

Which cities are poised to drive China's growth? Which locations are the best for business, with the smartest graduates and the most supportive local governments? How is technology changing the way that Chinese cities work and will some of the smart city initiatives being rolled out across China have global implications?

Join the Access China team to hear the latest research from The Economist Intelligence Unit which cities are the next boom towns and which are laggards, while our panel will look at how technology is changing the way that cities work. The event will be held on the morning of Tuesday, June 11th, 2019 in Beijing (more details to follow when you are successfully registered).

Note:The meetings are limited to senior-level executives of an organisation. You will receive the official invitation via E-mail upon confirmation.


6月11日(星期二)上午,经济学人企业组织(ECN)将在北京举办早餐会,邀请经济学人智库(The EIU)分析师与行业专家共同探讨中国新兴城市发展背后的科技驱动力,及其对全球的影响。欢迎报名。


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The Economist Intelligence Unit(The EIU)是世界领先的经济、商业调研、预测和分析机构。自1946年以来,一直面向全球企业、政府、金融和学术机构提供客观和准确的资讯,启发工商业领袖思维,为其自信决策提供一臂之力。 The EIU提供的产品包括旗舰型服务《国别报告》,针对199个国家进行政治和经济形势分析;另外还有供读者订阅的一揽子资料和预测报告。同时该公司还承担具体市场和行业的订制研究分析项目。欲了解详情,请登录www.eiu.com。

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