[Economist] 新时代的恋爱(上)

Modern love


Online dating has changed the search for a mate, for better more than for worse


THE internet has transformed the way people work and communicate. It has upended industries, from entertainment to retailing. But its most profound effect may well be on the biggest decision that most people make—choosing a mate.


In the early 1990s the notion of meeting a partner online seemed freakish, and not a little pathetic. Today, in many places, it is normal. Smart phones have put virtual bars in people’s pockets, where singletons can mingle free from the constraints of social or physical geography. Globally, at least 200m people use digital dating services every month. In America more than a third of marriages now start with an online match-up. The internet is the second-most-popular way for Americans to meet people of the opposite sex, and is fast catching up with real-world “friend of a friend” introductions.


Digital dating is a massive social experiment, conducted on one of humanity’s most intimate and vital processes. Its effects are only just starting to become visible (see Briefing).


When Harry clicked on Sally


Meeting a mate over the internet is fundamentally different from meeting one offline. In the physical world, partners are found in family networks or among circles of friends and colleagues. Meeting a friend of a friend is the norm. People who meet online are overwhelmingly likely to be strangers. Asa result, dating digitally offers much greater choice. A bar, choir or office might have a few tens of potential partners for any one person. Online there are tens of thousands. This greater choice—plus the fact that digital connections are made only with mutual consent—makes the digital dating market far more efficient than the offline kind. For some, that is bad news. Because of the gulf in pickiness between the sexes, a few straight men are doomed never to get any matches at all. On Tantan, a Chinese app, men express interest in 60% of women they see, but women are interested in just6% of men; this dynamic means that 5% of men never receive a match. In offline dating, with a much smaller pool of men to fish from, straight women are more likely to couple up with men who would not get a look-in online.

在网络上约会和现实中约会存在根本性的不同。在现实生活中,伴侣通过家庭关系或者朋友圈、同事关系而建立。其常态就是和朋友的朋友见面。在网络上认识的人几乎完全就是陌生人。因此,网恋的选择范围更加巨大。对个人而言,酒吧,合唱团或者办公室可能有几十个潜在的伴侣选择。而网络上有几万个。这种巨大的选择范围,更不用说网恋是基于双方都认可的前提之下,使得网络恋爱的效率远远高于线下。对某些人而言,这是个坏消息。因为不同性别之间的在选择另一半时因挑剔产生的鸿沟,使得某些“男性配角”注定无法找到合适的另一半。在中国一个名为“探探”的软件上,男人对他们看到的 60% 女性表现出了兴趣,而女性只对 6% 的男性表示出兴趣;这种对比意味着 5% 的男性无法获得配对。在线下约会中,由于男人的基数少,“女性配角”会更加倾向于看中那些她们在网上看不上眼的男性。

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