数据结构与算法分析——c语言描述 练习5.7 答案
#pragma once #ifndef _ElementType_H #define _ElementType_H struct ElementType { int Coefficient;//系数 int Exponent;//指数 }; #endif // ! ElementType_H
#ifndef _HashQuad_H #define _HashQuad_H #include"ElementType.h" typedef unsigned int Index; typedef Index Position_hash; struct HashTbl; typedef struct HashTbl* HashTable; HashTable initializeTable(int tableSize); void destroyTable(HashTable h); Position_hash find(ElementType key, HashTable h); HashTable insert(ElementType key, HashTable h); HashTable rehash(HashTable h); ElementType retrive(Position_hash p, HashTable h); int isLegitimate(Position_hash pos, HashTable h); #endif
#include"hashQuad.h" #include"fatal.h" #include<math.h> #include<string.h> #define MinTableSize 5 enum KindOfEntry { Legitimate, Empty, Deleted }; struct HashEntry { ElementType element; enum KindOfEntry info; }; typedef struct HashEntry Cell; struct HashTbl { int tableSize; int hasInsertedNum; Cell *theCells;//数组 }; static int hash(ElementType key, int tableSize) { return key.Exponent % (tableSize); } static Position_hash hash2(ElementType key, int tableSize) { return 7 - (key.Exponent % 7); } static int isPrime(int num) { for (int i = 2; i <= sqrt(num); i++) if (num%i == 0) return 0; return 1; } static int nextPrime(int num) { int i = num; while (!isPrime(i)) i++; return i; } int isLegitimate(Position_hash pos, HashTable h) { return h->theCells[pos].info == Legitimate; } HashTable initializeTable(int tableSize) { HashTable h; int i; if (tableSize < MinTableSize) { Error("Table size too small"); return NULL; } h = (HashTable)malloc(sizeof(struct HashTbl)); if (h == NULL) FatalError("Out of space!!!"); h->tableSize = nextPrime(tableSize); h->theCells = (Cell *)malloc(sizeof(Cell)*h->tableSize); h->hasInsertedNum = 0; if (h->theCells == NULL) FatalError("Out of space!!!"); for (i = 0; i < h->tableSize; i++) { h->theCells[i].info = Empty; } return h; } void destroyTable(HashTable h) { free(h->theCells); free(h); } Position_hash find(ElementType key, HashTable h) { Position_hash currentPos = hash(key, h->tableSize); int i = 0; while (h->theCells[currentPos].info != Empty && h->theCells[currentPos].element.Exponent != key.Exponent) { currentPos += (++i * hash2(key, h->tableSize)); currentPos = currentPos % h->tableSize; } return currentPos; } HashTable insert(ElementType key, HashTable h) { if ((double)h->hasInsertedNum / h->tableSize > 0.5) h = rehash(h); Position_hash pos = find(key, h); if (h->theCells[pos].info == Empty) { h->theCells[pos].element = key; h->theCells[pos].info = Legitimate; h->hasInsertedNum++; } else if (h->theCells[pos].info == Legitimate) { h->theCells[pos].element.Coefficient += key.Coefficient;//同类项合并 } return h; } HashTable rehash(HashTable h) { HashTable newH = initializeTable(h->tableSize * 2); for (int i = 0; i < h->tableSize; i++) if (h->theCells[i].info == Legitimate) insert(h->theCells[i].element, newH); destroyTable(h); return newH; } ElementType retrive(Position_hash p, HashTable h) { return h->theCells[p].element; }
#ifndef _List_H #define _List_H #include"ElementType.h" struct Node; typedef struct Node *PtrToNode_list; typedef PtrToNode_list List; typedef PtrToNode_list Position_list; List CreateList(); List MakeEmpty(List L); int IsEmpty(List L); int IsLast(Position_list P, List L); Position_list Find(ElementType X, List L); void Delete(ElementType X, List L); Position_list FindPrevious(ElementType X, List L); void Insert(ElementType X, Position_list P); void DeleteList(List L); Position_list Header(List L); Position_list First(List L); Position_list Advance(Position_list P); ElementType Retrieve(Position_list P); void deleteNext(Position_list p); #endif
#include"list.h" #include<stdlib.h> #include"fatal.h" struct Node { ElementType Element; Position_list Next; }; int elementCmp(ElementType e1, ElementType e2) { return e1.Coefficient == e2.Coefficient && e1.Exponent == e2.Exponent; } List CreateList() { List l = (List)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if (l == NULL) Error("out of memory"); l->Next = NULL; return l; } List MakeEmpty(List L) { if (L == NULL) Error("L is not created"); DeleteList(L); L->Next = NULL; return L; } int IsEmpty(List L) { return L->Next == NULL; } int IsLast(Position_list P, List L) { return P->Next == NULL; } Position_list Find(ElementType X, List L) { Position_list P; P = L->Next; while (P != NULL&& elementCmp(P->Element, X)) { P = P->Next; } return P; } void Delete(ElementType X, List L) { Position_list P; P = FindPrevious(X, L); if (!IsLast(P, L)) { Position_list TmpCell = P->Next; P->Next = TmpCell->Next; free(TmpCell); } } Position_list FindPrevious(ElementType X, List L) { Position_list P; P = L; while (P->Next != NULL&& elementCmp(P->Next->Element, X)) P = P->Next; return P; } void Insert(ElementType X, Position_list P) { Position_list tmpCell; tmpCell = (List)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if (tmpCell == NULL) FatalError("Out of space!!"); tmpCell->Element = X; tmpCell->Next = P->Next; P->Next = tmpCell; } void DeleteList(List L) { Position_list p; p = L->Next; L->Next = NULL; while (p != NULL) { Position_list tmp; tmp = p->Next; free(p); p = tmp; } } Position_list Header(List L) { return L; } Position_list First(List L) { return L->Next; } Position_list Advance(Position_list P) { return P->Next; } ElementType Retrieve(Position_list P) { return P->Element; } void deleteNext(Position_list p) { Position_list temp = p->Next->Next; free(p->Next); p->Next = temp; }
#ifndef _Polynomial_H #define _Polynomial_H #include"list.h" typedef struct { List list; }Polynomial; Polynomial creatPolynomial(); void insertMonomials(ElementType e, Polynomial poly); void inputPolynomial(Polynomial poly); void ZeroPolynomial(Polynomial Poly); void AddPolynomial(const Polynomial Poly1, const Polynomial Poly2, Polynomial PolySum); void MulPolynomial(const Polynomial Poly1, const Polynomial Poly2, Polynomial PolyProd); void printAll(Polynomial poly); #endif // !_Polynomial_H
#include"Polynomial.h" #include<stdio.h> #include"hashQuad.h" struct Node { ElementType Element; Position_list Next; }; enum KindOfEntry { Legitimate, Empty, Deleted }; struct HashEntry { ElementType element; enum KindOfEntry info; }; typedef struct HashEntry Cell; struct HashTbl { int tableSize; int hasInsertedNum; Cell *theCells;//数组 }; Polynomial creatPolynomial() { Polynomial poly; poly.list = CreateList(); return poly; } void insertMonomials(ElementType e, Polynomial poly) { Position_list p = poly.list; while (Advance(p) != NULL&& Advance(p)->Element.Exponent > e.Exponent) p = Advance(p); if (Advance(p) == NULL) { Insert(e, p); } else if (Advance(p)->Element.Exponent != e.Exponent) Insert(e, p); else { Advance(p)->Element.Coefficient += e.Coefficient; if (Advance(p)->Element.Coefficient == 0) deleteNext(p); } } void inputPolynomial(Polynomial poly) { int coefficient, exponent; ElementType monomials; printf("please enter Coefficient and Exponent,alphabet to end\n"); while (scanf("%d", &coefficient) == 1) { scanf("%d", &exponent); monomials.Coefficient = coefficient; monomials.Exponent = exponent; insertMonomials(monomials, poly); } getchar();//字母还留在输入流当中,scanf是不会删去的 } void ZeroPolynomial(Polynomial Poly) { MakeEmpty(Poly.list); } void AddPolynomial(const Polynomial Poly1, const Polynomial Poly2, Polynomial PolySum) { ZeroPolynomial(PolySum); Position_list p1 = Poly1.list->Next; Position_list p2 = Poly2.list->Next; Position_list p3 = PolySum.list; ElementType e; while (p1 && p2) { if (Retrieve(p1).Exponent > Retrieve(p2).Exponent) { Insert(Retrieve(p1), p3); p1 = Advance(p1); p3 = Advance(p3); } else if (Retrieve(p1).Exponent < Retrieve(p2).Exponent) { Insert(Retrieve(p2), p3); p2 = Advance(p2); p3 = Advance(p3); } else { int temp_coefficient = (Retrieve(p1).Coefficient + Retrieve(p2).Coefficient); if (temp_coefficient != 0) { e.Coefficient = temp_coefficient; e.Exponent = Retrieve(p1).Exponent; Insert(e, p3); p1 = Advance(p1); p2 = Advance(p2); p3 = Advance(p3); } else { p1 = Advance(p1); p2 = Advance(p2); } } } Position_list temp_p; temp_p = (p1) ? p1 : p2; if (temp_p == NULL) return; while (temp_p) { Insert(Retrieve(temp_p), p3); p3 = Advance(p3); temp_p = Advance(temp_p); } } void MulPolynomial(const Polynomial Poly1, const Polynomial Poly2, Polynomial PolyProd) { ZeroPolynomial(PolyProd); HashTable h = initializeTable(100); ElementType prod; for (Position_list i = Poly1.list->Next; i != NULL; i = Advance(i)) { for (Position_list j = Poly2.list->Next; j != NULL; j = Advance(j)) { prod.Coefficient = Retrieve(i).Coefficient * Retrieve(j).Coefficient; prod.Exponent = Retrieve(i).Exponent + Retrieve(j).Exponent; insert(prod, h); } } for (int i = 0; i < h->tableSize; i++) { if (h->theCells[i].info == Legitimate){ Insert(h->theCells[i].element, PolyProd.list); } } } void printAll(Polynomial poly) { Position_list p = Advance(poly.list); printf("%dx^%d", Retrieve(p).Coefficient, Retrieve(p).Exponent); p = Advance(p); while (p) { if (Retrieve(p).Coefficient > 0) putchar('+'); printf("%dx^%d", Retrieve(p).Coefficient, Retrieve(p).Exponent); p = Advance(p); } printf("\n"); }
#include"Polynomial.h" #include<stdio.h> #define N 1208 int main() { Polynomial p1, p2, p3; p1 = creatPolynomial(); p2 = creatPolynomial(); p3 = creatPolynomial(); inputPolynomial(p1); printAll(p1); inputPolynomial(p2); printAll(p2); MulPolynomial(p1, p2, p3); printf("\n"); printAll(p3); }