英语札记 4

My friend's wife lost her hard-fought battle against cancer yesterday.
lost battle 既可以当名词"败仗",又可以当动词短语"打了败仗"
hard-fought battle 硬仗

Model Essay

take a turn for the worse 逆转

screw [skru]
I'm screwed. 我被坑了 
I'm so screwed. 我死定了
I was set up. 我完蛋了/我被坑了/我是被陷害的
set up强调被"冤枉",screwed强调死定了

set up是本来不是一体的,或者本来没有这个东西,你组装在一起
hook sb up = recommend 推荐、介绍
hook up with sb.把某人介绍同**认识.
"hook up"是"connection"的意思相当于中文里的"介绍、认识"之类的词并不单指男女之间的认识.比如某人正在找份工作

Card 卡图 展示单一数值
right-click 右键点击
drill through means navigating from one report to a different report in order to get detailed data. while drill up/down is done within the same report.

latitude [ˈlætɪtu:d] 维度
longitude [ˈlɑndʒətud] 经度
slice [slaɪs] 切片
slicer ['slaɪsə] 切片器
[Cross filter direction] 跨筛选器方向

damn [dæm] vi.诅咒; 咒骂;
damn it 该死
damn right 真他xx的对
damn 我去 口语中可用于表祝贺时的惊喜

Alvin on the board! Alvin成明星了。
on the boards “当演员“, 常用在be 动词后作表语。
on board/ on the board / on the boards
1. on board 在车/船/飞机上; 去/到车/船/飞机上 例如:船沉时船上有五十多名旅客。  There were 50 passengers on board when the ship sank. 要不是由于船长的努力,我们就会连船带人全都沉没了。 The ship would have sunk with all on board but for the captain.
2. on the board
1) "在木板上", board 前可加上其他名词构成合成词,表示某种用途的木板。  例如:在切之前把面包放在板上。 Put the bread on the board before cutting it. 在留言板上 on the message board 在布告板上 on the notice board 在跳水板上 on the diving board
2) "在会上讨论"有被动含义  例如: The point will be on the board at the next meeting.
3)on the boards "当演员", 常用在be 动词后作表语。 例如:从祖父那一代其,这家人就以演戏为生。The family have been on the boards since grandfather's time.

All the best. 一切都很好
Wish you(him) all the best.祝你一切顺利

go over 超过/越过
Alvin's team is the first team to go over $1m for Q4.

go Vikings! 进击吧 维京人
Holy crap! 我靠,表惊喜= Oh, my god
holy [ˈhəʊli] a. 神圣的
crap [kræp] n. 废话; 废物; 排泄

Heads Up 警告;当心,留神
Do you have any avoid certain food?
Any food will do. 我不忌口
avoid certain food

praise [preɪz] n.& v. 赞美,赞扬
flatter ['flætɚ] v. 吹捧
flatter each other 互相吹捧

I am mainly engaged in product database report development.
be engaged in 从事/致力于/忙于
hierarchical relationship 层次关系/等级关系
hierarchical [ˌhaɪəˈrɑrkɪkl] a. 层次的,等级的
recursion [rɪˈkɜrʃn] n. 递归 recursive [rɪˈkɜrsɪv] a. 递归的
recursive procedure 递归过程

the other day 前几天,日前
