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如何从众多的数字货币中选择出值得买定持有的? 这里,有一份挑选的清单,也许对你有用,可以供参考。
本文翻译自: https://hackernoon.com/mastering-shitcoins-the-poor-mans-guide-to-getting-crypto-rich-2e469b762ba9
译者:区块链中文字幕组 荆凯
So you missed out on the crypto boom?
You had dreams of telling your boss where to shove it while you drove off in your shiny new pink Cadillac looking for the meaning of life but it didn’t happen.
Maybe you sat on the sidelines waiting for a good price that never came? These prices are crazy, you thought, they’ve got to come back down! Who would pay $10,000 for a single Bitcoin? It was only $1,000 a month ago. And so the prices kept blowing past you.
也许你坐在场外等待一个永远不会到来的好价格? 这些价格太疯狂了,你想,他们一定会回来的! 谁愿意为一个比特币支付1万美元? 一个月前还只有1000美元呢。所以价格不断地从你身边吹过。
Or maybe you made all the mistakes in the Cryptocurrency Trading Bible parts one and two? You over traded, chased rallies too late, FOMOed, sold out too fast and in general did a lot worse than the market because you didn’t learn your lessons. The price to becoming a good trader is really, really high. Most people never make it. To get great at trading you have to lose a bunch of money fast and fail to outperform the market before turning it around.
或者,你可能犯了加密货币交易圣经第一部分 和 第二部分中所有的错误,你过度交易,追涨追得太晚,被FOMOed,太快卖出,总的来说,因为没有吸取教训,比市场的表现要差得多。成为一个优秀交易者的代价是非常非常高的。大多数人都做不到。要想在交易中取得成功,你不得不快速地输掉一大笔钱,在扭转局面之前,无法跑赢大盘。
If you’re lucky, you learn those lessons and wind up a savvy trader who trades well whether the market is up or down.
But the odds are against you. Human nature is against you. Emotions are against you. Everything is against you.
And yet there is hope.
You didn’t miss the boat. Well not totally. You can still swim out to it if you paddle real hard.
It’s not over. A mere 1% of people own crypto. Crypto can solve dozens of previously intractable problems, like digital identities, supply chain integrity, data breaches and many, many more.
But it’s going to take awhile. The crypto superhighway is still under construction. They’re paving the roads and pouring the cement. Nobody is living in the McMansions yet.
But…but…but bubble. Tulips. It’s all going to crash isn’t it?
Yeah. So what?
Let me let you in on a little secret. Ready?
This is the bubble Amazon and Apple went through during the dot.com crash.
Those were mountains at the time and now they’re mole hills.
I grabbed those screen shots from this amazing article that nails the true value of crypto on so many levels. Go read it right after this one and you’ll see that $5,000 or $10,000 or $25,000 doesn’t begin to reflect the value of Bitcoin.
我从这篇神奇的文章中抓取了这些截屏,这篇文章道出了加密货币在非常多个层面上的真实价值。去读一下这,你会发现$ 5,000或$ 10,000或$ 25,000并没有开始反映比特币的价值。
Most people can’t see the future. It’s a total and complete blind spot to them, like staring into a snow crashed TV. As a futurist when I talk to people at parties they know I’m interesting and smart but they can’t hear a word of it. It’s like I’m the teacher in Charlie Brown.
While innovators live in the bright light of future possibilities, the rest of the world lives in the here and now. Inventors and futurists are the shaman and medicine men of the global tribe. The rest of the tribe are hunter-gatherers. And hunter-gatherers are 100% focused on the present. They have to be. There is no time for the future when you got to find the next meal.
And that’s why to the tribe self-driving cars are not real and will never exist. Virtual reality is joke. Bitcoin is a joke and a bubble and fraud.
To the tribe, the Internet looked like a joke to them only twenty years ago, even though they live on it today. Self-sovereign money and privacy and decentralized blockchain voting are absolute mirages to them now.
But if you want to get crypto rich, they better not be mirages to you.
So how do you get there?
You don’t have time to watch charts all day. And you probably don’t have a lot of spare change to throw around. So you’re screwed right?
No matter what your free cash flow looks like you can invest in cryptocurrencies. Whether you have $500 or $1000 or $50,000 the rules are the same. I know a fellow who started with a $1000 he borrowed and made himself a millionaire.
Of course not everyone will have that kind of result. And that’s all right.
How about the gal I met who invested $2,000 and turned it into $70,000? Could you use an extra $70,000? Are you patient enough to go through an 85% draw down and the pop of the crypto bubble?
不管你的自由现金流是什么样子,你都可以投资于加密货币。你有500美元或1000美元或5万美元, 规则都是一样的。我认识一个人,他借了一笔钱以1000美元起家,成了百万富翁。
Then you too can get crypto rich.
Patience and long term vision is the key.
Remember, rich is relative. If you never made more than $25,000 a year in your whole life, than $100,000 is a lot of extra money. It pays a lot of bills and delivers a lot of peace of mind.
That’s why I am going to give you the simplest path to crypto rich. No trading. No watching charts.
Now I don’t recommend you borrow anything to do this and you should only invest what you can afford to lose. Don’t mortgage your house or you deserve everything that is coming to you when the bank comes calling. Do not be an idiot. If you think you’re the exception the percentages say you’re probably not so just put your money in the mattress because it’s a lot safer there.
But if you’re willing to have patience and do this the right way, there is a decent chance that you come out ahead in the future.
The Amazon of Tomorrow 明日的亚马逊
To figure out what to do, you just need to realize that the Amazons and Apples of tomorrow are going to come out of this space. Sure 80% of the projects will fail.
So what?
The others will go on to change the world.
The only problem is, which ones will survive and which ones will go to zero?
Ah, now there’s the trick. Nobody has any idea. Anyone who tells you different is lying. Nobody has a crystal ball.
But we can make an educated guess.
Cryptocurrencies give you the chance to do what venture capitalists do. Up until now it’s been the exclusive right of people with lots and lots of money to invest in early stage companies. But now it’s the little guy’s turn too.
The statistics on companies that succeed or fail in a venture capitalist’s portfolio would terrify the average present focused tribe member.
80% fail outright.
That’s right. They will be worth zero. The big goose egg. Nothing.
If a V.C. put in a million dollars, that million dollars is vaporized.
But it’s the other 20% where this gets interesting.
10% of the companies do all right. Maybe they’re profitable, so the V.C. gets back his or her money and maybe doubles it. Not bad. But considering he or she just lost 80% of their other investments not so good. That puts them in the red by about 50-70%. Ouch.
10%的公司做的很好。也许他们是有利润的,所以V.C.公司会收回他或她的投资,也许会加倍。不坏。但考虑到他或她损失了80%的其它投资,就没那么好了。这使他们的赤字达到了50% - 70%。哎。
But it’s the last 10% where all the money is made.
Those are the companies that go nova. They go up 10x or 100x. We call those ten baggers or hundred baggers. It’s those home runs that recoup all the losses and then some.
这些公司都是新星。它们上升10倍或100倍。我们把它们叫做十倍股或者百倍股( ten baggers or hundred baggers)。这是收回所有损失的本垒打。
So instead of trading you’re going to play micro-V.C.
You’re going to buy in with whatever you have to spare and you’re going to split that money up into the projects with the best chance at pulling a moon.
你会用你能够用的闲钱去购买,你将把这些钱分成几个项目,这些项目有最好的机会能拉升到月亮上(pulling a moon)。
So let’s analyze the market here so we can figure out what to buy.
The Contenders 竞争者
Right now coins are starting to split up into three major categories:
- Currency
- Platform
- Utility
- 货币
- 平台
- 应用
There is a fourth kind of coin: a security token. In a year or two, people will be overrun with companies putting their shares on the blockchain. But that can’t happen until regulators get out of fear mode and start putting together the right rules for it. Delaware, the business center of the known universe, already gave us model legislation, so count on it at the federal level too. They just move slower.
还有第四种加密货币:安全令牌。在一两年内,人们将会被那些把自己的股份放在区块链上的公司所淹没。但直到监管者走出恐惧模式,开始为它制定正确的规则,这都是不可能的。特拉华州,已知宇宙的商业中心, [已经给了我们立法的模型](https://www.forbes.com/sites/groupthink/2017/09/20/why-the-delaware-blockchain-initiative-matters-to-all-dealmakers/ # 62 e4bbdb7550), 所以也可以期望在联邦政府层面也实现。他们只是动作太慢了。
Unfortunately, there are no security tokens to trade right now so we’ll have to revisit that in a year.
Let’s start with the currencies.
These are the simplest coins. They’re programmable money. They’re looking to become a medium of exchange for goods and services. Either that or they’re a store of value like gold or silver. Some are deflationary, some inflationary. Some are meant to move fast and others are meant to hold so you can buy things with it later.
The granddaddy of them all is Bitcoin.
That’s got to be a part of any stack. Period.
It has first mover advantage and a huge lead on the others. It’s also the most expensive and maybe the least innovative.
It’s dark horse rival is Bitcoin Cash, a fork of the original project that has its adherents and haters. But regardless of how you feel about this coin, feelings ain’t got nothing to do with it. This is trading and we’re betting on everyone who could pull out a win here, not pretending we can predict the future perfectly. That means Bitcoin Cash should go into your pile as well.
与比特币竞争的黑马是比特币现金(Bitcoin Cash),它是原项目的分叉, 有人追随,也有人憎恨。但不管你对这种币的感觉如何,感觉这种东西都与它无关。这是交易,我们赌每个人都能赢得胜利,而不是假装我们能完美地预测未来。这意味着,比特现金(Bitcoin Cash)也应该进入你的投资组合之中。
Other coins like Dash have good momentum. Dash tends to thrive when Bitcoin is plunging. It steadily gains market and mind share. There’s also long time favorite Litecoin, the “silver” to Bitcoin’s gold. Decred is not a bad bet either, as it has a good distribution model and community.
当比特币暴跌时,Dash往往会蓬勃发展。它稳定地获得市场和心理份额。还有很长一段时间,人们最喜欢的是Litecoin,这是“银”,比特币是黄金。 Decred也是一个不坏的选择,因为它有良好的分配模型和社区。
Privacy coins are essential. These work a lot like a digital version of cash, anonymous and agnostic. Monero, Zcash, and Zcoin are good examples, as is PIVX another underappreciated dark horse that started as a fork of DASH but has evolved into its own system and incorporates the Zero Coin protocol. These are all strong contenders to become the cash of the future in a cashless society.
隐私币是至关重要的。这些工作很像数字版的现金,具有匿名和不可知性。 Monero, Zcash, 和 Zcoin是一些不错的例子,PIVX 是另一个被低估的黑马,从DASH的一个分叉开始,但它已经发展成自己的系统,并加入了Zero Coin(零币)协议。这些都是在无现金社会中成为未来现金的强有力竞争者。
Let’s move on to the platforms. This is where things get really interesting.
Platform coins are looking to do things that are the sole domain of servers and clouds right now. They want to power decentralized applications, run smart contracts as law and power everything from identities to storage to voting.
The platforms have the longest way to go. They have to solve incredibly challenging scaling problems, maintain security, create whole new programming languages and deliver a fantastic user experience.
平台的发展道路是最漫长的。他们必须解决难以置信的挑战: 扩容问题、安全维护、创建全新的编程语言以及提供出色的用户体验。
None of this is easy. It will take time. But these platforms are the foundation of the decentralized internet of the future.
The biggest and baddest so far is Ethereum. I had a chance to meet with one of the top VCs in the country last week, an early investor in this space, and he told me that 90% of his crypto holdings are in Ethereum. That’s because he sees it as the best chance to become the platform, the one platform to rule them all. They have tremendous momentum, incredible devs and they rapidly incorporate new changes into the system. Ethereum is a must hold for any stack.
迄今为止最大和最坏的平台币都是Ethereum。上周,我有机会与国内顶级风投之一会面,他是该领域的早期投资者。他告诉我Ethereum占他所持仓的加密货币的90%。因为他认为 Ethereum 是最佳的机会成为那个平台,一个将控制全部的平台。他们有很好的走势,令人难以置信的开发者,他们将新的变化迅速融入到系统中。对任何投资组合来说,Ethereum 都是必须持有的.
But they’re not the only contender for the throne. New platforms are coming out every day. There’s bound to be one on a whiteboard somewhere that will blow us all away. But for now we go with what we have here and now.
The other major platform choices are QTUM and NEO out of China, MaidSafe, Waves, IOTA, Tezos (which isn’t trading yet and may never if they don’t survive their lawsuits but which you should definitely own if they ever get out of the gate.) Personally I think these idiots should stop suing, because the project is brilliant and these fools are only proving that they’re too stupid to invest and need the nanny state to protect them but I digress.
其它的主流平台选择是QTUM, NEO(来自中国), MaidSafe, Waves, IOTA, Tezos (这项目还没有开始交易,如果它们不能够从法律诉讼中存活下来的话,也许永远不能交易了。但是你真的应该拥有它, 如果他们能走出那道门的话.)
Lastly, there’s EOS, probably the biggest ICO in history. They have a good pitch and they’ve put out a steady stream of code. Not a bad one for your bag. I sold them way too early.
最后是EOS, 可能是史上最大的 ICO. 他们的推销手段很好,并且有稳定的代码流输出。也是你放入包中的一个不错选择。我卖得太早了。
Others will certainly join the fold. 其他人当然也会加入这个行列。
The last choices are utility coins. These are the hardest to pick.
最后,是工具币(utility coins)。这些是最难挑选的。
The problem with most utility coins is they have no utility.
You’re supposed to use these coins to consume services like identity lookups or decentralized DNS lookups but there is no platform to use these coins yet, so they’re some of the riskiest because they have to survive long enough to service the dominant platforms. By the time that happens those services might already be incorporated into the platforms or get up and running for free. This should be the smallest portion of your bag. Expect utility coins to make up a significant portion of the post dot-com crypto bubble burst list.
预期你会用这些币来消费服务,如身份查询或去中心化的DNS查找之类,但目前还没有平台能使用这些币,它们是风险最高的,因为它们必须存活足够长的时间来服务于主流平台。当这发生时,这些服务可能已经被整合到平台上,或者免费运行。这应该是你包里最小的部分。在帖子dot-com 加密货币泡沫破裂列表中,预期工具币会占很大一部分。
However one style of utility coin is here to stay: Fintech coins. These are coins that are designed to move money around the world for major institutions like banks.
然而,还有一种类型的工具币可以看一下: 金融科技币(Fintech coins.)。这些币的设计目的是为了让银行等主要机构可以在全世界转移资金。
Ripple is the big one here. I don’t love their closed source model and their patents (patents are poison in this space) but their tech appears to work well and it keeps a very steady value, something essential when moving money because you don’t want that money experiencing crazy volatility swings like Bitcoin. If you put $1 million dollars on the wire it should come out a million dollars on the other side not $650,000 or $1.2 million.
The only question about Ripple is how much it actually rises in value over time. Hard to say but good to hold onto anyway.
A better choice to me is Stellar Lumens which has a fantastic team. They partnered with IBM to provide service to banks and they have some incredible advisors on board, as well as a lot of transparency. They’re also powering the two reward coins that have a good shot at becoming universal reward coins, Kik and MobileCoin, the second in development by the founder of Signal.
对我来说一个更好的选择是Stellar Lumens ,这是一个非常棒的团队。他们与IBM合作,为银行提供服务,他们在董事会上有一些令人难以置信的顾问,还有很高的透明度。他们也为两个奖励币提供支持, 这两种币有很大的机会成为普遍的奖励币,Kik和MobileCoin, 后者由Signal的创始人开发。
Omise Go has Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin as an adviser and they’re looking to do much of the same thing that Stellar and Ripple can do but in a more open fashion so they have my vote.
Omise Go 有Ethereum创始人 Vitalik Buterin 作为顾问,它们要做的事情,和Stellar 和 Ripple能做的一样,但是以一种更为开放的方式来做,所以得到了我的青睐。
All of those coins are buy and holds in any strong portfolio.
Outside of Fintech, there are a few choices that are riskier but interesting.
PAY is a good bet, if they can get their partnerships with the major credit card creators off the ground. That is a big if because the Visas and Mastercards of the world will likely do their own crypto at one point in an attempt to maintain monopoly control over the credit card terminals.
PAY 是个不错的选择,如果他们能与主要的信用卡创造者建立合作关系的话。这很重要,因为世界上的Visas 和 Mastercards 可能会在某个时刻,做他们自己的加密货币,以保持对信用卡终端的垄断控制。
I’d also look for coins that disintermediate businesses like an energy coin or Populous that deals with payroll and carving out costs there, something that will deliver tremendous ROI for companies.
SALT is incredibly interesting as well. They propose to do blockchain backed loans, another industry ripe for the picking and something that the IMF will love for micro-loans in third world countries.
SALT 也非常有趣。他们声称要做基于blockchain的贷款,另一个可供选择的成熟的行业, IMF(国际货币基金组织)也会喜欢用于给第三世界国家提供小额贷款。
Last up in Metal. They fit my ultimate pattern for building a universal reward coin and I like what I see out of them.
最后是Metal. 他们符合我的构建通用奖励币的终极模式, 我喜欢从他们身上所看到的。
There are a bunch more I could list here but this isn’t about buying every coin on the top 100. This is about understanding who has a real shot at surviving.
This is my list. Don’t follow it blindly!
Do your own homework. Make your own decisions.
It’s your money and you have to live and die with your choices.
Don’t come blaming me if this doesn’t work. I am not your financial advisor. This is very risky. High risk, high reward. Making a bunch of money is about taking risks. Don’t come crying if that risk doesn’t pan out. I promise you nothing but the ability to place your bets and hope for the best.
That disclaimer aside, I like my chances. I’ve seen this scenario play out time and again in world history. I don’t see any reason it can’t work again.
So how do you do you pick your coins? Ask questions and demand good answers.
那么,你如何选择币呢? 问问题,并寻求好的答案。
The questions you want to ask are:
- Does this coin/project have a purpose?
- If so what?
- Can they solve a real problem?
- How good is their team?
- How long have they been around?
- How strong is their code base?
- Do they have a road map?
- Are they transparent?
- 他们能解决真正的问题吗?
- 他们的团队有多好?
Every coin on this list has good answers to 70–80% of those questions. But don’t take my word on it. Do your own research.
这个列表上的每一种币在70 - 80%的问题上都有好答案。但不要相信我的话。自己做好研究。
That’s All Folks 这就是全部了
So there you have it. Grab a basket of coins, buy and hold. Wake up rich in a couple of years.
If you did this a few years ago you’d be retired or least have the down payment on a house. Most of the coins would have disappeared but the big ones would have delivered those hundred baggers.
如果你几年前做了这个,你就退休了,或者至少有了房子的首付。大多数是币会消失,但大的那个,会成为百倍股(the big ones would have delivered those hundred baggers)。
Remember a lot of these coins will fail too but today is different from three years ago. More established players with histories are getting into the game. These are real companies not fly by night projects. Even when these coins fail they’ll still get somewhere with code and mind share. Other projects will absorb what they’ve done, whether by grabbing that open source code and expanding it or just hiring those development teams.
And we may get a big bubble pop. You will probably have to eat an 85% drop down. Don’t panic. Don’t even look at the charts.
Put these coins in cold storage and forget about them.
Then wake up in two years and see how you did.
With any luck you won’t be working for anyone ever again.
So what are you going to do? Travel the world? Write that novel you always wanted to write? Or just buy a lambo?
The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
DISCLAIMER: Be a big boy or girl and make your own decisions about where to put your hard earned money. I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice and if I really need to tell you this then it’s best to keep your money under a mattress anyway because when you lose it you’ll only blame other people for your mistakes rather than yourself.
免责声明: 像成年人一样,自己做决定,要把你的辛苦钱投资到哪里。我不是理财顾问,这不是理财建议,如果我真的需要告诉你,那么最好你还是把钱藏在床垫底下,因为当你失去它的时候,你只会把你的错误归咎于别人,而不是你自己。
荆凯(shuke0327) 区块链技术爱好者,程序员,坚信区块链将会改变潮水的方向,欢迎关注我的公众号: 增长之道