

        The client is the highest level unit of the organizational units in Enterprise Structure in SAP R/3. The client is followed by the company code, which represents a unit with its own accounting, balance, and profit and loss (P&L). In terms of SAP, a client is defined as a unit that has its own master records and a set of tables. The client is important in SAP because it stores and maintains data about the organization where SAP is implemented.

       You can create a client in the MM module either by using the transaction code SCC4 or by performing the following steps:

  • Select SAP Menu > Tools > Administration > Administration > Client Administration.

  • Double click SCC4—Client Maintenance. The display view Clients: Overview screen appears.

  • Select Display > Change. The information dialog box appears.

  • Click Continue. The change view Clients: Overview screen appears, where you can create a new client.













      A company is an organizational unit for which individual financial statements are drawn per the relevant commercial laws. A company consists of one or more company codes. Within a company, all company codes must use the same transactions in addition to the same fiscal year breakdown; however, company code currencies can vary.

       You can assign a company code to a company by performing the following steps:

      SAP中,Company(公司)与Company Code(公司代码/公司码)是两个不同,但是又相联系的概念。Company是根据相关法律规定出具财务报告的最小层次组织单元。

     一个Client下,一个Company可以与一个或多个Company Code对应起来,一个Company Code只能对应一个Company。在启用SAP模块中,Company Code是必须的,而Company是选择性的。Company Code层次财务报表时自动生成的,而Company的财务报表是基于Company Code的合并报表。这也是SAP多维度和层次出具财务报表的一个体现。对于不需要出具这种合并报表的单位,Company是不需要进行维护的。

       某单位实施SAP时,有这样的场景:全国一个总公司,下属42个分公司(非法人)。SAP处理中,将这43个总分机构都设置成Company Code,同时,设置了43个一样的Company。因为公司也需要出具各个分公司的报表和总公司的财务报表,所以上述设置没有真正启用SAP的合并报表功能,如果43Company Code对应到1Company,则可在系统内出具总公司层次的合并报表。

       这里系统在组织架构本身,体现了如何处理法人和非法人的关系——会计上,法律实体一定是会计主体,而会计主体未必一定是法律主体。就像上面的,分公司是会计主体,却并非法律实体。因此,会计主体对应到Company Code层次,而法律实体对应到Company层次是可以满足两个层次分别出具报表要求的。

       为了保证数据的一致性和可合并性,同一个Company下的Company Code必须使用相同的会计科目表(Chart of Account)和会计年度(Fiscal Year)。但是每个公司代码都可以使用不同的本币(Local Currency)。



2)将Company分配给已经定义的Company Code:分配-财务会计-将公司(Company)分派给公司代码(CompanyCode)。

3、Company Code(公司代码)

       Company Code : Smallest organisational unit of external account for which a complete, self-contained bookkeeping system can be replicated. eg, company within a corporate group.


       Company Code(公司码/公司代码)是依照外部会计要求的会计实体(一般)而设置的最小组织单元,有其自身完整的科目和帐套。所有的业务交易过账之后都将在该层次上得以反映和记录,以出具法定的财务报表,如资产负债表、现金流量表和利润表。



       因此,Company Code的定义和维护时必须的,如果要启用SAP的一个应用模块的话。Company Code(公司码/公司代码)是FI模块最核心的组织单元;启用财务模块至少要定义一个公司代码,也可以说,每个Client的启用至少也应该有一个公司代码。


    公司代码是财务会计模块最核心的数据,是因为,其他模块产生的会计记录都最终转化为公司代码层次的财务记录进入FI模块了。因此,其他能够产生财务记录的模块自身的特有组织单元都与公司代码有适当的关联规则。于此,类似Controling AreaCO模块最核心的组织单元。






       A plant is an organizational unit where materials are produced or goods and services are provided. In SAP, a plant is represented by a unique four-digit alphanumeric number. A plant is allocated to one company code, and a company can have many plants. In the organizational unit, a plant can be at one of the following locations:

  • Corporate headquarters

  • Central delivery warehouse

  • Manufacturing facility

  • Regional sales office

You can define a plant in the MM by performing the following steps:

  • Select IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Logistic—General > Define, Copy, Delete, Check Plant.

  • Click Execute. The Choose Activity dialog box appears.

  • Select Define Plant to create a plant. The change view Plants: Overview screen appears.

  • Click New Entries. The New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen appears.

  • Specify the plant code in the plant field.

  • Click the address icon to display the Edit Address field.

  • Specify the required values in the fields, such as Title, Name, and Search Term 1/2.

  • Click OK. The New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen appears again.

  • Click the Save icon to save the newly defined plant.















