Grails 之 Acegi Plugin 转移到Spring Security Core Plugin

现在Acegi Plugin插件已经停止开发了,已经转移到了Spring Security Core Plugin了。它们虽然师出同门,还是有很多地方需要调整的。


3 Migrating from the Acegi Plugin

If you formerly used the Acegi plugin, change your application configuration settings as follows.

Setting Spring Security Plugin Acegi Plugin
Enabled by default true false
Cache UserDetails by default false true
Configuration location grails-app/conf/ Config.groovy grails-app/conf/ SecurityConfig.groovy
Security service springSecurityService authenticateService

The table shows names of corresponding configuration properties.

The plugin's configuration values all start with  grails.plugins.springsecurity to distinguish them from similarly named options in Grails and from other plugins. You must specify all property overrides with the  grails.plugins.springsecurity suffix. For example, you specify the attribute  password.algorithm as:


in Config.groovy

Acegi Plugin Spring Security Plugin
active active
loginUserDomainClass userLookup.userDomainClassName
userName userLookup.usernamePropertyName
enabled userLookup.enabledPropertyName
password userLookup.passwordPropertyName
relationalAuthorities userLookup.authoritiesPropertyName
getAuthoritiesMethod N/A
authorityDomainClass authority.className
authorityField authority.nameField
authenticationFailureUrl failureHandler.defaultFailureUrl
ajaxAuthenticationFailureUrl failureHandler.ajaxAuthFailUrl
defaultTargetUrl successHandler.defaultTargetUrl
alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl successHandler.alwaysUseDefault
filterProcessesUrl apf.filterProcessesUrl
key anon.key
userAttribute anon.userAttribute
loginFormUrl auth.loginFormUrl
forceHttps auth.forceHttps
ajaxLoginFormUrl auth.ajaxLoginFormUrl
afterLogoutUrl logout.afterLogoutUrl
errorPage adh.errorPage
ajaxErrorPage adh.ajaxErrorPage
ajaxHeader ajaxHeader
algorithm password.algorithm
encodeHashAsBase64 password.encodeHashAsBase64
cookieName rememberMe.cookieName
alwaysRemember rememberMe.alwaysRemember
tokenValiditySeconds rememberMe.tokenValiditySeconds
parameter rememberMe.parameter
rememberMeKey rememberMe.key
useLogger registerLoggerListener
useRequestMapDomainClass securityConfigType = "Requestmap"
requestMapClass requestMap.className
requestMapPathField requestMap.urlField
requestMapConfigAttributeField requestMap.configAttributeField
useControllerAnnotations securityConfigType = "Annotation"
controllerAnnotationsMatcher controllerAnnotations.matcher
controllerAnnotationsMatchesLowercase controllerAnnotations.lowercase
controllerAnnotationStaticRules controllerAnnotations.staticRules
controllerAnnotationsRejectIfNoRule rejectIfNoRule
requestMapString N/A - securityConfigType = "InterceptUrlMap" is very similar
realmName basic.realmName
basicProcessingFilter useBasicAuth
switchUserProcessingFilter useSwitchUserFilter
swswitchUserUrl switchUser.switchUserUrl
swexitUserUrl switchUser.exitUserUrl
swtargetUrl switchUser.targetUrl
useMail N/A - registration is supported in the UI plugin
mailHost N/A - registration is supported in the UI plugin
mailUsername N/A - registration is supported in the UI plugin
mailPassword N/A - registration is supported in the UI plugin
mailProtocol N/A - registration is supported in the UI plugin
mailFrom N/A - registration is supported in the UI plugin
mailPort N/A - registration is supported in the UI plugin
defaultRole N/A - registration is supported in the UI plugin
useOpenId N/A - supported in the OpenID plugin
openIdNonceMaxSeconds N/A - supported in the OpenID plugin
useLdap N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapRetrieveGroupRoles N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapRetrieveDatabaseRoles N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapSearchSubtree N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapGroupRoleAttribute N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapPasswordAttributeName N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapServer N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapManagerDn N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapManagerPassword N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapSearchBase N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapSearchFilter N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapGroupSearchBase N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapGroupSearchFilter N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
ldapUsePassword N/A - supported in the LDAP plugin
useKerberos N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
kerberosLoginConfigFile N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
kerberosRealm N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
kerberosKdc N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
kerberosRetrieveDatabaseRoles N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
useHttpSessionEventPublisher useHttpSessionEventPublisher
cacheUsers cacheUsers
useCAS N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.casServer N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.casServerPort N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.casServerSecure N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.localhostSecure N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.failureURL N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.defaultTargetURL N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.fullLoginURL N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.fullServiceURL N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.authenticationProviderKey N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.userDetailsService N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.sendRenew N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.proxyReceptorUrl N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
cas.filterProcessesUrl N/A - supported in the CAS plugin
useNtlm N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
ntlm.stripDomain N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
ntlm.retryOnAuthFailure N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
ntlm.forceIdentification N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
ntlm.defaultDomain N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
ntlm.netbiosWINS N/A - will be supported in a secondary plugin
httpPort portMapper.httpPort
httpsPort portMapper.httpsPort
secureChannelDefinitionSource N/A, use secureChannel.definition
channelConfig secureChannel.definition
ipRestrictions ipRestrictions
useFacebook N/A - will be supported in the Facebook plugin
facebook.filterProcessesUrl N/A - will be supported in the Facebook plugin
facebook.authenticationUrlRoot N/A - will be supported in the Facebook plugin
facebook.apiKey N/A - will be supported in the Facebook plugin
facebook.secretKey N/A - will be supported in the Facebook plugin


Acegi Plugin插件是在rails-app/conf/ SecurityConfig.groovy里面的,而Spring Security是在grails-app/conf/Config.groovy的,这点不复杂,官方文档也有说道。




这个问题比较关键Acegi Plugin插件默认的密码编码是与Spring Security默认编码是不一样的,所以需要在Config.groovy里面指定编码,如果以前使用的是MD5则需要重新配置为MD5,如下:

grails {
    plugins {
        springsecurity {
            password.algorithm = "MD5"


Spring Security CorePlugin读取配置文件的方式为 SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig





