CPU Frequency scaling CPU频率的修改方法


[root@wyx~]# cpupower frequency-set -f 1.6G
Setting cpu: 0
Error setting new values. Common errors:
- Do you have proper administration rights? (super-user?)
- Is the governor you requested available and modprobed?
- Trying to set an invalid policy?
- Trying to set a specific frequency, but userspace governor is not available,
   for example because of hardware which cannot be set to a specific frequency

   or because the userspace governor isn't loaded?


1. 在/etc/default/grub中加入 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="intel_pstate=disable"

2. 命令行输入:

     grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg 

     或者 grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

3. 重启机器 reboot(有些机器需要在bios里关掉超线程以及Pstate,Cstate,有些不用,可以试一试。)

4. 重启后输入命令:
cpupower frequency-info --governors

cpupower frequency-set -g conservative 

5.  可以用cpupower的命令修改频率了

        cpupower frequency-set -f 1.6G

