You overload a binary unary operator with either a nonstatic member functionthat has one parameter, or a nonmember function that has two parameters. Supposea binary operator@ is called with the statement t @ u, where t is an object of type T, and u isan object of type U. A nonstatic member function that overloadsthis operator would have the following form:
return_type operator@(T)
A nonmember function that overloads the same operator wouldhave the following form:
return_type operator@(T, U)
An overloaded binary operator may return any type.
The following example overloads the * operator:
struct X {
// member binary operator
void operator*(int) { }
// non-member binary operator
void operator*(X, float) { }
int main() {
X x;
int y = 10;
float z = 10;
x * y;
x * z;
The call x * y is interpreted asx.operator*(y).The call x * z is interpreted asoperator*(x, z).
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class String { public: String( ){p=NULL;} String(char *str); friend bool operator>(String &string1,String &string2); friend bool operator<(String &string1,String &string2); friend bool operator==(String &string1,String &string2); void display( ); private: char *p; }; String::String(char *str) {p=str;} void String::display( ) //输出p所指向的字符串 {cout<<p;} bool operator>(String &string1,String &string2) { if(strcmp(string1.p,string2.p)>0) return true; else return false; } bool operator<(String &string1,String &string2) { if(strcmp(string1.p,string2.p)<0) return true; else return false; } bool operator==(String &string1,String &string2) { if(strcmp(string1.p,string2.p)==0) return true; else return false; } void compare(String &string1,String &string2) { if(operator>(string1,string2)==1) {string1.display( );cout<<">";string2.display( );} else if(operator<(string1,string2)==1) {string1.display( );cout<<"<";string2.display( );} else if(operator==(string1,string2)==1) {string1.display( );cout<<"=";string2.display( );} cout<<endl; } int main( ) { String string1("cplusplus"),string2("socket"),string3("linux"),string4("OS"); cout<<"string1>string2 ? 1:yes|0:no -->"<<(string1>string2)<<endl; cout<<"string1<string2 ? 1:yes|0:no -->"<<(string1<string2)<<endl; cout<<"string1==string2 ? 1:yes|0:no -->"<<(string1==string2)<<endl; cout<<"operator>(string1,string2) "<<operator>(string1,string2)<<endl; cout<<"operator<(string1,string2) "<<operator<(string1,string2)<<endl; cout<<"operator==(string1,string2) "<<operator==(string1,string2)<<endl; compare(string1,string2); compare(string2,string3); compare(string1,string4); return 0; } /******************************************** 运行结果: string1>string2 ? 1:yes|0:no -->0 string1<string2 ? 1:yes|0:no -->1 string1==string2 ? 1:yes|0:no -->0 operator>(string1,string2) 0 operator<(string1,string2) 1 operator==(string1,string2) 0 cplusplus<socket socket>linux cplusplus>OS Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 0.125 s Press any key to continue. *********************************************/
To write a program to add two complex numbers using binary operator overloading
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class complex { double a,b; public: void getvalue() { cout<<"Enter the value of Complex Numbers a,b:\n"; cin>>a>>b; } complex operator+(complex ob) { complex t; t.a=a+ob.a; t.b=b+ob.b; return(t); } complex operator-(complex ob) { complex t; t.a=a-ob.a; t.b=b-ob.b; return(t); } void display() { if(b>=0) cout<<a<<"+"<<b<<"i"<<"\n"; else cout<<a<<""<<b<<"i"<<"\n"; } }; int main() { complex a,b,c; a.getvalue(); a.display(); b.getvalue(); b.display(); c=a-b; c.display(); } /********************** 运行结果: Enter the value of Complex Numbers a,b: 2013 6.3 2013+6.3i Enter the value of Complex Numbers a,b: 1991 11.5 1991+11.5i 22-5.2i Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 12.698 s Press any key to continue. ***********************/