
遇到一个单词:lese majesty,意思是冒犯君主罪,在君主制国家这个罪名是比较严重的,尤其是针对一个“人民非常爱戴的君主”,如果你各种剧看多了,会知道在英语中有好多个称呼君主的单词:

  • Majesty
  • Highness
  • Grace
  • Lord
  • King


看到英国的公司法被称为《Companies Act ****》,于是研究了一下几个用作法律条例的单词(Bill, Act, Statute, Ordinance)的差别:

  • Bill: When any new legislation is introduced in Parliament or State Legislature it is called Bill.
  • Act: The Bill finally becomes a law (Act) of the land once it has been passed by the parliament and also got assent from the President.
  • Statute: A "statute" is the specific, codified statement of some law that has been approved by the legislative body (and often endorsed by the executive body) of a government.
  • Ordinance: Ordinance is an authoritative law or decree issued by the President or Governor when parliament or state legislation is not in session. Once an ordinance is approved by the legislature it turns into an act or statute.



短语 解释
it rains cats and dogs 下着磅礴的大雨
A pot calls kettle black 五十步笑百步
born blue blood 出生名门
silver spoon in his month 含着金钥匙(出生)
caught red handed 被当场捉住
earn bread an butter 努力工作以维持生计
time and tide wait for no man 岁月不饶人
make hays while the sun shines 趁热打铁;勿失良机
flying colour 成功;飘扬的旗帜

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Style_of_the_British_sovereign ↩

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forms_of_address_in_the_United_Kingdom ↩
