
//method1 先根据条件查询出记录,然后用查出来的记录,去联合查询需要查询信息的表
select * from
( select t.sale_qty,t.item_id,t.store_id ,t.last_modify_user from sd_sales_order_his t
where t.sale_qty =(
select max(sd_sales_order_his.sale_qty) from sd_sales_order_his
where sd_sales_order_his.item_id = t.item_id and sd_sales_order_his.store_id=t.store_id
)) t
left join tbl_user e on e.user_id = t.last_modify_user
left join sd_store c on t."store_id" = c."store_id"
left join sd_item d on t."item_id" = d."item_id"

//method2 先把需要查询的几个表关联成一个临时的表,里面存放需要查询的所有字段,然后再根据条件过滤查询记录
select * from (select sd_sales_order_his.sale_qty,d.item_id,d.item_code,e.user_name,c.store_id from sd_sales_order_his
left join sd_store c on sd_sales_order_his."store_id" = c."store_id"
left join sd_item d on sd_sales_order_his."item_id" = d."item_id"
left join tbl_user e on e.user_id = sd_sales_order_his.last_modify_user) temp
where temp.sale_qty=
(select max(sd_sales_order_his.sale_qty) from sd_sales_order_his
where item_id = temp.item_id and store_id=temp.store_id)

//method3 先把需要查询的几个表关联成一个临时的表,里面存放需要查询的所有字段,然后再根据条件过滤查询记录
select * from (select sd_sales_order_his.sale_qty,d.item_id,d.item_code,e.user_name,c.store_id from sd_sales_order_his
left join sd_store c on sd_sales_order_his."store_id" = c."store_id"
left join sd_item d on sd_sales_order_his."item_id" = d."item_id"
left join tbl_user e on e.user_id = sd_sales_order_his.last_modify_user) temp
where not exists
(select 1 from sd_sales_order_his
where item_id = temp.item_id and store_id=temp.store_id and sale_qty>temp.sale_qty)

select * from tbl_user where tbl_user.user_id in
( select last_modify_user from sd_sales_order_his t where sale_qty =(
select max(sd_sales_order_his.sale_qty) from sd_sales_order_his
where sd_sales_order_his.item_id = t.item_id and sd_sales_order_his.store_id=t.store_id
