
The application consist of 3 thread

1. Main thread   -----  handle UI,

2. Twe background thread

             ImageLoadBackgroundWorker: read Bitmap to 3 dimension binary matrix

             EncodeBackgroundWorker: jpeg transmission.

About 2 background thread:

System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker     :     This is a controller toolbox

In MSDN:        BackgroundWoker Class

                      Executes an operation on a seperate thread.

Methods:      RunWorkerAsync([object])           Starts execution of a background operation

Preperties:        IsBusy :      Gets a value indicating whether the BackgroundWorker is runing as asynchronous operation.

Events:           Dowork:     occurs when RunWorkerAsync is called.

                     RunWorkerCompleted :    Cccurs when the background operation has completed, has been canceled, or has raised an exception.

The architecture of the APP

open_Click()        : open Image Files

ImageLoadBackgroundWorker.RunWorkAsync(ture)   :       activate thread: convert Bitmap to a 3 dimension byte[ , , ] matrix.

writeCurrentImageButton_Click()  :    save the specific files

EncdeBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(ture) :      Activate thread:     convert byte matrix to Jpeg file. 

 FileStream fs = new FileStream(OutputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
 BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);

using the BinaryWriter.Write to put the convert data into file.
