Shopware jquery Plugin 一些内置方法

In general, all jquery plugin will be put in the following direction:

In this folder, you can find all the JS Plugins from Shopware itself.
You can create a new plugin OR customize those exists(NOT recommend).

How to customize an existing plugin?

1. $.publich:
  • to publish/register the Plugin
$.publish('plugin/PluginName/Methode', [ me, event ]);
2. $.subscribe:
  • to get the plugin folder path which published by $.publish()
  • to take your customzied changes
$.subscribe("plugin/PluginName/Methode", function(event, me) {
    var $el = me.$el,
        opts = me.opts;
    // ...

How can I bind the plugin to my theme?

1. JavaScript Datei (z.B. frontend/_public/src/js/jquery.myFile.js)
    $.subscribe("plugin/PluginName/Methode", function(event, me) {
        var $el = me.$el,
            opts = me.opts;
        // ...
2. Theme index/index.tpl or index/header.tpl
  • depends on where you put your code, but it really doesn't matter
{block name="frontend_index_header_javascript_jquery_lib" append}

Official tutorial for jquery plugin:

你可能感兴趣的:(Shopware jquery Plugin 一些内置方法)