关于算法的源代码,Ziv Yaniv曾经写一个不错的C++版本,我在关键处增补了注释:
#include <math.h> #include "LineParamEstimator.h" LineParamEstimator::LineParamEstimator(double delta) : m_deltaSquared(delta*delta) {} /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Compute the line parameters [n_x,n_y,a_x,a_y] * 通过输入的两点来确定所在直线,采用法线向量的方式来表示,以兼容平行或垂直的情况 * 其中n_x,n_y为归一化后,与原点构成的法线向量,a_x,a_y为直线上任意一点 */ void LineParamEstimator::estimate(std::vector<Point2D *> &data, std::vector<double> ¶meters) { parameters.clear(); if(data.size()<2) return; double nx = data[1]->y - data[0]->y; double ny = data[0]->x - data[1]->x;// 原始直线的斜率为K,则法线的斜率为-1/k double norm = sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny); parameters.push_back(nx/norm); parameters.push_back(ny/norm); parameters.push_back(data[0]->x); parameters.push_back(data[0]->y); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Compute the line parameters [n_x,n_y,a_x,a_y] * 使用最小二乘法,从输入点中拟合出确定直线模型的所需参量 */ void LineParamEstimator::leastSquaresEstimate(std::vector<Point2D *> &data, std::vector<double> ¶meters) { double meanX, meanY, nx, ny, norm; double covMat11, covMat12, covMat21, covMat22; // The entries of the symmetric covarinace matrix int i, dataSize = data.size(); parameters.clear(); if(data.size()<2) return; meanX = meanY = 0.0; covMat11 = covMat12 = covMat21 = covMat22 = 0; for(i=0; i<dataSize; i++) { meanX +=data[i]->x; meanY +=data[i]->y; covMat11 +=data[i]->x * data[i]->x; covMat12 +=data[i]->x * data[i]->y; covMat22 +=data[i]->y * data[i]->y; } meanX/=dataSize; meanY/=dataSize; covMat11 -= dataSize*meanX*meanX; covMat12 -= dataSize*meanX*meanY; covMat22 -= dataSize*meanY*meanY; covMat21 = covMat12; if(covMat11<1e-12) { nx = 1.0; ny = 0.0; } else { //lamda1 is the largest eigen-value of the covariance matrix //and is used to compute the eigne-vector corresponding to the smallest //eigenvalue, which isn't computed explicitly. double lamda1 = (covMat11 + covMat22 + sqrt((covMat11-covMat22)*(covMat11-covMat22) + 4*covMat12*covMat12)) / 2.0; nx = -covMat12; ny = lamda1 - covMat22; norm = sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny); nx/=norm; ny/=norm; } parameters.push_back(nx); parameters.push_back(ny); parameters.push_back(meanX); parameters.push_back(meanY); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* * Given the line parameters [n_x,n_y,a_x,a_y] check if * [n_x, n_y] dot [data.x-a_x, data.y-a_y] < m_delta * 通过与已知法线的点乘结果,确定待测点与已知直线的匹配程度;结果越小则越符合,为 * 零则表明点在直线上 */ bool LineParamEstimator::agree(std::vector<double> ¶meters, Point2D &data) { double signedDistance = parameters[0]*(data.x-parameters[2]) + parameters[1]*(data.y-parameters[3]); return ((signedDistance*signedDistance) < m_deltaSquared); }
/*****************************************************************************/ template<class T, class S> double Ransac<T,S>::compute(std::vector<S> ¶meters, ParameterEsitmator<T,S> *paramEstimator , std::vector<T> &data, int numForEstimate) { std::vector<T *> leastSquaresEstimateData; int numDataObjects = data.size(); int numVotesForBest = -1; int *arr = new int[numForEstimate];// numForEstimate表示拟合模型所需要的最少点数,对本例的直线来说,该值为2 short *curVotes = new short[numDataObjects]; //one if data[i] agrees with the current model, otherwise zero short *bestVotes = new short[numDataObjects]; //one if data[i] agrees with the best model, otherwise zero //there are less data objects than the minimum required for an exact fit if(numDataObjects < numForEstimate) return 0; // 计算所有可能的直线,寻找其中误差最小的解。对于100点的直线拟合来说,大约需要100*99*0.5=4950次运算,复杂度无疑是庞大的。一般采用随机选取子集的方式。 computeAllChoices(paramEstimator,data,numForEstimate, bestVotes, curVotes, numVotesForBest, 0, data.size(), numForEstimate, 0, arr); //compute the least squares estimate using the largest sub set for(int j=0; j<numDataObjects; j++) { if(bestVotes[j]) leastSquaresEstimateData.push_back(&(data[j])); } // 对局内点再次用最小二乘法拟合出模型 paramEstimator->leastSquaresEstimate(leastSquaresEstimateData,parameters); delete [] arr; delete [] bestVotes; delete [] curVotes; return (double)leastSquaresEstimateData.size()/(double)numDataObjects; }