int)+len]);
- check(count > 0);
- }
- fclose(f);
- // compute loss and write it to a file
- double lossinfo[3];
- compute_loss(lossinfo, C, J, X, w);
- printf("Writing objective function info file\n");
- f = fopen(objfile, "w");
- count = fprintf(f, "%f\t%f\t%f", lossinfo[0], lossinfo[1], lossinfo[2]);
- check(count > 0);
- fclose(f);
- printf("Freeing memory\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < X.numblocks; i++) {
- free(w[i]);
- free(lb[i]);
- }
- free(w);
- free(lb);
- free(s);
- for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
- free(examples[i]);
- free(examples);
- free(sorted);
- free(X.x);
- free(X.blocksizes);
- free(X.regmult);
- free(X.learnmult);
- for (int i = 0; i < X.numcomponents; i++)
- free(X.componentblocks[i]);
- free(X.componentblocks);
- free(X.componentsizes);
- return 0;
- }