Linux189:~ # ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Bucharest/etc/localtime
Linux189:~ # zdump -v /etc/localtime |grep2013
/etc/localtime Sun Mar 31 00:59:59 2013 UTC = Sun Mar 3102:59:59 2013 EET isdst=0
/etc/localtime Sun Mar 31 01:00:00 2013 UTC = Sun Mar 3104:00:00 2013 EEST isdst=1
/etc/localtime Sun Oct 27 00:59:59 2013 UTC = Sun Oct 2703:59:59 2013 EEST isdst=1
/etc/localtime Sun Oct 27 01:00:00 2013 UTC = Sun Oct 2703:00:00 2013 EET isdst=0
Linux189:~ # date -u 102700502013
Sun Oct 27 00:50:00 UTC 2013
Linux189:~ # date
Sun Oct 27 03:50:01 EEST 2013
Linux189:~ #
CronTrigger allows you to schedule jobs to fire at certain momentswith respect to a "Gregorian calendar". Hence, if you create atrigger to fire every day at 10:00 am, before and after daylight savings timeswitches it will continue to do so. However, depending on whether it was theSpring or Autumn daylight savings event, for that particular Sunday, the actualtime interval between the firing of the trigger on Sundary morning at 10:00 amsince its firing on Saturday morning at 10:00 am will not be 24 hours, but willinstead be 23 or 25 hours respectively.
There is one additional point users must understandabout CronTrigger with respect to daylight savings. This is that you shouldtake careful thought about creating schedules that fire between midnight and 3:00am (the critical window of time depends on your trigger's locale, as explainedabove). The reason is that depending on your trigger's schedule, and theparticular daylight event, the trigger may be skipped or may appear to not firefor an hour or two. As examples, say you are in the United States, wheredaylight savings events occur at 2:00 am. If you have a CronTrrigger that firesevery day at 2:15 am, then on the day of the beginning of daylight savings timethe trigger will be skipped, since, 2:15 am never occurs that day.If you have a CronTrigger that fires every 15 minutes ofevery hour of every day, then on the day daylight savings time ends you willhave an hour of time for which no triggerings occur, because when 2:00 amarrives, it will become 1:00 am again, however all of the firings during theone o'clock hour have already occurred, and the trigger's next fire time wasset to 2:00 am - hence for the next hour no triggerings will occur.
public class QuartzSchedulerThread extendsThread {
*The main processing loop of the QuartzSchedulerThread
public void run() {
boolean lastAcquireFailed = false;
while (!halted) {
signaled = false;
Trigger trigger = null;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
trigger = qsRsrcs.getJobStore().acquireNextTrigger(
ctxt, now +idleWaitTime);
lastAcquireFailed = false;
} catch (JobPersistenceException jpe) {
"An error occuredwhile scanning for the next trigger to fire.",
lastAcquireFailed = true;
catch (RuntimeException e) {
getLog().error("quartzSchedulerThreadLoop:RuntimeException "
lastAcquireFailed = true;
Quartz的Job触发执行的大致思路是:由一个线程不停地sleep,然后从JobStore中获取未来30秒内(idleWaitTime=30s)将要触发的任务。注意,这里传入的是一个相对时间:System.currentTimeMillis() +idleWaitTime;。然后再看一下JobStore中是怎么获取的:
*Get a handle to the next trigger to be fired, and mark it as 'reserved'
*by the calling scheduler.
*@see #releaseAcquiredTrigger(SchedulingContext, Trigger)
public Trigger acquireNextTrigger(SchedulingContext ctxt, longnoLaterThan) {
TriggerWrapper tw = null;
synchronized (triggerLock) {
while (tw == null) {
try {
tw = (TriggerWrapper)timeTriggers.first();
} catch (java.util.NoSuchElementExceptionnsee) {
return null;
if (tw == null) return null;
if(tw.trigger.getNextFireTime() == null) {
tw = null;
if (applyMisfire(tw)) {
if(tw.trigger.getNextFireTime() != null)
tw = null;
if(tw.trigger.getNextFireTime().getTime() >noLaterThan) {
return null;
tw.state =TriggerWrapper.STATE_ACQUIRED;
Trigger trig = (Trigger)tw.trigger.clone();
return trig;
return null;
protected Date getTimeAfter(Date afterTime) {
Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance(getTimeZone());
// move ahead one second, since we're computing the time *after* the
// given time
afterTime = new Date(afterTime.getTime() + 1000);
// CronTrigger does not deal with milliseconds
cl.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
boolean gotOne = false;
// loop until we've computed the next time, or we've past the endTime
while (!gotOne) {
gotOne = true;
} // while( !done )
return cl.getTime();
上述代码的主要实现思路是:先创建一个Calendar对象,然后将其时间设置为afterTime+1s(afterTime就是前面传入的new Date()),然后再根据表达式计算下次执行时间,然后把年月日时分秒设置到c1中,最后再通过c1.getTime()返回一个Date类型的下次执行时间。
在Windows PC上,通过将时区修改到以下时区:
Date t = new Date();
System.out.println("Date1=" + t);
Calendar cl = Calendar.getInstance();
cl.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
Date t2 = cl.getTime();
System.out.println("Date2=" + t2);
System.out.println("Date3=" + cl.getTimeInMillis());
System.out.println("Diff=" + (t2.getTime() - t.getTime()));
Date1=Sun Oct 27 03:34:50 EEST 2013
Date2=Sun Oct 27 03:34:50 EET 2013
*Converts calendar field values to the time value (millisecond
*offset from the Epoch).
*@exception IllegalArgumentException if any calendar fields are invalid.
protected void computeTime() {
//In non-lenient mode, perform brief checking of calendar
//fields which have been set externally. Through this
//checking, the field values are stored in originalFields[]
//to see if any of them are normalized later.
// millis represents local wall-clock time in milliseconds.
long millis = (fixedDate - EPOCH_OFFSET) * ONE_DAY + timeOfDay;
// Compute the time zone offset and DST offset. There are two potential
// ambiguities here. We'll assumea 2:00 am (wall time) switchover time
// for discussion purposes here.
// 1. The transition into DST. Here, a designated time of 2:00 am - 2:59 am
// can be in standard or in DSTdepending. However, 2:00 am is aninvalid
// representation (therepresentation jumps from 1:59:59 am Std to 3:00:00 am DST).
// We assume standard time.
// 2. The transition out of DST. Here, a designated time of 1:00 am - 1:59 am
// can be in standard orDST. Both are valid representations (therep
// jumps from 1:59:59 DST to1:00:00 Std).
// Again, we assume standardtime.
// We use the TimeZone object, unless the user has explicitly set theZONE_OFFSET
// or DST_OFFSET fields; then we use those fields.
TimeZone zone = getZone();
if(zoneOffsets == null) {
zoneOffsets = new int[2];
inttzMask = fieldMask & (ZONE_OFFSET_MASK|DST_OFFSET_MASK);
if (zone instanceof ZoneInfo) {
} else {
intgmtOffset = isFieldSet(fieldMask, ZONE_OFFSET) ?
internalGet(ZONE_OFFSET) :zone.getRawOffset();
zone.getOffsets(millis- gmtOffset, zoneOffsets);
if(tzMask != 0) {
if (isFieldSet(tzMask, ZONE_OFFSET)) {
zoneOffsets[0]= internalGet(ZONE_OFFSET);
if (isFieldSet(tzMask, DST_OFFSET)) {
zoneOffsets[1]= internalGet(DST_OFFSET);
//Adjust the time zone offset values to get the UTC time.
millis-= zoneOffsets[0] + zoneOffsets[1];
//Set this calendar's time in milliseconds
time= millis;
上面代码的计算过程思路大致为:获取Calendar中各个字段,年月日时分秒毫秒,然后各个字段减去基准时间January1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT,换算成毫秒后累加在一起就得到总的毫秒偏移量。
代码中的标红注释部分也正是解释了这个情况:无论2:00是夏令时段的2:00还是非夏令时段的2:00,都一律视为非夏令时的2:00。这也就导致夏令时的“提前终结”,那1个小时时间就是在java.util. GregorianCalendar中被私吞的。
技术上的根因是找到了,但其实还有人的原因,是因为我们对Quartz还不够了解,不了解人家的Best Practice导致的。
Daylight Savings Time
Avoid Scheduling Jobs Nearthe Transition Hours of Daylight Savings Time
NOTE: Specifics of the transition hour and the amount of time theclock moves forward or back varies by locale see:https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Daylight_saving_time_around_the_world.
SimpleTriggers are notaffected by Daylight Savings Time as they always fire at an exact millisecondin time, and repeat an exact number of milliseconds apart.
Because CronTriggers fire at given hours/minutes/seconds, they aresubject to some oddities when DST transitions occur.
As an example of possible issues, scheduling in the United Stateswithin TimeZones/locations that observe Daylight Savings time, the followingproblems may occur if using CronTrigger and scheduling fire times during thehours of 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM:
· 1:05 AM may occur twice! - duplicate firings on CronTrigger possible
· 2:05 AM may never occur! - missed firings on CronTrigger possible
Again, specifics of time and amount of adjustment varies by locale.
Other trigger types that are based on sliding along a calendar(rather than exact amounts of time), such as CalenderIntervalTrigger, will besimilarly affected - but rather than missing a firing, or firing twice, may endup having it's fire time shifted by an hour.