转:Game Engines for Android (Android游戏引擎)

With Google IO fast approaching and GDC just completed I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the game engines available for mobile devices, specifically for x86 based mobile devices. There are many game engine choices out there, all with a different set of features, pricing, maturity, etc. After conducting a search online, I found a wide variety of game engines that can be used for creating games for Android* based mobile devices. Some provide x86 support, while others can be ported to support x86 devices without too much effort.

Here is the list of game engines I have come across; I have included some features and details about each engine and an example game on the Android Market if I could find one.

The great thing about Android on x86 is that it opens a new class of devices for all of the games built on these engines. Unfortunately not all these game engines have support for x86 native binaries but it’s probably just a matter of time. x86 support is available in the latest Android NDK. Porting to x86 for some of these engines may simply be a recompile. We have created a couple of documents to guide you and have forums available to help along the way.

I hope this list helps those thinking about writing an Android game by providing some details of the choices available. Ideally I will try to update this article with the latest information as it develops, but please feel free to post comments about game engines I did not come across or any updated information you find.



