Sometimes I observe a leader and I think, Wow, on what planet would that have been a good idea? I’m continually amazed at the extent to which people don’t connect the dots between what they’re doing and the impact it’s having on those around them and on their organizations: You tell people they’re idiots and they sabotage your results or quit. How is that surprising?
Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t just complain about this; a lot of my time is spent working with leaders to help them connect those dots, and shift mindset and skills in order to get better results and create better relationships.
But sometimes, a girl’s gotta vent. So. Here are (drum roll) the top five ill-considered things you can do to make sure your company dies a lingering and painful death:
5) Make things complicated. If one process step will do, create two. Or seven. Focus especially on making your customer-facing processes complex and counter-intuitive. In any situation where simplifying things would help the customer but make your life a little more difficult – opt for complexity. It’s also important to redesign processes over and over without making them any simpler, so people lose track of what’s supposed to be happening.
5)把事情复杂化 。一步操作能搞定的事,一定要分成两步来做,甚至是七步。尤其要致力于把贵司面向客户的流程复杂化和反直觉化。在任何情况下,如果将事情简单化有助于你的客户但会为你的生活增加少许难度——务必投“复杂化”一票。还有一点也很重要,那就是一遍又一遍地重新设计流程,并且绝不令其简单化,这样员工就会茫然不知接下来将会发生什么了。
4) Take all the credit, share all the blame. If something goes right, make it clear that you are solely responsible.
4)包揽所有功劳,分担所有责备。 如果某些事情做对了,要明确指出这完全是你一人的功劳。
If there’s a problem, immediately disavow any connection with or knowledge of the offending decision or object. And spread the blame around – be sure to let everyone know that everybody except you is lame and clueless. While you’re at it, you can also take credit retroactively; claim authorship of any idea that bears fruit. If anyone has the temerity to complain to you or about you – blame them for not being a team player.
3) Make it dangerous to disagree. When anyone refuses to fall in line with your point of view, punish them. Public ridicule works well; character assassination is also effective. If they persist in having an independent point of view, fire them.
3)令提出异议成为一种危险的行为。 如果有人拒绝同意你的观点,那就惩罚他们。公开嘲笑的效果很好,人格诋毁也很有效。如果他们依然固执己见,解雇他们。
2) Dismiss as foolish anything you don’t understand. This includes new business models, technologies, ways of thinking about managing and leading, and areas of expertise with which you’re not familiar. You can just ignore them, but then others might miss your intent and embrace new approaches when you’re not looking. If you really want to kill your company, it’s much better to consistently and widely disparage and stifle all attempts to innovate or to explore new (to you) ways of operating.
2)将任何你不懂的东西批评为愚蠢。 包括新的商业模式、新技术、管理和领导上的新思想,以及那些你不熟悉的专业领域。你可以仅是无视它们,但是这样的话其他人可能领会不到你的意思,并在你没有盯着的时候接纳新方法。如果你非常希望毁掉自己的公司,更好的办法是持续和广泛地诋毁并扼杀所有试图创新或者探索新运营方式的努力。
1) Refuse to acknowledge reality. This is the quickest path to organizational death. Simply reject any bad news out of hand. Employees unhappy and leaving in droves? Tell everybody that it’s not a problem – people will be lining up in larger droves to replace them. Revenues down? Let everyone know that it’s just a business cycle, or that the people responsible have been let go, or that “it’s just a blip” (my personal favorite). Customers don’t like your products? Just tell yourself they lack sophistication and it’s simply a matter of finding better customers.
1)拒绝承认现实。 这是让企业迈向死亡的最快方式。否认任何不在你掌控之中的坏消息。员工们感到不高兴并且陆陆续续地离开?告诉所有人这不是问题——大把大把的求职者们都在排队等着取代他们呢。营收下滑?让大家知道这只是碰上了正常的业务周期罢了,或者宣布相关责任人已被炒鱿鱼,又或者声称“这只是一次失误”(这句是我的个人最爱)。客户不喜欢你的产品?告诉自己,是他们不够识货,而你只是还没有找到更好的客户而已。
Yes, my tongue is firmly in my cheek. But, unfortunately, all of these behaviors are way too widespread: maybe poking a little fun will encourage someone (you?) to think about whether they might be guilty of one or more of them…