An End-to-End Model for Question Answering over Knowledge Base with Cross-Attention Combining Global

An End-to-End Model for Question Answering over Knowledge Base with Cross-Attention Combining Global Knowledge

2017 ACL WQ42.9
Candidate Generation
Freebase API method is able to resolve as many as 86% questions if we use the top1 result
After getting the topic entity, we collect all the entities directly connected to it and the ones connected with 2-hop5

An End-to-End Model for Question Answering over Knowledge Base with Cross-Attention Combining Global_第1张图片
1)从问题当中,确认topic entity,从Freebase党章产生候选答案

we employ four kinds of answer aspects:
answer entity ae
answer relation ar,
answer type at
answer context ac
An End-to-End Model for Question Answering over Knowledge Base with Cross-Attention Combining Global_第2张图片
