VPython - example - 模拟斜上抛运动(X-Y- -Z)

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From http://wiki.showmedo.com/index.php/PythonThompsonVPythonSeries


from visual import * scene.width = 400 scene.height = 300 scene.autoscale = 0 scene.range = (100,100,100) scene.center = (50,40,0) ball = sphere(pos=(0,2,0),radius=2, color=color.green) ground = box(pos=(50,-1,0),size=(100,2,50)) gravity = 9.8 # m/s**2 velocity = 25 # m/s angle = 45 # degrees angle = angle * (pi/180) # converted to radians # sin = opp / hyp # cos = adj / hyp # therefore # opp = hyp * sin # adj = hyp * cos VelocityY = velocity * sin(angle) VelocityX = velocity * cos(angle) VelocityZ = 0 VelocityThrown = vector(VelocityX,VelocityY,0) VelocityWind = vector(2,1,-5) TotalVelocity = VelocityThrown + VelocityWind seconds = 0 dt = .01 finished = False while not finished: rate(100) # go thru the loop no more than 100 times/s seconds += dt # position equation: y(t) = y0 + v0*t + .5 * a * t**2 ballY = 2 + TotalVelocity.y * seconds - .5 * gravity * seconds**2 ballX = TotalVelocity.x * seconds ballZ = TotalVelocity.z * seconds ball.pos = vector(ballX,ballY,ballZ) if ballY - 2 <= 0: finished = True print "initial velocity: " + str(velocity) print "angle thrown: " + str(angle) print "seconds in flight: " + str(seconds) print "distance in the x direction: " + str(ballX) mylabel = label(pos=(50,60,0),text="seconds in flight: " + str(seconds),height=10)


VPython - example - 模拟斜上抛运动(X-Y- -Z)_第1张图片

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