《thinking in java》- bruce eckel
package cool.pengych.java.enumtest; /** * Simulate the implementation of ENUM * fun: 普通类模拟枚举的实现 * 1、私有化构造方法-保证实例个数为‘若干个’-有限 * 2、定义所需要的类型常量 * 3、定义常用方法 * * @author pengych.cool */ public class Weekend { public static final Weekend MON= new Weekend(); public static final Weekend TUS= new Weekend(); private Weekend(){} // private constructor /** * get the next day * @return Weekend */ public Weekend next() { if(this.equals(MON)) //if判断,扩展性显然不高:下面会用模板设计模式加以优化 { return TUS; } return MON; } public String toString() { return this.equals(MON) ? "MON" :"TUS"; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print(WeekendNicer.MON.next()); } }
package cool.pengych.java.enumtest; /** * optimize the implementation of ENUM with * 利用模板方法设计模式优化Weekend.java类,使代码更加模块化,增强可扩展性 * @author pengych.cool */ public abstract class WeekendNicer { public abstract WeekendNicer next(); private WeekendNicer(){} public static final WeekendNicer MON = new WeekendNicer() { public WeekendNicer next() { return TUS; } }; public static final WeekendNicer TUS = new WeekendNicer() { public WeekendNicer next() { return MON; } }; public String toString() { return this.equals(MON) ? "MON" :"TUS"; } }
package cool.pengych.java.enumtest; /** * 枚举类实战 * * @author pengych.cool */ public class EnumTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Weekend weekend = Weekend.MON; System.out.println(weekend); WeekendE weekende = WeekendE.MON; System.out.println(weekende.name()); System.out.println(weekende.ordinal()); System.out.println(WeekendE.valueOf("SUN").toString()); System.out.println(WeekendE.values().length); } /** * base enum : 枚举类基本使用 */ public enum WeekendE { MON(2),TUS,THI,FRI,WES,SAT,SUN; private WeekendE(){System.out.println("constructor with no argument!");} private WeekendE(int day){System.out.println("constructor with argument!");} } /** * enhance enum : 枚举类进阶 */ public enum TrafficLamp { RED(10) // 匿名内部类(调用父类的带参构造方法) { public TrafficLamp nextLamp() { return YELLOW; } }, YELLOW() { public TrafficLamp nextLamp() { return RED; } }, GREEN(45) { public TrafficLamp nextLamp() { return YELLOW; } }; private int time; private TrafficLamp(){} private TrafficLamp(int time) { this.time = time; } public abstract TrafficLamp nextLamp(); } }
package cool.pengych.java.enumtest; /** * 由枚举类的实现原理可知,枚举类中若只有一个枚举常量,则该常量就是这个枚举类的唯一实例 * @author pengych.cool * */ public enum EnumSingleton { LOG; public void error(String log) { System.out.println(log); } public void debug(String log) { System.out.println(log); } public static void main(String[] args) { LOG.debug("test enum sigleton "); LOG.error("test enum sigleton "); } }总结