

package com.riafan.utils {

* Class that contains static utility methods for manipulating and working
* with Arrays
* @author Flying
* @version 1
* @tiptext
public class ArrayUtil {

* Switch the rows and columns of a 2d array array
* @param arr The 2d array whose dimensions will be switched
* @return A new array which contains items after switch
public static function switchDimensions(arr : Array) : Array {
var newArr : Array = new Array();
var rowMax : uint = arr.length;
var colMax : uint;
try {
if(arr[0] is Array) {
colMax = arr[0].length;
}else {
throw new TypeError("muse be a 2d array");
catch (error : TypeError) {
for (var col : uint = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
var tmpArr : Array = new Array();
for (var row : uint = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
tmpArr[row] = (arr[row][col]);
newArr[col] = tmpArr;
return newArr;
