

Android Runtime(缩写为ART),是一种在Android操作系统上的运行环境,在Android 5.0及后续Android版本中作为正式的运行时库取代了以往的Dalvik虚拟机。ART能够把应用程序的字节码转换为机器码,是Android所使用的一种新的虚拟机。它与Dalvik的主要不同在于:Dalvik采用的是JIT技术,而ART采用Ahead-of-time(AOT)技术。ART同时也改善了性能、垃圾回收(Garbage Collection)、应用程序除错以及性能分析。








While OAT file is an ELF file, it is not your usual executable ELF with everything in it including the entrypoint. It actually has a small number of symbols that are beginning and end of a binary blob which in turn contains the executable code of compiled methods. Now which methods should be called or when is all determined by runtime.

How it all works - a class is loaded. There is a C++ object that represents the Java object that is that class. Then an instance of that class is created. That's another C++ object. Than a method of that object is called. You find the object's class and find the method entrypoint (which is the compiled code). That code calls some other method - for that you will return back to runtime code, find another object and its class and call the new method again. There are no direct calls between methods (that I know of).

All this linking and resolution is actually done at each application start. Bootclasspath stuff is initialized once and then the process is forked so the children don't have to re-init bootclasspath (it's a bit more complex than that because of actually).

So the ART is still a JVM and OAT files are just some intermediate representation of some pre-compiled code. The fact that they are ELF files doesn't help much - could be something else.

P.S. Actually OAT file also contains all the DEX files which were used to create it. It is needed to construct the classes and methods. It is also possible to run application in interpreter mode when it actually executes DEX instructions directly.





对比JVM和Dalvik VM,可以发现:



这时候我们再回过头看Android runtime的解释:

Android Runtime (ART) is an application runtime environment used by the Android operating system. ART replaces Dalvik, which is the process virtual machine originally used by Android, and transforms the application's bytecode into native instructions that are later executed by the device's runtime environment.[1]

ART是一个供Android操作系统使用的应用程序运行时环境。ART取代了Dalvik,将应用程序的字节码转换成机器码(native instructions / machine language),以供设配的运行时环境调用执行。


注意:这里提到两个运行时(runtime)一个是Android runtime(ART);另一个是设备的runtime。关于runtime,IOS开发也有object-c runtime,谷歌浏览器开发有chrome rumtime.


编译方式方面:ART采用Ahead of Time(AOT)方式编译;Dalvik采用Just In Time(JIT)方式编译。ART的提前编译,只编译一次的策略更有优势。其次避免了实时编译的弊端,还得到了省电的效果。


Unlike Dalvik, ART introduces the use of ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation by compiling entire applications into native machine code upon their installation.


Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation is the act of compiling a high-level programming language such as C or C++, or an intermediate language such as Java bytecode or .NET Common Intermediate Language (CIL) code, into a native (system-dependent) machine code with the intention of executing the resulting binary file natively.

AOT编译是一种将高级程序语言,如C或C++,或中间语言如java bytecode或.net CIL code,编译成一种本地机器码的行为。

just-in-time (JIT) compilation, also known as dynamic translation, is compilation done during execution of a program – at run time – rather than prior to execution.

JIT compilation is a combination of the two traditional approaches to translation to machine code – ahead-of-time compilation (AOT), and interpretation。





native code (Windows: PE, PE32+, OS X/iOS: Mach-O, Linux/Android/etc: ELF);

The runtime (CLR for .net or JVM for Java);



runtime system:一种设计用来执行计算机程序的软件。

A runtime system, also called run-time system, primarily implements portions of an execution model. This is in contrast to the runtime lifecycle phase of a program, during which the runtime system is in operation. Most languages have some form of runtime system, which implements control over the order in which work that was specified in terms of the language gets performed. Over the years, the meaning of the term 'runtime system' has been expanded to include nearly any behaviors that are dynamically determined during execution.


runtime library:一种实现了构造程序语言的方法的程序库。

以java的运行时系统(java runtime system / java runtime environment)为例,包含 Java Virtual Machine (Java interpreter)、core class library and supporting files、all of which are required to run a Java program.

To put in simplest terms, runtime comprises of software instructions that execute when your program is running, even if they’re not essentially are a part of the code of that piece of software in particular. These instructions basically translate the software’s own code into the code that the computer is capable of running. Therefore, all computer languages require some sort of runtime environment that can properly execute the code written in that language.

Android makes use of a virtual machine as its runtime environment in order to run the APK files that constitute an Android application. The advantage of using a virtual machine is twofold – firstly, the app code is isolated from the core operating system, ensuring that should something go wrong, it’s contained in an isolated environment and does not effect the primary OS. And secondly, it allows for cross-compatibility, meaning even if an app is compiled on another platform (such as a PC, as is usually the case with developing mobile apps) , they can still be executed on the mobile platform using the virtual machine.

For Android, the virtual machine-based runtime environemnt in use so far is known as the Dalvik Virtual Machine, which, I’m sure anyone who’s ever digged into the details of the OS, is more than familiar with.
