


Mutexes are used to prevent data inconsistencies due to operations by multiple threads upon the same memory area performed at the same time or to prevent race conditions where an order of operation upon the memory is expected. A contention or race condition often occurs when two or more threads need to perform operations on the same memory area, but the results of computations depends on the order in which these operations are performed. Mutexes are used for serializing shared resources such as memory. Anytime a global resource is accessed by more than one thread the resource should have a Mutex associated with it. One can apply a mutex to protect a segment of memory ("critical region") from other threads. Mutexes can be applied only to threads in a single process and do not work between processes as do semaphores.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void *functionC();

pthread_mutex_t mutex1 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int  counter = 0;

   int rc1, rc2;
   pthread_t thread1, thread2;

   /* Create independent threads each of which will execute functionC */

   if( (rc1=pthread_create( &thread1, NULL, &functionC, NULL)) )
      printf("Thread creation failed: %d\n", rc1);

   if( (rc2=pthread_create( &thread2, NULL, &functionC, NULL)) )
      printf("Thread creation failed: %d\n", rc2);

   /* Wait till threads are complete before main continues. Unless we  */
   /* wait we run the risk of executing an exit which will terminate   */
   /* the process and all threads before the threads have completed.   */

   pthread_join( thread1, NULL);
   pthread_join( thread2, NULL); 


void *functionC()
   pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex1 );
   printf("Counter value: %d\n",counter);
   pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex1 );




Counter value: 1
Counter value: 2

When a mutex lock is attempted against a mutex which is held by another thread, the thread is blocked until the mutex is unlocked. When a thread terminates, the mutex does not unless explicitly unlocked. Nothing happens by default.
