Merkel Vs Central Banks:Her Words

美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)主席贝南克(Ben Bernanke)在国会作证时,反驳了德国总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)周二对美联储提出的惊人指责。默克尔在演讲中尖锐批评了美联储最近大幅增加流动性的政策,呼吁回归她所说的“感知力”。默克尔说,我们必须一道恢复独立的央行政策,恢复理性的政策,否则10年后我们的处境不会有丝毫变化。货币政策的制定遭到政治家批评并不是什么新鲜事。贝南克就时不时受到保罗(Ron Paul)和邦宁(Jim Bunning)这些人的批评。不过来自海外的指责却几乎闻所未闻。贝南克在作证中被问及对美国财政预算前景的看法时说,他尊重默克尔的观点,但并不赞同。他说,美国和包括德国在内的全球经济体面临着非同寻常的形势,金融危机……和非常严重的经济低迷叠加在了一起。他说,我对美联储采取的政策行动感到满意。Brian Blackstone(“经济实时报”提供有关经济美国联邦储备委员会政策和经济事件的独家新闻分析和评论,《华尔街日报》记者和编辑均参与供稿,由Sudeep Reddy和Phil Izzo主笔。)相关阅读贝南克敦促采取有力措施降低预算赤字 2009-06-04美联储坦然面对债券收益率上升 2009-05-29美联储给银行业预期收入降温 2009-05-28美联储对经济前景趋于悲观 2009-05-21贝南克领衔出演美联储公关大戏 2009-04-15

In Congressional testimony, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke brushed back a surprising rebuke lodged against the Fed Tuesday by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.In a speech, Merkel sharply criticized the recent liquidity policy of the Fed, calling for a return to what she called 'sensibility.''We must together return to an independent central bank policy and to a policy of reason, otherwise we will be in exactly the same situation in 10 years time,' Merkel said.Of course, criticism on the conduct of monetary policy from politicians isn't new. Bernanke gets it all the time from the likes of Ron Paul and Jim Bunning. But it's almost unheard of from overseas.Asked to respond during testimony on the U.S. budget outlook, Bernanke said he 'respectfully' disagreed with Merkel's views. 'The U.S. and global economies, including Germany, have faced an extraordinary combination of a financial crisis…plus a very serious downturn,' Bernanke said.'I am comfortable with the policy actions that the Federal Reserve has taken,' he said.Brian Blackstone
