滤波器被广泛地用于图象的预处理,抑制图象噪声,增强对比度,以及强化图象的边沿特征。运用较为广泛的线性滤波器如平均值滤波器,能较好地抑制图象中的加性噪声。 但是,线性滤波器会引起图象的钝化或模糊,使得图象中物体边界产生位移。特别是,在图象受到乘性噪声或脉冲噪声的干扰,如超声波及雷达成像中普遍存在的斑点噪声,线性滤波器就不能取得预期的效果。中值滤波器,就像其名字一样,是用该像素的相邻像素的灰度中值来代替该像素的值,是一种非线性滤波器。
buttord函数的用法为:[n,Wn]= buttord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs)
(1) 高通滤波器:Wp和Ws为一元矢量且Wp>Ws;
(2) 低通滤波器:Wp和Ws为一元矢量且Wp<Ws;
(3) 带通滤波器:Wp和Ws为二元矢量且Wp<Ws,如Wp=[0.2,0.7],Ws=[0.1,0.8];
(4) 带阻滤波器:Wp和Ws为二元矢量且Wp>Ws,如Wp=[0.1,0.8],Ws=[0.2,0.7]。
Imnoise3:生成周期噪声 。
显示原图像: f=imread(windmill_noise.png'); figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(f); title(‘原图像'); F=fft2(f); [M N]=size(f); f=double(f); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); title(‘原图像频谱');<span style="color:#cc66cc;">
理想带阻滤波器滤波效果: [u1,v1]=dftuv(M,N); d1=sqrt(u1.^2+v1.^2); w=5; D0=15; ba= d1<(D0-w/2) | d1>(D0+w/2); H=double(ba); g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); title(‘理想带阻'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); title(理想带阻频谱');
巴特沃斯带阻滤波: n=3; H = 1./(1 + (w*d1./(d1.^2-D0^2)).^(2*n)); g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(g,[]); title(‘btr'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); title(‘btr频谱图');
高斯带阻滤波: H = 1-exp(-1/2*(((d1.^2)-D0^2)./(d1*w)).^2); g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); title(‘高斯带阻'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); title(‘高斯带阻频谱');
① dftfilt.m
function g=dftfilt(f,H) F=fft2(f,size(H,1),size(H,2)); g=real(ifft2(H.*F)); g=g(1:size(f,1),1:size(f,2));② dftuv.m
function [u,v]=dftuv(m,n) u=0:(m-1); v=0:(n-1); idx=find(u>m/2); u(idx)=u(idx)-m; idy=find(v>n/2); v(idy)=v(idy)-n; [v,u]=meshgrid(v,u);③ pad1.m
%本文件包含paddedsize.m和dftuv.m及dftfilt.m三个文件 f=imread('D:\test\windmill_noise.png'); figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(f); title('原图像'); F=fft2(f); [M N]=size(f); f=double(f); %fc=ifft2(fft2(f)); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); % subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); title('原图像频谱'); %原图像频谱 %########################## PQ=paddedsize(size(f)); [u,v]=dftuv(PQ(1),PQ(2)); [u1,v1]=dftuv(M,N); %没有padding d1=sqrt(u1.^2+v1.^2); w=10;%带宽 理想带阻滤波 D0=15; ba= d1<(D0-w/2) | d1>(D0+w/2); H=double(ba); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(fftshift(H),[]); title('H'); %H = 1-exp(-1/2*(((d1.^2)-D0^2)./(d1*w)).^2);%高斯带阻滤波器 % H=fftshift(H); % H=ifftshift(H); % h=(-1).^(u1+v1); % hh=ifft2(h); H=real(ifft2(H)); % subplot(2,2,2),imshow(H,[]); title('H'); H1=imag(ifft2(H)); H=H+1i*H1; H=ifftshift(H); % H=H.*hh; H=fft2(H,900,1200); % subplot(2,2,2),imshow(ifft(real(H)),[]); title('H'); F=fft2(f,900,1200); % F=fftshift(F); % H=H(1:size(f,1),1:size(f,2)); % F=F(1:size(f,1),1:size(f,2)); tmp=H.*F; g=real(ifft2(H.*F)); %subplot(2,2,3),imshow(ifftshift(log(1+abs(F.*H))),[]); title('无padding高斯带阻图像频谱'); %g=g(226:675,301:900); % g=g(1:size(f,1),1:size(f,2)); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); title('无padding高斯带阻'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); title('无padding高斯带阻图像频谱');④ pad2.m
%本文件包含paddedsize.m和dftuv.m及dftfilt.m三个文件 f=imread('D:\test\windmill_noise.png'); figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(f); title('原图像'); F=fft2(f); [M N]=size(f); f=double(f); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); title('原图像频谱'); %原图像频谱 %########################## % PQ=paddedsize(size(f)); % [u,v]=dftuv(PQ(1),PQ(2)); [u1,v1]=dftuv(M,N); %没有padding d1=sqrt(u1.^2+v1.^2); %d0=0.05*PQ(2); %d0=0.1*N; d0=15; % F=fft2(f,PQ(1),PQ(2)); % H=1-(1-exp(-(u1.^2+v1.^2)/(2*(d0^2)))); %高斯高通滤波 % %g=dftfilt(f,H); % g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); % subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); title('高斯high通滤波'); % F=fft2(g); % fc=fftshift(F); % s=log(1+abs(fc)); % subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); title('高斯滤波后的图像频谱'); %高斯滤波后的图像频谱 % %########################### % d=sqrt(u.^2+v.^2); % H=1-1./(1+(d1/d0).^2); %巴特沃兹高通滤波 % %g=dftfilt(f,H); % g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); % figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(g,[]); title('巴特沃兹high通滤波'); % F=fft2(g); % fc=fftshift(F); % s=log(1+abs(fc)); % subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); title('巴特沃兹high通滤波后的图像频谱'); %巴特沃兹低通滤波后的图像频谱 % %########################## % h=double(d1<=d0); %理想高通滤波 % %g=dftfilt(f,H); % g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); % H=1-double(d1<=d0); % subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); title('理想high通滤波'); % F=fft2(g); % fc=fftshift(F); % s=log(1+abs(fc)); % subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); title('理想high通滤波后的图像频谱'); %理想低通滤波后的图像频谱 %##################### w=5;%带宽 理想带阻滤波 % % D0=sqrt(209*209+298*298); D0=15; ba= d1<(D0-w/2) | d1>(D0+w/2); H=double(ba); %g=dftfilt(f,H); g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); title('理想带阻滤波'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); title('理想带阻滤波后的图像频谱'); %理想带阻滤波后的图像频谱 %########################### n=3; %3阶巴特沃斯滤波器 H = 1./(1 + (w*d1./(d1.^2-D0^2)).^(2*n)); %g=dftfilt(f,H); g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(g,[]); title('巴特沃斯带阻滤波'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); title('巴特沃斯带阻滤波图像频谱'); %巴特沃斯带阻滤波后的图像频谱 %######################### H = 1-exp(-1/2*(((d1.^2)-D0^2)./(d1*w)).^2);%高斯带阻滤波器 %g=dftfilt(f,H); g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); title('高斯带阻滤波器'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); title('高斯带阻滤波后的图像频谱'); %高斯带阻滤波后的图像频谱 % %########################### % v0=15; % u0=0; % d1=((u-M/2-u0).^2 + (v-N/2-v0).^2).^(1/2); % d2=((u-M/2-u0).^2 + (v-N/2+v0).^2).^(1/2); % H=double(d0<d1 & d0<d2);%理想陷波带阻滤波器 % g=dftfilt(f,H); % subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); % F=fft2(g); % fc=fftshift(F); % s=log(1+abs(fc)); % subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); %理想陷波带阻滤波后的图像频谱 % %H=1/(1+(D0^2/(d1.*d2)).^2);⑤ pad3.m
%本文件包含paddedsize.m和dftuv.m及dftfilt.m三个文件 f=imread('D:\test\windmill_noise.png'); figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(f); title('原图像'); F=fft2(f); [M N]=size(f); f=double(f); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); title('原图像频谱'); %原图像频谱 %########################## [u1,v1]=dftuv(M,N); %没有padding d1=sqrt(u1.^2+v1.^2); d0=15; %##################### w=5;%带宽 理想带阻滤波 D0=15; ba= d1<(D0-w/2) | d1>(D0+w/2); H=double(ba); g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); title('理想带阻滤波'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); title('理想带阻滤波后的图像频谱'); %理想带阻滤波后的图像频谱 %########################### n=3; %3阶巴特沃斯滤波器 H = 1./(1 + (w*d1./(d1.^2-D0^2)).^(2*n)); g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(g,[]); title('巴特沃斯带阻滤波'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); title('巴特沃斯带阻滤波图像频谱'); %巴特沃斯带阻滤波后的图像频谱 %######################### H = 1-exp(-1/2*(((d1.^2)-D0^2)./(d1*w)).^2);%高斯带阻滤波器 g=real(ifft2(H.*fft2(f))); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); title('高斯带阻滤波器'); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); title('高斯带阻滤波后的图像频谱'); %高斯带阻滤波后的图像频谱⑥ paddedsize.m
function PQ = paddedsize(AB, CD, PARAM) %PADDEDSIZE Computes padded sizes useful for FFT-based filtering. % PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB), where AB is a two-element size vector, % computes the two-element size vector PQ = 2*AB. % % PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB, 'PWR2') computes the vector PQ such that % PQ(1) = PQ(2) = 2^nextpow2(2*m), where m is MAX(AB). % % PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB, CD), where AB and CD are two-element size % vectors, computes the two-element size vector PQ. The elements % of PQ are the smallest even integers greater than or equal to % AB + CD - 1. % % PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB, CD, 'PWR2') computes the vector PQ such that % PQ(1) = PQ(2) = 2^nextpow2(2*m), where m is MAX([AB CD]). % Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins % Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004 % $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2003/08/25 14:28:22 $ if nargin == 1 PQ = 2*AB; elseif nargin == 2 & ~ischar(CD) PQ = AB + CD - 1; PQ = 2 * ceil(PQ / 2); elseif nargin == 2 m = max(AB); % Maximum dimension. % Find power-of-2 at least twice m. P = 2^nextpow2(2*m); PQ = [P, P]; elseif nargin == 3 m = max([AB CD]); % Maximum dimension. P = 2^nextpow2(2*m); PQ = [P, P]; else error('Wrong number of inputs.') end以上代码的处理结果:
function R = imnoise2(type, M, N, a, b) %IMNOISE2 Generates an array of random numbers with specified PDF. % R = IMNOISE2(TYPE, M, N, A, B) generates an array, R, of size % M-by-N, whose elements are random numbers of the specified TYPE % with parameters A and B. If only TYPE is included in the % input argument list, a single random number of the specified % TYPE and default parameters shown below is generated. If only % TYPE, M, and N are provided, the default parameters shown below % are used. If M = N = 1, IMNOISE2 generates a single random % number of the specified TYPE and parameters A and B. % % Valid values for TYPE and parameters A and B are: % % 'uniform' Uniform random numbers in the interval (A, B). % The default values are (0, 1). % 'gaussian' Gaussian random numbers with mean A and standard % deviation B. The default values are A = 0, B = 1. % 'salt & pepper' Salt and pepper numbers of amplitude 0 with % probability Pa = A, and amplitude 1 with % probability Pb = B. The default values are Pa = % Pb = A = B = 0.05. Note that the noise has % values 0 (with probability Pa = A) and 1 (with % probability Pb = B), so scaling is necessary if % values other than 0 and 1 are required. The noise % matrix R is assigned three values. If R(x, y) = % 0, the noise at (x, y) is pepper (black). If % R(x, y) = 1, the noise at (x, y) is salt % (white). If R(x, y) = 0.5, there is no noise % assigned to coordinates (x, y). % 'lognormal' Lognormal numbers with offset A and shape % parameter B. The defaults are A = 1 and B = % 0.25. % 'rayleigh' Rayleigh noise with parameters A and B. The % default values are A = 0 and B = 1. % 'exponential' Exponential random numbers with parameter A. The % default is A = 1. % 'erlang' Erlang (gamma) random numbers with parameters A % and B. B must be a positive integer. The % defaults are A = 2 and B = 5. Erlang random % numbers are approximated as the sum of B % exponential random numbers. % Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins % Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004 % $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2003/10/12 23:37:29 $ % Set default values. if nargin == 1 a = 0; b = 1; M = 1; N = 1; elseif nargin == 3 a = 0; b = 1; end % Begin processing. Use lower(type) to protect against input being % capitalized. switch lower(type) case 'uniform' R = a + (b - a)*rand(M, N); case 'gaussian' R = a + b*randn(M, N); case 'salt & pepper' if nargin <= 3 a = 0.05; b = 0.05; end % Check to make sure that Pa + Pb is not > 1. if (a + b) > 1 error('The sum Pa + Pb must not exceed 1.') end R(1:M, 1:N) = 0.5; % Generate an M-by-N array of uniformly-distributed random numbers % in the range (0, 1). Then, Pa*(M*N) of them will have values <= % a. The coordinates of these points we call 0 (pepper % noise). Similarly, Pb*(M*N) points will have values in the range % > a & <= (a + b). These we call 1 (salt noise). X = rand(M, N); c = find(X <= a); R(c) = 0; u = a + b; c = find(X > a & X <= u); R(c) = 1; case 'lognormal' if nargin <= 3 a = 1; b = 0.25; end R = a*exp(b*randn(M, N)); case 'rayleigh' R = a + (-b*log(1 - rand(M, N))).^0.5; case 'exponential' if nargin <= 3 a = 1; end if a <= 0 error('Parameter a must be positive for exponential type.') end k = -1/a; R = k*log(1 - rand(M, N)); case 'erlang' if nargin <= 3 a = 2; b = 5; end if (b ~= round(b) | b <= 0) error('Param b must be a positive integer for Erlang.') end k = -1/a; R = zeros(M, N); for j = 1:b R = R + k*log(1 - rand(M, N)); end otherwise error('Unknown distribution type.') end<span style="color:#3333ff;"> </span>② 生成周期噪声: imnoise3.m
function [r, R, S] = imnoise3(M, N, C, A, B) %IMNOISE3 Generates periodic noise. % [r, R, S] = IMNOISE3(M, N, C, A, B), generates a spatial % sinusoidal noise pattern, r, of size M-by-N, its Fourier % transform, R, and spectrum, S. The remaining parameters are: % % C is a K-by-2 matrix with K pairs of freq. domain coordinates (u, % v) that define the locations of impulses in the freq. domain. The % locations are with respect to the frequency rectangle center at % (floor(M/2) + 1, floor(N/2) + 1). The impulse locations are spe- % cified as increments with respect to the center. For ex, if M = % N = 512, then the center is at (257, 257). To specify an impulse % at (280, 300) we specify the pair (23, 43); i.e., 257 + 23 = 280, % and 257 + 43 = 300. Only one pair of coordinates is required for % each impulse. The conjugate pairs are generated automatically. % % A is a 1-by-K vector that contains the amplitude of each of the % K impulse pairs. If A is not included in the argument, the % default used is A = ONES(1, K). B is then automatically set to % its default values (see next paragraph). The value specified % for A(j) is associated with the coordinates in C(j, 1:2). % % B is a K-by-2 matrix containing the Bx and By phase components % for each impulse pair. The default values for B are B(1:K, 1:2) % = 0. % Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins % Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004 % $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2004/11/04 22:32:42 $ % Process input parameters. [K, n] = size(C); if nargin == 3 A(1:K) = 1.0; B(1:K, 1:2) = 0; elseif nargin == 4 B(1:K, 1:2) = 0; end % Generate R. R = zeros(M, N); for j = 1:K u1 = M/2 + 1 + C(j, 1); v1 = N/2 + 1 + C(j, 2); R(u1, v1) = i * (A(j)/2) * exp(i*2*pi*C(j, 1) * B(j, 1)/M); % Complex conjugate. u2 = M/2 + 1 - C(j, 1); v2 = N/2 + 1 - C(j, 2); R(u2, v2) = -i * (A(j)/2) * exp(i*2*pi*C(j, 2) * B(j, 2)/N); end % Compute spectrum and spatial sinusoidal pattern. S = abs(R); r = real(ifft2(ifftshift(R)));③ 低通滤波: lpfilter.m
function H = lpfilter(type, M, N, D0, n) %LPFILTER Computes frequency domain lowpass filters. % H = LPFILTER(TYPE, M, N, D0, n) creates the transfer function of % a lowpass filter, H, of the specified TYPE and size (M-by-N). To % view the filter as an image or mesh plot, it should be centered % using H = fftshift(H). % % Valid values for TYPE, D0, and n are: % % 'ideal' Ideal lowpass filter with cutoff frequency D0. n need % not be supplied. D0 must be positive. % % 'btw' Butterworth lowpass filter of order n, and cutoff % D0. The default value for n is 1.0. D0 must be % positive. % % 'gaussian' Gaussian lowpass filter with cutoff (standard % deviation) D0. n need not be supplied. D0 must be % positive. % Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins % Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004 % $Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2004/11/04 22:33:16 $ % Use function dftuv to set up the meshgrid arrays needed for % computing the required distances. [U, V] = dftuv(M, N); % Compute the distances D(U, V). D = sqrt(U.^2 + V.^2); % Begin filter computations. switch type case 'ideal' H = double(D <= D0); case 'btw' if nargin == 4 n = 1; end H = 1./(1 + (D./D0).^(2*n)); case 'gaussian' H = exp(-(D.^2)./(2*(D0^2))); otherwise error('Unknown filter type.') end④ 带通滤波:bpfilter.m
function H=bpfilter(type, M, N, D0,n,W) if nargin == 4 n = 1; % Default value of n. end % Generate highpass filter. Hlp = bsfilter(type, M, N, D0, n,W); H = 1 - Hlp;⑤ 带阻滤波:bsfilter.m
function H=bsfilter(type, M, N, D0,n,W) [U, V] = dftuv(M, N); % Compute the distances D(U, V). D = sqrt(U.^2 + V.^2); % Begin filter computations. switch type case 'ideal' if D < (D0-W/2)|D > (D0+W/2) H=1; else H=0; end case 'btw' if nargin == 4 n = 1; end H = 1./(1 + (D./(D.^2-D0^2)).^(2*n)); case 'gaussian' H = 1-exp-1/2*(((D.^2)-D0^2)./(D*W)).^2; otherwise error('Unknown filter type.') end⑥ 高通滤波:hpfilter.m
function H = hpfilter(type, M, N, D0, n) %HPFILTER Computes frequency domain highpass filters. % H = HPFILTER(TYPE, M, N, D0, n) creates the transfer function of % a highpass filter, H, of the specified TYPE and size (M-by-N). % Valid values for TYPE, D0, and n are: % % 'ideal' Ideal highpass filter with cutoff frequency D0. n % need not be supplied. D0 must be positive. % % 'btw' Butterworth highpass filter of order n, and cutoff % D0. The default value for n is 1.0. D0 must be % positive. % % 'gaussian' Gaussian highpass filter with cutoff (standard % deviation) D0. n need not be supplied. D0 must be % positive. % Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins % Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004 % $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2003/08/25 14:28:22 $ % The transfer function Hhp of a highpass filter is 1 - Hlp, % where Hlp is the transfer function of the corresponding lowpass % filter. Thus, we can use function lpfilter to generate highpass % filters. if nargin == 4 n = 1; % Default value of n. end % Generate highpass filter. Hlp = lpfilter(type, M, N, D0, n); H = 1 - Hlp;⑦ adpmedian.m
function f=adpmedian(g,smax) if(smax<=1)||(smax/2==round(smax/2))||(smax~=round(smax)) error('smax must be an odd inger>1') end [M,N]=size(g); f=g; f(:)=0; alreadyprocessed=false(size(g)); for k=3:2:smax zmin=ordfilt2(g,1,ones(k,k),'symmetric'); zmax=ordfilt2(g,k*k,ones(k,k),'symmetric'); zmed=medfilt2(g,[k,k],'symmetric'); processusinglevelB=(zmed>zmin)&(zmax>zmed)&~alreadyprocessed; zB=(g>zmin)&(zmax>g); outputzxy=processusinglevelB &zB; outputzmed=processusinglevelB &~zB; f(outputzxy)=g(outputzxy); f(outputzmed)=g(outputzmed); alreadyprocessed=alreadyprocessed|processusinglevelB; if all( alreadyprocessed(:)) break; end end⑧ 改变图像的存储类:changeclass.m
function image = changeclass(class, varargin) %CHANGECLASS changes the storage class of an image. % I2 = CHANGECLASS(CLASS, I); % RGB2 = CHANGECLASS(CLASS, RGB); % BW2 = CHANGECLASS(CLASS, BW); % X2 = CHANGECLASS(CLASS, X, 'indexed'); % Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc. Used with permission. % $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2003/02/19 22:09:58 $ switch class case 'uint8' image = im2uint8(varargin{:}); case 'uint16' image = im2uint16(varargin{:}); case 'double' image = im2double(varargin{:}); otherwise error('Unsupported IPT data class.'); end⑨ 空间域滤波: spfilt.m
function f = spfilt(g, type, m, n, parameter) %SPFILT Performs linear and nonlinear spatial filtering. % F = SPFILT(G, TYPE, M, N, PARAMETER) performs spatial filtering % of image G using a TYPE filter of size M-by-N. Valid calls to % SPFILT are as follows: % % F = SPFILT(G, 'amean', M, N) Arithmetic mean filtering. % F = SPFILT(G, 'gmean', M, N) Geometric mean filtering. % F = SPFILT(G, 'hmean', M, N) Harmonic mean filtering. % F = SPFILT(G, 'chmean', M, N, Q) Contraharmonic mean % filtering of order Q. The % default is Q = 1.5. % F = SPFILT(G, 'median', M, N) Median filtering. % F = SPFILT(G, 'max', M, N) Max filtering. % F = SPFILT(G, 'min', M, N) Min filtering. % F = SPFILT(G, 'midpoint', M, N) Midpoint filtering. % F = SPFILT(G, 'atrimmed', M, N, D) Alpha-trimmed mean filtering. % Parameter D must be a % nonnegative even integer; % its default value is D = 2. % % The default values when only G and TYPE are input are M = N = 3, % Q = 1.5, and D = 2. % Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins % Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004 % $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2003/10/27 20:07:00 $ % Process inputs. if nargin == 2 m = 3; n = 3; Q = 1.5; d = 2; elseif nargin == 5 Q = parameter; d = parameter; elseif nargin == 4 Q = 1.5; d = 2; else error('Wrong number of inputs.'); end % Do the filtering. switch type case 'amean' w = fspecial('average', [m n]); f = imfilter(g, w, 'replicate'); case 'gmean' f = gmean(g, m, n); case 'hmean' f = harmean(g, m, n); case 'chmean' f = charmean(g, m, n, Q); case 'median' f = medfilt2(g, [m n], 'symmetric'); case 'max' f = ordfilt2(g, m*n, ones(m, n), 'symmetric'); case 'min' f = ordfilt2(g, 1, ones(m, n), 'symmetric'); case 'midpoint' f1 = ordfilt2(g, 1, ones(m, n), 'symmetric'); f2 = ordfilt2(g, m*n, ones(m, n), 'symmetric'); f = imlincomb(0.5, f1, 0.5, f2); case 'atrimmed' if (d <= 0) | (d/2 ~= round(d/2)) error('d must be a positive, even integer.') end f = alphatrim(g, m, n, d); otherwise error('Unknown filter type.') end %-------------------------------------------------------------------% function f = gmean(g, m, n) % Implements a geometric mean filter. inclass = class(g); g = im2double(g); % Disable log(0) warning. warning off; f = exp(imfilter(log(g), ones(m, n), 'replicate')).^(1 / m / n); warning on; f = changeclass(inclass, f); %-------------------------------------------------------------------% function f = harmean(g, m, n) % Implements a harmonic mean filter. inclass = class(g); g = im2double(g); f = m * n ./ imfilter(1./(g + eps),ones(m, n), 'replicate'); f = changeclass(inclass, f); %-------------------------------------------------------------------% function f = charmean(g, m, n, q) % Implements a contraharmonic mean filter. inclass = class(g); g = im2double(g); f = imfilter(g.^(q+1), ones(m, n), 'replicate'); f = f ./ (imfilter(g.^q, ones(m, n), 'replicate') + eps); f = changeclass(inclass, f); %-------------------------------------------------------------------% function f = alphatrim(g, m, n, d) % Implements an alpha-trimmed mean filter. inclass = class(g); g = im2double(g); f = imfilter(g, ones(m, n), 'symmetric'); for k = 1:d/2 f = imsubtract(f, ordfilt2(g, k, ones(m, n), 'symmetric')); end for k = (m*n - (d/2) + 1):m*n f = imsubtract(f, ordfilt2(g, k, ones(m, n), 'symmetric')); end f = f / (m*n - d); f = changeclass(inclass, f);⑩ 入口函数:paddedsize.m
function PQ=paddedsize(AB,CD,PARAM) if nargin==1 PQ=2*AB; elseif nargin==2&~ischar(CD) PQ=AB+CD-1; PQ=2*ceil(PQ/2); elseif nargin==2 m=max(AB); P=2^nextpow2(2*m); PQ=[P,P]; elseif nargin==3 m=max([AB,CD]); P=2^nextpow2(2*m); PQ=[P,P]; else error('wrong number of inputs.') end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [u,v]=dftuv(m,n) u=0:(m-1); v=0:(n-1); idx=find(u>m/2); u(idx)=u(idx)-m; idy=find(v>n/2); v(idy)=v(idy)-n; [v,u]=meshgrid(v,u); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function g=dftfilt(f,H) F=fft2(f,size(H,1),size(H,2)); g=real(ifft2(H.*F)); g=g(1:size(f,1),1:size(f,2)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %本文件包含paddedsize.m和dftuv.m及dftfilt.m三个文件 f=imread('D:\test\windmill_noise.png'); figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(f); F=fft2(f); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); %原图像频谱 PQ=paddedsize(size(f)); [u,v]=dftuv(PQ(1),PQ(2)); d0=0.05*PQ(2); F=fft2(f,PQ(1),PQ(2)); H=exp(-(u.^2+v.^2)/(2*(d0^2))); %高斯低通滤波 g=dftfilt(f,H); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); %高斯滤波后的图像频谱 d=sqrt(u.^2+v.^2); H=1./(1+(d/d0).^2); %巴特沃兹低通滤波 g=dftfilt(f,H); figure,subplot(2,2,1),imshow(g,[]); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(s,[]); %巴特沃兹低通滤波后的图像频谱 h=double(d<=d0); %理想低通滤波 g=dftfilt(f,H); H=double(d<=d0); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(g,[]); F=fft2(g); fc=fftshift(F); s=log(1+abs(fc)); subplot(2,2,4),imshow(s,[]); %理想低通滤波后的图像频谱