做网站流程 digital ocean 经验


1. create droplet的时候选择 ubuntu和 wordpress

2. 设置ssh key

3. ssh username@host ip + input yes instead of enter

4. install social connect

5. install php5-curl package

apt-get update (must)

apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl

  service apache2 restart

6. active social connect

7. fill in the facebook app setting including name + email

8. let the facebook app "status" to "yes"

9. facebook app "Advanced setting"->"OAuth": "bohite.com/index.php" . to handle the issue that

after clicking the fb sign in, promping a error window. 191 type error

10. wordpress setting -> anyone can register


[1] application program is localed, may need some service run in the server. However, server is the program including the server side and client side, and the communication between them.

[2] ssh



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