VHDL数据类型(Data Types)

数据类型(Data Types)

A data type appears in a declaration to identify the type used at that point. There are four classes of types in VHDL:

  • 标量类型:表示一个单独的数字值,枚举类型。标准类型有:
    • 枚举类型
    • 浮点型
    • 整型
    • 物理类型
  • Scalar types: represent a single numeric value, or in the case of
    enumerated types, an enumeration value. The standard types that fall
    into this class are:
    • Enumeration
    • Floating Point
    • Integer
    • Physical
  • 复合类型:表示数值的集合。其标准类型有以下几种:
    • 数组
    • 记录
  • Composite types: represent a collection of values. The standard types
    that fall into this call are:
    • Array
    • Record
  • 访问类型提供对象的访问入口,类似于一些软件编程语言的指针。
  • Access type provide access to objects, equivalent to pointers in
    software programming languages.
    File type reference objects (typically disk files) that contain a
    sequence of values.
    You can define your own type based on one of the classes mentioned above, or constrain an existing type with the subtype keyword.

枚举类型(Enumeration Type)

The enumeration type is a type whose values are defined by listing all possible values explicitly. Each value is either a name or a character.


type 枚举名 is ( 枚举元素, 枚举元素, ... );
type new_name is ( type_element, type_element, ... );


The enumeration type is a type with an ordered set of values, called enumeration literals, and consisting of identifiers and character literals. The same value cannot appear twice in the same type, but may appear in two (or more) different enumeration types. This is called overloading.
All enumerated values are ordered and each of them has a numeric (integer) value assigned to it. This number indicates the position of the value in the list. The first value in the definition has position number zero and each subsequent has the number increased by one from its predecessor.


type FSM_States is (idle, start, stop, clear); 
type std_ulogic is ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-');


  • 定义有范围的枚举类型是不合法的。
  • It is illegal to define an enumeration type with a range.
  • 列表中的字符值是可打印字符,且用单引号包围。
  • A character in the list of values is a printable charter enclosed in
    single quotes!
  • The package Standard contains declarations of several predefined
    enumeration types.

浮点类型(Floating Point)

A floating point type provides an approximation to the real numbers.


type 浮点名 is 实数最大值 downto 实属最小值;    -- 降序 
type 浮点名 is 实属最小值 to 实属最大值;        -- 升序
type new_name is range real_number_left_bound downto real_number_right_bound;    -- descending 
type new_name is range real_number_left_bound to real_number_right_bound;        -- ascending


A floating point type is a numeric type consisting of real numbers which values are constrained by a specified range.
There exists only one predefined floating point type: Real. The range of the values for the type Real are implementation-dependent, but it is required by the standard that it covers the values from -1.0E38 to +1.0E38.
A user-defined floating point type can be constructed on the basis of the predefined Real type by constraining its range. The bounds of the range of a user-defined floating point type must be static floating point type expressions.
All floating point types (including user-defined) have the same set of arithmetic operators, namely: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, absolute function and exponentiation.


type InputLevel is range -6.55 to +12.35; 
type Int64K is range -65536.00 to 65535.00;

- 浮点类型不能被综合。浮点类型被用于高层次的仿真。
- The floating point types are not synthesizeable. The floating point
type is used for high level simulations.

The integer type is a scalar whose set of values includes integer numbers of the specified range.


type 整型名 is 整数最小值 to 整数最大值; 
type 整型名 is 整数最大值 downto 整数最小值; 
type type_name is integer_left_bound to integer_right_bound; 
type type_name is integer_left_bound downto integer_right_bound; 


整型是由一定范围的整数组成的数字类型。只有一种预定义的整型,其大小范围为+/-(2E31 - 1)。
An integer type is a numeric type which consists of integer numbers within the specified range. There is only one predefined Integer type, and that is type Integer which range depends on the implementation, but must cover at least the range +/-(2E31 - 1).

A user-defined integer type can be constructed on the basis of the predefined Integer type by constraining its range.
All integer types (including user-defined) have the same set of arithmetic operators, defined in the package Standard, namely: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, and remainder. In all cases both operands and the result are of the integer type.
整型的关系运算符有:等、不等、大于、大于等于、小于等于。关系运算的结构是布尔型(boolean type)。
Relations can be checked on integer operands: equal, unequal, greater than, less than, greater or equal than, and less or equal than. In all cases, the result is of the Boolean type.


type Level is range 0 to 7; 
type Int_64K is range -65536 to 65535; 
type WORDS is range 31 downto 0;


  • 给整型赋的值超过其范围则导致错误。
  • It is an error to assign to an integer object a value which is from
    outside its range.

物理类型(Physical Type)

A physical type represents an integer value together with a physical unit.


type 物理类型名 is 左边界 to 右边界
    次级单位名 = 量级值 主单位名;
end units [物理类型名]

type 物理类型名 is 左边界 downto 右边界
    次级单位名 = 量级值 主单位名;
end units [物理类型名]
type new_name is range left_bound to right_bound 
  secondary_unit_name = number primary_unit_name;
end units [ new_name ]; 
type new_name is range left_bound downto right_bound 
  secondary_unit_name = number primary_unit_name;
end units [ new_name ];

A physical type allows to define measurement units for some physical quantity, like length, time, pressure, capacity, etc.
A physical type declaration starts with the definition of a primary unit, which is optionally followed by, one or more secondary units. The primary unit serves as the base unit for representing values of the specified type. The secondary units are defined as multiplicity of primary units or previously specified secondary units. Their declarations may contain only integer literals.
Each value of a physical type has a corresponding position number, which is the number of primary units represented by that unit name. This way values specified in different units of the same type can be compared.


type Capacity is range 0 to integer'high
  pF;               -- picofarad 
  nF = 1000 pF;     -- nanofarad 
  uF = 1000 nF;     -- microfarad 
  mF = 1000 uF;     -- milifarad 
  F  = 1000 mF;     -- farad 
end units; 


  • 物理类型不可被综合。
  • Physical types are not synthesizeable.
  • 浮点值不允许用于物理类型的声明。例如,如果要实现毫米到英尺(25.4mm = 1in)的转换,则毫米不能用作基本单位。
  • It is not allowed to use floating point values in physical type
    declarations, i.e. if a conversion from millimeters to inches (25.4
    mm = 1 in) would have to be performed, then millimeters could not be
    used as the base unit.
  • The only commonly used physical type is Time.

A data type which consists of a vector or a multi-dimensional set of values of the same base type.


type 数组名 is array ( 范围, ... ) of 数据类型            -- 有约束条件
type 数据名 is array ( type range <>, ... ) of 数据类型    -- 无约束条件
type array_name is array ( range, ... ) of data_type            -- constrained
type array_name is array ( type range <>, ... ) of data_type    -- unconstrained

An array is a composite object, which elements are of the same subtype. Each element is uniquely distinguished by an index. The number of indices is the number of dimensions, i.e. one-dimensional array has one index, two-dimensional has two indices, etc.

An array may be either constrained or unconstrained. The array is constrained if the size of the array is constrained. The size of the array can be constrained using a discrete type mark or a range.
The array is said to be unconstrained if its size is unconstrained: the size of the unconstrained array is declared in the form of the name of the discrete type, which range is unconstrained. The number of elements of unconstrained array type is unknown.
The values within an array can be read or written using an indexed name or a slice name.


subtype Byte is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 
type Mem is array (0 to 63) of Byte; 
variable Memory : Mem; 
if Read then 
  Data <= Memory(to_integer(Address)); 
elsif Write then 
  Memory(to_integer(Address) := Data; 
end if;


-大部分综合工具不支持多维数组(“vectors of vectors“形式的二维数外 )
- Most synthesis tools do not support multidimensional arrays (one
exception to this is two-dimensional “vectors of vectors”).


A composite type whose values consist of named elements.


type 记录名 is record 
  元素名, ... : 数据类型;
end record [ 记录名 ]; 
type record_name is record 
  element_name, ... : data_type;
end record [ record_name ]; 


The record represents a set of values of different types. This is the main difference from arrays, which must have all elements of the same type. All elements are declared with individual names. The names of elements in each record must be distinct. However, the same element name can be used in different records.
The value of an object of type record is a composite value, consisting of the values of its elements. The assignment of a value to an object of the type record can be realized either through an aggregate or through individual assignments to elements (selected names).
When individual assignment to elements is used then each element is referenced by the record name followed by a dot and element’s name.


type Person is record 
  FirstName: string (1 to 20); 
  Married: boolean;
  Children: natural;
end record;

variable V1, V2: Person;
V1.Children:= 1;
V2:= ("John", false, 0);


  • 文件不允许作为记录的元素。
  • Files are not allowed as elements of records.

A type that allows dynamic memory allocation. An access value is returned by an allocator (equivalent to pointers in C or Pascal)


type type_name is access data_type;

type incomplete_type_name;


Access type allows to manipulate data, which are created dynamically during simulation and which exact size is not known in advance. Any reference to them is performed via allocators, which work in a similar way as pointers in programming languages.

The only objects allowed to be of the access type are variables.
The default value of an access type is null.

For each incomplete type declaration there must be a corresponding full type declaration with the same name. The complete declaration must appear in the same declarative part. A type declared as incomplete may not be used for any other purposes than to define an access type before the complete type definition is accomplished.


--declaration of record
type DataRecord is record
   Data: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   NextData: Link;
end record;

-- declaration of the access type
type Link is access DataRecord; 

variable StartOfRecords, Ptr: Link;


A file declaration declares a file of the specified type.


type 新文件名 is file of 类型名;

file 新文件名: 数据类型 [ [ open 打开方式 ] is 文件名 ];
打开方式 = 只读 | 只写 | 追加 
file 新文件名: 数据类型 is [ 打开模式 ] 文件名;       -- 仅VHDL'87  
打开模式 = 输入 | 输出                             -- 仅VHDL'87 

文件名 = 字符串表达式
type new_name is file of type_name;

file new_name: data_type [ [ open file_kind ] is file_name ];
file_kind = read_mode | write_mode | append_mode 
file new_name: data_type is [ mode ] file_name;                -- VHDL'87 only 
mode = in | out                                                -- VHDL'87 only

file_name = string_expression


The file declaration creates one or more file objects of the specified type. Such a declaration can be included in any declarative part in which the objects can be created, that is within architecture bodies, processes, blocks, packages or subprograms.

The optional open file_kind allows specifying how the physical file associated with the file object should be opened. The expression must have the predefined type file_open_kind value, which is declared in the Standard package.
The file_name must be an expression of predefined type String. The file_name identifies an external file in the host file system that is associated with the file object. This association provides a mechanism for either importing data contained in an external file into the design during simulation or exporting data generated during simulation to an external file.

The following procedures and functions are defined for all file types:

procedure file_open (file F: FT; 
                     external_name: in string; 
                     open_kind: in file_open_kind := read_mode); 
procedure file_open (status: out file_open_status; 
                     file F: FT; 
                     external_name: in string; 
                     open_kind: in file_open_kind := read_mode); 
procedure file_close (file F: FT); 
procedure read (file F: FT; value: out TM); 
procedure write (file F: FT; value: in TM); 
function endfile (file F: FT) return BOOLEAN;


type DataFile is file of string;
file F: DataFile open write_mode is "FileName";   -- VHDL'93 
file F: DataFile is out "filename";               -- VHDL'87 


  • 指向同一外部文件的文件对象必须是相同的基础类型。
  • All file objects associated with the same external file should be of
    the same base type.
  • File declarations are incompatible between VHDL’87 and VHDL’93.
  • 通常使用Textio包来读写文件。
  • Always use package Textio to read or write files.


A set of values and a set of operations.


type 类型名 [ is 数据类型 ]; 
type type_name [ is data_type ]; 


All signals, variables, constants (i.e. objects) and expresssions have a type. The type defines the set of values that the object or expression can have. A type also determines the set of operations which can be performed on an object or expression.

There are four classes of types in VHDL:

  • 标量类型:表示一个单独的数值,或者枚举类型中的枚举值。
  • scalar types: represent a single numeric value, or in the case of
    enumerated types, an enumeration value.
  • composite types: represent a collection of values.
  • 访问类型:为给定类型的对象提供访问接口。
  • access types: provide access to objects of a given type.
  • 文件:为给定类型的特定序列值对象(典型的如硬盘文件)提供访问接口。
  • files: provide access to objects that contain a sequence of values of
    a given type (typically disk files).

Apart from predefined types (available through the packages Standard, Std_logic_1164 and Numeric_std), the user can define his own types. A user-defined type can be of any of the four classes mentioned above.

A value of one type cannot be assigned to an object of a different type. If a translation from one type to another is required, then type conversion must be applied.


type State is (TReset, TWait, THold, THalt);


  • VHDL是强类型化的语言,即已相同方式定义的两个类型,如果其名字不同,则被认为不同的类型。
  • VHDL is a strongly typed language which causes that two types defined
    in exactly the same way (i.e. lexically identical) but differing only
    by names will be considered different.
  • The initial value of an object is the left most value of the type,
    i.e. the value on the left of the base enumeration.


A type together with a constraint.


subtype subtype_name is data_type;


A subtype is compatible with its base type and shares the same operations.

A value belongs to a subtype of a given type if it belongs to the type and satisfies the constraint. A type is a subtype of itself. Such a subtype is said to be unconstrained because it corresponds to a condition that imposes no restriction.
There are two predefined subtypes specified in the package Standard: Natural and Positive. Both are subtypes of the type Integer. The package Std_logic_1164 also contains declarations of subtypes, which are constrained subtypes of the std_logic.


subtype Digits is integer range 0 to 9; 
subtype MyBit is std_logic range '0' to '1'; 
subtype MyVector is std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);


  • 子类型声明并不产生新类型。
  • A subtype declaration does not define a new type.
  • 在仿真工具为仿真寄存器设置一个数值时,强烈建议使用枚举和整型的自类型。
  • Using subtypes of enumerated and integer types for synthesis is
    strongly recommended as synthesis tools infer an appropriate number
    of bits in synthesized registers, depending on the range.

预定义类型(Predefined Types)

VHDL LRM在标准库中定义了一些数据类型,如布尔型(boolean),位(bit),位向量(bit_vector)和字符串(string)。
The VHDL LRM defines a few data types in the Standard pacakage such as Boolean, Bit, Bit_vector and String.


The boolean type is predefined in the Standard package as an enumerated data type with two possible values: false and true.


type boolean is (false, true); 


布尔类型用于条件运算。布尔对象可用于任何关系运算符,如<,>,<=,>=,= 或者/=。
The boolean type is used for conditional operations. Boolean objects can be used with any of the relational operators <, >, <=, >=, = or /=.
The default value of any object of the boolean type is false.


signal Condition: boolean; 
Condition <= true;
if Condition then ...  {is equivalent to: if Condition = true then ...}


  • 布尔值(假和真)不同于逻辑0和1.在VHDL中,逻辑0和1是位类型。
  • Boolean values (false and true) are not identical to logical 0 and 1,
    respectively. In VHDL, the logical 0 and 1 are of the bit type.


The bit type is predefined in the Standard package as an enumerated data type with only two allowable values: ‘0’ and ‘1’.


type bit is ('0','1'); 


The bit type is the basic type to represent logical values. Note that there are only two values defined for the bit type and it is not possible to use it for high impedance and other non-trivial values such as Unknown, Resistive Weak, etc. (see Std_logic).

The default value of any object of the bit type is ‘0’.


signal A, B: bit; 
A <= '1'; 
B <= not A;


  • 位类型的值‘0’和‘1’不等同于布尔类型值。
  • Bit type values ‘0’ and ‘1’ are not identical to the Boolean values
    (false and true), respectively.
  • Logical values for an object of the bit type must be written in
    quotes to distinguish them from Integer values.


The bit_vector is a one-dimensional array type with elements being of type Bit. The bit_vector type is predefined in the Standard package.


type bit_vector is array (natural range <>) of bit; 


The bit_vector type is an unconstrained vector. During the declaration the size of a vector is specified.
Assignments to a bit_vector can be done in the same way as in case of any arrays (using single element assignments, concatenation, aggregates, slices or any combination of the previous methods).

The bit_vector is an unresolved type and therefore any object of this type can have only one assignment in an architecture.


signal Bus : bit_vector(7 downto 0); 
Bus(0) <= '1'; 
Bus <= ('1', others => '0'); 
Bus <= Bus(6 downto 0) & Bus(7); 
Bus <= "01110010";


  • 位向量类型的逻辑值必须用双引号包围。
  • Logical values for objects of the bit_vector type must be written in
    double quotes.
  • Single elements are of the bit type, therefore all values assigned to
    single elements are specified in single quotes.


The string type is predefined in the package Standard as a standard one-dimensional array type with each element being of the type Character.


type string is array (positive range <>) of character; 


The type String is an unconstrained vector of elements of the type Character. The number of characters in a string must be specified during its declaration. Assignments to a String can be done in the same way as in case of any arrays, i.e. using single element assignments, concatenation, aggregates, slices or any combination of them.
B“数值” – 二进制
O“数值”– 十进制
X“数值” –十六进制
A String can have an explicit number base for Binary, Octal or Hexadecimal values.
B”value” – binary
O”value” – octal
X”value” – hexadecimal


"hello world" 


  • 字符串的书写形式用双信号包围。单个元素是字符类型,所以用单引号包围。
  • Strings are written in double quotes. Single elements, however, are
    of the type Character, therefore values assigned to single elements
    (referred by the index) are specified in single quotes.
  • Strings are case sensitive.
