获得的文字先用 chardet.detect("my_str")["encoding"] 检测文字格式。然后用unicode(text, encoding_type)转换成unicode格式。最后写入文件时用 text.encode("gb18030")转为windows常用的格式写入文本。
#!/usr/bin/python # encoding:utf-8 import os cur=os.getcwd() g_xcf_root=os.sep.join((cur,"..","dy_cike_xcf")) g_xcf_assets=os.sep.join((g_xcf_root,"assets")) g_xcf_config=os.sep.join((g_xcf_assets,"config")) g_xcf_skeleton=os.sep.join((g_xcf_assets,"skeleton")) g_xcf_font=os.sep.join((g_xcf_assets,"font")) g_working_root=os.sep.join((cur,"android","assets")) g_working_config=os.sep.join((g_working_root,"config")) g_working_skeleton=os.sep.join((g_working_root,"skeleton")) g_working_font=os.sep.join((g_working_root,"font"))
#!/usr/bin/python # encoding:utf-8 import os import shutil import sys import define class CFileInform(object): name = "" path = "" size = 0 def __init__(self, name, path, size): self.name = name self.path = path self.size = size def __str__(self): return ("name=%s, path=%s, size=%d" % (self.name, self.path, self.size)) def print_succes(inform): print("%s %s %s" % ('\033[1;32;40m :', inform, "\033[0m")) def print_verb(inform): print("%s %s %s" % ("\033[0m", inform, "\033[0m")) def print_error(error_inform): print("%s %s %s" % ('\033[1;31;40m :', error_inform, "\033[0m")) sys.exit(1) def get_root(): cur = os.getcwd() # root = os.sep.join((cur, "..", "dy_cike_xcf", "assets")) root = define.g_xcf_assets return root def get_atlas_path(): root = get_root() atlas_path = os.sep.join((root, "atlas")) return atlas_path def get_image_names_by_csvfile(csv_path): images = [] f = open(csv_path) try: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.replace("\r\n", ",") line = line.replace("\n", ",") line = line.replace("\"", ",") sp = line.split(",") for sub in sp: if sub.endswith(".png") or sub.endswith(".jpg"): images.append(sub) finally: f.close() return images def get_xcf_images_by_dir(path_dir): root = get_root() parent_path = os.sep.join((root, path_dir)) files = os.listdir(parent_path) image_names = [] for f in files: if f.endswith(".csv"): if not f.endswith("_r2.csv"): filename = os.sep.join((parent_path, f)) names = get_image_names_by_csvfile(filename) for n in names: image_names.append(n) return image_names def list_all_csvs(parent): files = [] paths = os.listdir(parent) for p in paths: abs_path = os.sep.join((parent, p)) if os.path.isdir(abs_path): for s in list_all_csvs(abs_path): files.append(s) elif os.path.isfile(abs_path): if abs_path.endswith(".csv"): files.append(abs_path) return files def get_children_informs_by_suffix(parent, suffixs=()): """ 获得parent目录下指定类型的文件 :param parent: :param suffixs: :return: """ fileinforms = [] for name in os.listdir(parent): path = os.sep.join((parent, name)) if os.path.isdir(path): for element in get_children_informs_by_suffix(path, suffixs): fileinforms.append(element) elif os.path.isfile(path): for suffix in suffixs: if name.endswith(suffix): size = os.path.getsize(path) element = CFileInform(name, path, size) fileinforms.append(element) break return fileinforms def is_valid_path(path): isvalid = True contain_filters = ("/test/", "/object/", "/temp/", ".del/", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017") for symbol in contain_filters: os_symbol = symbol.replace("/", os.sep) if path.find(os_symbol) != -1: isvalid = False break if not isvalid: ends_filters = (".del", ".sel") for symbol in ends_filters: if path.endswith(symbol): isvalid = False break return isvalid def get_image_folder_children_informs(): root = get_root() image_folder = os.sep.join((root, "image")) valid_elements = [] for element in get_children_informs_by_suffix(image_folder, (".jpg", ".png")): path = element.path isvalid = is_valid_path(path) if isvalid: valid_elements.append(element) return valid_elements def get_atlas_children_informs(): atlas_path = get_atlas_path() children = [] for name in os.listdir(atlas_path): path = os.sep.join((atlas_path, name)) if (os.path.isdir(path)): for element in get_children_informs_by_suffix(path, (".jpg", ".png")): children.append(element) return children def get_used_image_names(): used_names = [] csv_names = [] root = get_root() parents = ("cocostudio", "layout", "skeleton") for parent_dir in parents: path = os.sep.join((root, parent_dir)) allcsvs = list_all_csvs(path) for csv in allcsvs: aimages = get_image_names_by_csvfile(csv) for image in aimages: if used_names.count(image) == 0: used_names.append(image) csv_names.append(csv) return used_names, csv_names def get_notused_images(): """ Function: 返回atlas中未使用的图片名称 Return: """ used_images = get_used_image_names()[0] atlas_map = {} for element in get_atlas_children_informs(): atlas_map[element.name] = element.path for used in used_images: if atlas_map.has_key(used): del atlas_map[used] return atlas_map.values() def trim_file_suffix(filename): sp = filename.split(".") return ".".join(sp[0:(len(sp) - 1)]) def get_extra_image_names(): """ Function: 遍历无法从tmx、cocos.json中分析出来的图片名称, 放到extra_resources_fight_config_r2.csv里面 """ images = get_xcf_images_by_dir("layout") return images def check_invalid_image_names(): """ Function: list not used images. Returns: errorinform, valide_images """ error_inform = [] invalide_names = [] atlas_images = {} for element in get_atlas_children_informs(): atlas_images[element.path] = element.name used_back = get_used_image_names() used_images = used_back[0] used_csvs = used_back[1] used_count = len(used_images) i = 0 while i < used_count: used = used_images[i] used_preffix = trim_file_suffix(used) csv = used_csvs[i] used_png = used_preffix + ".png" used_jpg = used_preffix + ".jpg" if atlas_images.values().count(used_png) == 0 and atlas_images.values().count(used_jpg) == 0: if invalide_names.count(used) == 0: invalide_names.append(used) error_inform.append(used + ", " + csv) i = i + 1 return error_inform def get_a_path(): atlas_path = get_atlas_path() apath = os.sep.join((atlas_path, "a")) if not (os.path.exists(apath) and os.path.isdir(apath)): os.makedirs(apath) return apath def check_image_and_atlas(): hint = "check_image_and_atlas" error_inform = [] atlas_informs = get_atlas_children_informs() image_informs = get_image_folder_children_informs() atlas_names = [] image_names = [] for element in atlas_informs: atlas_names.append(element.name) for element in image_informs: image_names.append(element.name) # 判断atlas与image下每个文件名称是否唯一,并且两个文件夹下文件名称是否完全相同 for name in atlas_names: if (atlas_names.count(name) > 1): for elem in atlas_informs: if 0 == cmp(elem.name, name): error_inform.append("duplicate in atlas folder: %s" % (elem.path)) return error_inform for name in image_names: if (image_names.count(name) > 1): for elem in image_informs: if 0 == cmp(elem.name, name): error_inform.append("duplicate in image folder: %s" % (elem.path)) return error_inform atlas_map = {} image_map = {} for elem in atlas_informs: atlas_map[elem.name] = elem for elem in image_informs: image_map[elem.name] = elem for key in image_map.keys(): elem = image_map[key] if not atlas_map.has_key(elem.name): apath = get_a_path() dst = os.sep.join((apath, elem.name)) shutil.copy(elem.path, dst) imagev = elem atlasv = CFileInform(imagev.name, apath, imagev.size) atlas_map[elem.name] = atlasv print_verb("not found file in atlas, copy image to atlas/a: %s" % (elem.path)) for key in atlas_map: elem = atlas_map[key] if not image_map.has_key(elem.name): os.remove(elem.path) del atlas_map[elem.name] print_verb("not found file in image, delet atlas: %s" % (elem.path)) if len(image_map) == len(atlas_map): for key in image_map.keys(): image_elem = image_map[key] atlas_elem = atlas_map[key] if not atlas_elem.size == image_elem.size: shutil.copy(image_elem.path, atlas_elem.path) print_verb("size not equal . Cover image to atlas: %s %s" % (image_elem.path, atlas_elem.path)) else: error_inform.append("len is not equal :image_number=%d atlas_number=%d" % (len(image_map), len(atlas_map))) return error_inform if __name__ == "__main__": print("path = %s" % (get_root())) # images = get_notused_images() # for img in images: # print(img) # print(len(images))
#!/usr/bin/python # encoding:utf-8 import os import site import sys import shutil from pip._vendor.requests.packages import chardet import define import images_functions __author__ = 'andrew' def list_all_csv(): conf_root = define.g_xcf_config print("list config path = %s" % (conf_root)) all_files = os.listdir(conf_root) csv_files = [] for f in all_files: path = os.sep.join((conf_root, f)) if os.path.isfile(path) and path.endswith(".csv"): csv_files.append(path) return csv_files def extract_characters(file_paths): hint = "extract_characters" default_encode = "gb18030" save_path = os.sep.join((define.g_xcf_font, "all_characters.config")) unicode_str = unicode( ''' !"#$%&'()*+,-/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^—、abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~''', "utf-8") for fpath in file_paths: csv = open(fpath, "r") encoding_type = "" try: text = csv.read() encoding_type = chardet.detect(text)["encoding"] if (encoding_type.lower() == "gbk") or (encoding_type.lower() == "gb2312"): substr=unicode(text,default_encode) else: substr=unicode(text,encoding_type) unicode_str = unicode_str + substr except UnicodeEncodeError, e: print("error UnicodeEncodeError %s %s" % (hint, e)) images_functions.print_error("fpath = %s, encoding_type = %s" % ( fpath, encoding_type)) except UnicodeDecodeError, e: print("error UnicodeDecodeError %s %s" % (hint, e)) images_functions.print_error("fpath = %s, encoding_type = %s" % ( fpath, encoding_type)) except Exception, e: print("error Exception %s %s" % (hint, e)) images_functions.print_error("fpath = %s, encoding_type = %s" % ( fpath, encoding_type)) finally: csv.close() uniq_buffer = unicode("") already = [] for ch in unicode_str: # .decode(default_encode).encode("utf-16"): if already.count(ch) == 0: uniq_buffer += ch already.append(ch) save_file = open(save_path, "w") try: result = uniq_buffer.encode(default_encode) save_file.write(result) except Exception, e: print("error %s %s" % (hint, e)) images_functions.print_error("save_path = " + save_path); finally: save_file.close() shutil.copy(save_path, define.g_working_font) images_functions.print_succes("hint = %s write file %s success--------------" % (hint, save_path)) if __name__ == "__main__": names = sys.argv csvs = [] if len(names) > 1: print("len argv =%d" % (len(names))) config_path = define.g_xcf_config for name in names[1:]: path = os.sep.join((config_path, name)) csvs.append(path) else: csvs = list_all_csv() extract_characters(csvs)