



     * Writes the DataStream to a socket as a byte array. The format of the
     * output is specified by a {@link SerializationSchema}.
     * @param hostName
     *            host of the socket
     * @param port
     *            port of the socket
     * @param schema
     *            schema for serialization
     * @return the closed DataStream
    public DataStreamSink writeToSocket(String hostName, int port, SerializationSchema schema) {
        DataStreamSink returnStream = addSink(new SocketClientSink<>(hostName, port, schema, 0));
        returnStream.setParallelism(1); // It would not work if multiple instances would connect to the same port
        return returnStream;
  • DataStream的writeToSocket方法,内部创建了SocketClientSink,这里传递了四个构造参数,分别是hostName、port、schema、maxNumRetries(这里为0)



 * Socket client that acts as a streaming sink. The data is sent to a Socket as a byte array.

The sink can be set to retry message sends after the sending failed. * *

The sink can be set to 'autoflush', in which case the socket stream is flushed after every * message. This significantly reduced throughput, but also decreases message latency. * * @param data to be written into the Socket. */ @PublicEvolving public class SocketClientSink extends RichSinkFunction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SocketClientSink.class); private static final int CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY = 500; private final SerializableObject lock = new SerializableObject(); private final SerializationSchema schema; private final String hostName; private final int port; private final int maxNumRetries; private final boolean autoFlush; private transient Socket client; private transient OutputStream outputStream; private int retries; private volatile boolean isRunning = true; /** * Creates a new SocketClientSink. The sink will not attempt to retry connections upon failure * and will not auto-flush the stream. * * @param hostName Hostname of the server to connect to. * @param port Port of the server. * @param schema Schema used to serialize the data into bytes. */ public SocketClientSink(String hostName, int port, SerializationSchema schema) { this(hostName, port, schema, 0); } /** * Creates a new SocketClientSink that retries connections upon failure up to a given number of times. * A value of -1 for the number of retries will cause the system to retry an infinite number of times. * The sink will not auto-flush the stream. * * @param hostName Hostname of the server to connect to. * @param port Port of the server. * @param schema Schema used to serialize the data into bytes. * @param maxNumRetries The maximum number of retries after a message send failed. */ public SocketClientSink(String hostName, int port, SerializationSchema schema, int maxNumRetries) { this(hostName, port, schema, maxNumRetries, false); } /** * Creates a new SocketClientSink that retries connections upon failure up to a given number of times. * A value of -1 for the number of retries will cause the system to retry an infinite number of times. * * @param hostName Hostname of the server to connect to. * @param port Port of the server. * @param schema Schema used to serialize the data into bytes. * @param maxNumRetries The maximum number of retries after a message send failed. * @param autoflush Flag to indicate whether the socket stream should be flushed after each message. */ public SocketClientSink(String hostName, int port, SerializationSchema schema, int maxNumRetries, boolean autoflush) { checkArgument(port > 0 && port < 65536, "port is out of range"); checkArgument(maxNumRetries >= -1, "maxNumRetries must be zero or larger (num retries), or -1 (infinite retries)"); this.hostName = checkNotNull(hostName, "hostname must not be null"); this.port = port; this.schema = checkNotNull(schema); this.maxNumRetries = maxNumRetries; this.autoFlush = autoflush; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Life cycle // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Initialize the connection with the Socket in the server. * @param parameters Configuration. */ @Override public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception { try { synchronized (lock) { createConnection(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Cannot connect to socket server at " + hostName + ":" + port, e); } } /** * Called when new data arrives to the sink, and forwards it to Socket. * * @param value The value to write to the socket. */ @Override public void invoke(IN value) throws Exception { byte[] msg = schema.serialize(value); try { outputStream.write(msg); if (autoFlush) { outputStream.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { // if no re-tries are enable, fail immediately if (maxNumRetries == 0) { throw new IOException("Failed to send message '" + value + "' to socket server at " + hostName + ":" + port + ". Connection re-tries are not enabled.", e); } LOG.error("Failed to send message '" + value + "' to socket server at " + hostName + ":" + port + ". Trying to reconnect..." , e); // do the retries in locked scope, to guard against concurrent close() calls // note that the first re-try comes immediately, without a wait! synchronized (lock) { IOException lastException = null; retries = 0; while (isRunning && (maxNumRetries < 0 || retries < maxNumRetries)) { // first, clean up the old resources try { if (outputStream != null) { outputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException ee) { LOG.error("Could not close output stream from failed write attempt", ee); } try { if (client != null) { client.close(); } } catch (IOException ee) { LOG.error("Could not close socket from failed write attempt", ee); } // try again retries++; try { // initialize a new connection createConnection(); // re-try the write outputStream.write(msg); // success! return; } catch (IOException ee) { lastException = ee; LOG.error("Re-connect to socket server and send message failed. Retry time(s): " + retries, ee); } // wait before re-attempting to connect lock.wait(CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY); } // throw an exception if the task is still running, otherwise simply leave the method if (isRunning) { throw new IOException("Failed to send message '" + value + "' to socket server at " + hostName + ":" + port + ". Failed after " + retries + " retries.", lastException); } } } } /** * Closes the connection with the Socket server. */ @Override public void close() throws Exception { // flag this as not running any more isRunning = false; // clean up in locked scope, so there is no concurrent change to the stream and client synchronized (lock) { // we notify first (this statement cannot fail). The notified thread will not continue // anyways before it can re-acquire the lock lock.notifyAll(); try { if (outputStream != null) { outputStream.close(); } } finally { if (client != null) { client.close(); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Utilities // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void createConnection() throws IOException { client = new Socket(hostName, port); client.setKeepAlive(true); client.setTcpNoDelay(true); outputStream = client.getOutputStream(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // For testing // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ int getCurrentNumberOfRetries() { synchronized (lock) { return retries; } } }

  • SocketClientSink继承了RichSinkFunction,其autoFlush属性默认为false
  • open方法里头调用了createConnection,来初始化与socket的连接,如果此时出现IOException,则立马fail fast;createConnection的时候,这里设置的keepAlive及tcpNoDelay均为true
  • invoke方法首先调用schema.serialize方法来序列化value,然后调用socket的outputStream.write,如果autoFlush为true的话,则立马flush outputStream;如果出现IOException则立马进行重试,这里重试的逻辑直接写在catch里头,根据maxNumRetries来,重试的时候,就是先createConnection,然后调用outputStream.write,重试的delay为CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY(500)


  • DataStream的writeToSocket方法,内部创建了SocketClientSink,默认传递的maxNumRetries为0,而且没有调用带autoFlush属性默认为false的构造器,其autoFlush属性默认为false
  • open方法创建的socket,其keepAlive及tcpNoDelay均为true,如果open的时候出现IOException,则里头抛出异常终止运行
  • invoke方法比较简单,就是使用SerializationSchema来序列化value,然后write到outputStream;这里进行了简单的失败重试,默认的重试delay为CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY(500),这个版本实现的重试比较简单,是同步进行的


  • SocketClientSink
