


1.Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. It got no use on the inside. Hope is also a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 不管怎么样,希望总是要有的。自己没有希望,就真的没有希望了。

2. I look back on the way I was, a young studip kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want try and talk some sence to him. Tell him the way things are. But I cannot. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word.


3. It was the same reason he spent years shaping and polishing these rocks. The same reason he hung his fantasy girls on the wall. In prison, a man will do most anything to keep his mind occupied. 人活着靠的是什么?无聊有时用什么打发时间的。如果是你,你又会怎样做?付出什么,收获什么。

4. Brooks was here. So was Red. 狱中的人习惯了狱中的生活,狱中的人不习惯狱外的生活。不是这个世界变化快,而是周围人们的眼光,看法,令人感觉无法自由的生活。

5. Get busy living, or get busy dying. 忙生忙死?忙的目的何在?反正,整天都在忙。

6. From now on, I will write two letters a week instead of one.当花六年的时间每周写一封信收到了200美元的资助的时候,他竟然想到从今往后,每个星期写两封信去催钱。这种精神真的是太锲而不舍了。当我们取得成绩的时候,往往想到的是如何保持,而不是想去继续进步。可怕的人!加倍努力,才是生存之道。

当你知道你的生活不公的时候,你才会去想着改变吗?NO. 我们的生活一直都不公。所以现在加倍努力才是王道。想想如果真的是听到自己是无辜的事情,才去开凿隧道,那还要花20年。保持着对生活的希望,人生才能被救赎。与其靠别人的施舍,不如靠自己的努力和才智,当然还要靠朋友的帮助。如果没有那把锤子..他是不可能逃脱的。
