gcc -g -pthread -o testpool testpool.c tpool.c log.c
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * tpool.h – 线程池定义 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _TPOOL_H_ #define _TPOOL_H_ #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> /*工作线程链表*/ typedef struct tpool_work { void (*handler_routine)(); /*任务函数指针*/ void *arg; /*任务函数参数*/ struct tpool_work *next; /*下一个任务链表*/ } tpool_work_t; /*线程池结构体*/ typedef struct tpool { int num_threads; /*最大线程数*/ int max_queue_size; /*最大任务链表数*/ int do_not_block_when_full; /*当链表满时是否阻塞*/ pthread_t *threads; /*线程指针*/ int cur_queue_size; tpool_work_t *queue_head; /*链表头*/ tpool_work_t *queue_tail; /*链表尾*/ pthread_mutex_t queue_lock; /*链表互斥量*/ pthread_cond_t queue_not_full; /*链表条件量-未满*/ pthread_cond_t queue_not_empty; /*链表条件量-非空*/ pthread_cond_t queue_empty; /*链表条件量-空*/ int queue_closed; int shutdown; } tpool_t; /* 初始化连接池 */ extern tpool_t *tpool_init(int num_worker_threads,\ int max_queue_size, int do_not_block_when_full); /* 添加一个工作线程 */ extern int tpool_add_work(tpool_t *pool, void (*routine)(), void *arg); /* 清除线程池*/ extern int tpool_destroy(tpool_t *pool, int finish); #endif /* _TPOOL_H_ */在这个文件中定义了线程池的结构,工作线程函数的原型以及线程池的基本操作.线面给出的tpool.c是线程池的实现.函数tpool_init完成了线程池的初始化操作,包括对内存的设置,对线程属性的设置和池中线程的预创建.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * tpool.c – 线程池的实现 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "tpool.h" #include "log.h" /* 工作线程 */ void *tpool_thread(void *tpool); /***************线程池初始化*****************************/ tpool_t *tpool_init(int num_worker_threads,\ /*线程池线程个数*/ int max_queue_size, \ /*最大任务数*/ int do_not_block_when_full) /*是否阻塞任务满的时候*/ { int i, rtn; tpool_t *pool; lprintf(log, INFO, "init pool begin ...\n"); /* 创建线程池结构体 */ if((pool = (struct tpool *)malloc(sizeof(struct tpool))) == NULL) { lprintf(log, FATAL, "Unable to malloc() thread pool!\n"); return NULL; } /* 设置线程池架构体成员 */ pool->num_threads = num_worker_threads; /*工作线程个数*/ pool->max_queue_size = max_queue_size; /*任务链表最大长度*/ pool->do_not_block_when_full = do_not_block_when_full; /*任务链表满时是否等待*/ /* 生成线程池缓存 */ if((pool->threads = (pthread_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)*num_worker_threads)) == NULL) { lprintf(log, FATAL,"Unable to malloc() thread info array\n"); return NULL; } /* 初始化任务链表 */ pool->cur_queue_size = 0; pool->queue_head = NULL; pool->queue_tail = NULL; pool->queue_closed = 0; pool->shutdown = 0; /* 初始化互斥变量,条件变量 用于线程之间的同步 */ if((rtn = pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->queue_lock),NULL)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread_mutex_init %s",strerror(rtn)); return NULL; } if((rtn = pthread_cond_init(&(pool->queue_not_empty),NULL)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread_cond_init %s",strerror(rtn)); return NULL; } if((rtn = pthread_cond_init(&(pool->queue_not_full),NULL)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread_cond_init %s",strerror(rtn)); return NULL; } if((rtn = pthread_cond_init(&(pool->queue_empty),NULL)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread_cond_init %s",strerror(rtn)); return NULL; } /* 创建所有的线程 */ for(i = 0; i != num_worker_threads; i++) { if( (rtn=pthread_create(&(pool->threads[i]),NULL,tpool_thread,(void*)pool)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread_create %s\n",strerror(rtn)); return NULL; } lprintf(log, INFO, "init pthread %d!\n",i); } lprintf(log, INFO, "init pool end!\n"); return pool; }函数tpool_add_work为线程池添加了一个工作线程.因为预创建的线程是不能做任何工作的,只有分配了适当的任务后,才会使预创建的线程真正的工作起来.
int tpool_add_work(tpool_t *pool, \ /*线程池指针*/ void (*routine)(void *),\ /*工作线程函数指针*/ void *arg) /*工作线程函数参数*/ { int rtn; tpool_work_t *workp; /*当前工作线程*/ if((rtn = pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->queue_lock)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread mutex lock failure\n"); return -1; } /* 采取独占的形式访问任务链表 */ if((pool->cur_queue_size == pool->max_queue_size) && \ (pool->do_not_block_when_full)) { if((rtn = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->queue_lock)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread mutex lock failure\n"); return -1; } return -1; } /* 等待任务链表为新线程释放空间 */ while((pool->cur_queue_size == pool->max_queue_size) && (!(pool->shutdown || pool->queue_closed))) { if((rtn = pthread_cond_wait(&(pool->queue_not_full), &(pool->queue_lock)) ) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread cond wait failure\n"); return -1; } } if(pool->shutdown || pool->queue_closed) { if((rtn = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->queue_lock)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread mutex lock failure\n"); return -1; } return -1; } /* 分配工作线程结构体 */ if((workp = (tpool_work_t *)malloc(sizeof(tpool_work_t))) == NULL) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"unable to create work struct\n"); return -1; } workp->handler_routine = routine; workp->arg = arg; workp->next = NULL; if(pool->cur_queue_size == 0) { pool->queue_tail = pool->queue_head = workp; if((rtn = pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_not_empty))) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread broadcast error\n"); return -1; } } else { pool->queue_tail->next = workp; pool->queue_tail = workp; } pool->cur_queue_size++; /* 释放对任务链表的独占 */ if((rtn = pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->queue_lock)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread mutex lock failure\n"); return -1; } return 0; }当线程池退出后,需要释放所用的资源,包括以下五个步骤:
int tpool_destroy(tpool_t *pool, int finish) { int i, rtn; tpool_work_t *cur; /*当前工作线程*/ lprintf(log, INFO, "destroy pool begin!\n"); /* 释放对任务链表的独占 */ if((rtn = pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock))) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread mutex lock failure\n"); return -1; } /* 第一步,设置线程退出标记 */ lprintf(log, INFO, "destroy pool begin 1!\n"); if(pool->queue_closed || pool->shutdown) { if((rtn = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock))) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread mutex lock failure\n"); return -1; } return 0; } /* 第二步,禁止新任务加入任务链表 */ lprintf(log, INFO, "destroy pool begin 2!\n"); pool->queue_closed = 1; if(finish) { while(pool->cur_queue_size != 0) { if((rtn = pthread_cond_wait(&(pool->queue_empty),&(pool->queue_lock))) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread_cond_wait %d\n",rtn); return -1; } } } /* 第三步,设置线程池销毁标记 */ lprintf(log, INFO, "destroy pool begin 3!\n"); pool->shutdown = 1; if((rtn = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock))) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread mutex unlock failure\n"); return -1; } /* 第四步,等待所有已建立的线程退出 */ lprintf(log, INFO, "destroy pool begin 4!\n"); if((rtn = pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_not_empty))) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread_cond_boradcast %d\n",rtn); return -1; } if((rtn = pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_not_full))) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread_cond_boradcast %d\n",rtn); return -1; } for(i = 0; i < pool->num_threads; i++) { if((rtn = pthread_join(pool->threads[i],NULL)) != 0) { lprintf(log,FATAL,"pthread_join %d\n",rtn); return -1; } } /* 第五步,释放线程池所占的内存空间 */ free(pool->threads); while(pool->queue_head != NULL) { cur = pool->queue_head->next; pool->queue_head = pool->queue_head->next; free(cur); } free(pool); lprintf(log, INFO, "destroy pool end!\n"); return 0; }函数tpool_thread定义了工作线程的函数,其中真正与实际任务有关的只有一行代码:
void *tpool_thread(void *tpool) { tpool_work_t *my_work; tpool_t *pool = (struct tpool *)tpool; for(;;) {/* 线程内循环 */ pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock)); /* 如果任务列表为0,并且线程池没有关闭,则一直等待,直到任务到来为止 */ while((pool->cur_queue_size == 0) && (!pool->shutdown)) { pthread_cond_wait(&(pool->queue_not_empty), &(pool->queue_lock)); } /* 线程池是否已经关闭,如果线程池关闭则线程自己主动关闭 */ if(pool->shutdown) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock)); pthread_exit(NULL); /*线程退出状态为空,主线程不捕获各副线程状态*/ } my_work = pool->queue_head; pool->cur_queue_size--; /*将任务链表头部去掉,改任务正在处理中*/ if(pool->cur_queue_size == 0) pool->queue_head = pool->queue_tail = NULL; else pool->queue_head = my_work->next; /* 任务链表还没有满 */ if((!pool->do_not_block_when_full) &&\ (pool->cur_queue_size == (pool->max_queue_size - 1))) { pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_not_full)); } /*任务链表为空*/ if(pool->cur_queue_size == 0) { pthread_cond_signal(&(pool->queue_empty)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock)); /*启动线程业务处理逻辑*/ (*(my_work->handler_routine))(my_work->arg); free(my_work); } return(NULL); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * log.h 记录函数定义 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __LOG_H #define __LOG_H #include <stdio.h> #include <semaphore.h> /*记录的最大长度*/ #define LOGLINE_MAX 1024 /*记录的等级*/ #define DEBUG 1 #define INFO 2 #define WARN 3 #define ERROR 4 #define FATAL 5 /*记录的类型*/ #define LOG_TRUNC 1<<0 #define LOG_NODATE 1<<1 #define LOG_NOLF 1<<2 #define LOG_NOLVL 1<<3 #define LOG_DEBUG 1<<4 #define LOG_STDERR 1<<5 #define LOG_NOTID 1<<6 typedef struct { int fd; sem_t sem; int flags; } log_t; /* * 功能描述: 记录打印函数,将记录打印至记录文件logfile。 * 参数: log_t - log_open()函数的返回值 * level - 可以是: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL * fmt - 记录的内容,格式同printf()函数 * 返回值: 成功返回0,失败返回-1 */ int lprintf( log_t *log, unsigned int level, char *fmt, ... ); /* * 功能描述: 初始化记录文件the logfile *参数: fname - 记录文件logfile的文件名 * flags - 记录格式的选项 * LOG_TRUNC - 截断打开的记录文件 * LOG_NODATE - 忽略记录中的每一行 * LOG_NOLF - 自动为每条记录新开一行. * LOG_NOLVL - 不记录消息的等级 * LOG_STDERR - 将消息同时送到STDERR *返回值:成功返回log_t(>0),失败返回NULL */ log_t *log_open( char *fname, int flags ); /* * 功能描述:关闭记录文件 * 参数: * log - 记录文件的指针 */ void log_close( log_t *log ); #endif
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * log.c – 记录函数实现 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "log.h" int lprintf( log_t *log, unsigned int level, char *fmt, ... ) { int fd; int rc; va_list ap; time_t now; char date[50]; static char line[LOGLINE_MAX]; static char threadnum[10]; int cnt; static char *levels[6] = { "[(bad)] ", "[debug] ", "[info ] ", "[warn ] ", "[error] ", "[fatal] " }; if(!log) return -1; if( !(log->flags&LOG_DEBUG) && level == DEBUG ) return 0; fd=log->fd; /*日期*/ if( !(log->flags&LOG_NODATE) ) { now=time(NULL); strcpy(date,ctime(&now)); date[strlen(date)-6]=' '; date[strlen(date)-5]='\0'; } /*线程号*/ if( !(log->flags&LOG_NOTID) ) { sprintf(threadnum, "(TID:%lu) ", pthread_self()); } cnt = snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s%s%s", log->flags&LOG_NODATE ? "" : date, log->flags&LOG_NOLVL ? "" : (level > FATAL ? levels[0] : levels[level]), log->flags&LOG_NOTID ? "" : threadnum); va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(line+cnt, sizeof(line)-cnt, fmt, ap); /*如果输入的日志过长会自动截取*/ va_end(ap); line[sizeof(line)-1] = '\0'; if( !(log->flags&LOG_NOLF) ) { /*chomp(line);*/ /*strcpy(line+strlen(line), "\n");*/ } sem_wait(&log->sem); /*用信号实现同步*/ rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); if (log->flags&LOG_STDERR) write(2, line, strlen(line)); sem_post(&log->sem); if( !rc ) errno = 0; return rc; }log_open函数的作用是打开一个记录文件,其作用与fopen函数类似.
log_t *log_open( char *fname, int flags ) { log_t *log = malloc(sizeof(log_t)); if(!log) { fprintf(stderr, "log_open: Unable to malloc()"); goto log_open_a; } log->flags=flags; if( !strcmp(fname,"-") ) { log->fd = 2; } else { log->fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_NOCTTY | (flags&LOG_TRUNC ? O_TRUNC : O_APPEND) , 0666); } if( log->fd == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "log_open: Opening logfile %s: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); goto log_open_b; } if( sem_init(&log->sem, 0, 1) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "log_open: Could not initialize log semaphore."); goto log_open_c; } return log; log_open_c: close(log->fd); log_open_b: free(log); log_open_a: return NULL; }log_close函数的作用是关闭一个打开的记录文件.通常在函数退出的时候执行这个函数,以保证所有记录信息都正确的写入记录文件.
void log_close( log_t *log ) { sem_wait(&log->sem); sem_destroy(&log->sem); close(log->fd); free(log); return; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * testpool.c – 线程池测试程序 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <pthread.h> #include "log.h" #include "tpool.h" log_t *log; /*进程全局日志文件句柄* /*任务*/ void thread(void *arg) { char * ptr=(char *)arg; sleep(1); printf("hello world! %s\n",ptr); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { tpool_t *pool; /*线程池指针*/ /* 开启记录文件 */ log=log_open("test.log", 0); /* 创建一个有100个工作线程,最大200个任务队列的线程池 */ pool=tpool_init(100,200,1); int i; /* 开启记录文件 */ * 添加100个任务*/ for (i = 0; i<100;i++) tpool_add_work(pool,thread,"test!"); sleep(10); /*终止线程池*/ tpool_destroy(pool,1); /* 关闭记录文件 */ log_close(log); pthread_exit(NULL); }该例子演示了如何建立一个线程池,以及如何记录程序的运行状态,有一定的使用意义,稍加修改就可以应用到实际的项目中.能理解其中的设计思想和技巧,对自己编程能力的提高有很大的提高.