字符串:zoj 1831 Substitution Cypher




/*  字符串简单题
*   2009-09-24 16:28:42 Accepted  1831 C++ 0 184 祝你好运!
*   里面有比较诡异的地方,大概是原码和密码中有空格对应关系,
*   所以必须用getline或者gets之类的读取整行的函数读取,不然会WA 。


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#define  DEBUG 1
using namespace std ;

map<char,char> cypher ;

int main()
    #if DEBUG
    freopen("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\in.txt","r",stdin) ;
    freopen("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\桌面\\out.txt","w",stdout) ;
    char ch ;
    int i ;
    string from, to ;
    getline( cin, from ) ;
    getline( cin, to ) ;
    cout << to << endl << from << endl ;
    for( i=0; i<from.size(); ++i ){
        cypher[ from[i] ] = to[i] ;
    while( EOF != scanf("%c", &ch ) ){
        if( cypher.count( ch ) )
            printf("%c", cypher[ch] ) ;
            printf("%c", ch ) ;
    return 0 ;

