Laravel作为最受欢迎的php web框架一直广受广大互联网公司的喜爱。
laravel new laravel-thrift-app
composer require "hhxsv5/laravel-s:~3.5.0" -vvv
在项目的根目录下新建一个thrift的目录,然后在该子目录下创建 Thrift IDL 文件 user.thrift,用于定义和用户相关的服务接口。
1 namespace php App.Thrift.User 2 // 定义用户接口 3 service User { 4 string getInfo(1:i32 id) 5 }
这里我们定义了一个接口,接着在项目根目录下运行如下命令,根据上述 IDL 文件生成相关的服务代码:
thrift -r --gen php:server -out ./ thrift/user.thrift
通过 Composer 安装 Thrift PHP 依赖包:
composer require apache/thrift
编写服务代码,在 app目录下新建一个 Services/Server 子目录,然后在该目录下创建服务接口类 UserService,该类实现自 `App\Thrift\User\UserIf` 接口:
1 php 2 namespace App\Services\Server; 3 4 5 use App\Thrift\User\UserIf; 6 7 class UserService implements UserIf 8 { 9 public function getInfo($id) 10 { 11 return "chenSi".$id; 12 } 13 }
在 app 目录下新建一个 Sockets目录用于存放 Swoole 相关代码,首先我们创建一个 ServerTransport.php用来存放服务端代理类,并编写代码如下:
1 php 2 namespace App\Sockets; 3 4 5 use Thrift\Server\TServerTransport; 6 7 class ServerTransport extends TServerTransport 8 { 9 /** 10 * @var array 服务器选项 11 */ 12 public $options = [ 13 'dispatch_mode' => 1, //1: 轮循, 3: 争抢 14 'open_length_check' => true, //打开包长检测 15 'package_max_length' => 8192000, //最大的请求包长度,8M 16 'package_length_type' => 'N', //长度的类型,参见PHP的pack函数 17 'package_length_offset' => 0, //第N个字节是包长度的值 18 'package_body_offset' => 4, //从第几个字节计算长度 19 ]; 20 21 /** 22 * @var SwooleServer 23 */ 24 public $server; 25 protected $host; 26 protected $port; 27 protected $sockType; 28 29 30 public function __construct($swoole, $host, $port = 9999, $sockType = SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP, $options = []) 31 { 32 $this->server = $swoole; 33 $this->host = $host; 34 $this->port = $port; 35 $this->sockType = $sockType; 36 $this->options = array_merge($this->options,$options); 37 38 } 39 40 41 public function listen() 42 { 43 $this->server =$this->server->addlistener($this->host,$this->port,$this->sockType); 44 $this->server->set($this->options); 45 return null; 46 } 47 48 49 public function close() 50 { 51 //$this->server->shutdown(); 52 return null; 53 } 54 55 56 protected function acceptImpl() 57 { 58 return null; 59 } 60 }
我们在代理类的构造函数中初始化 Swoole TCP 服务器参数,由于我们使用的是laravel-s然后在该类中定义 listen 方法启动这个swoole增加监听的端口并监听客户端请求。
我们在 app/Sockets目录下创建 Transport.php文件用于存放基于 Swoole 的传输层实现代码:
1 php 2 /** 3 * Created by PhpStorm. 4 * User: 74100 5 * Date: 2019/10/21 6 * Time: 2:22 7 */ 8 namespace App\Sockets; 9 10 use Swoole\Server as SwooleServer; 11 use Thrift\Exception\TTransportException; 12 use Thrift\Transport\TTransport; 13 14 class Transport extends TTransport 15 { 16 /** 17 * @var swoole服务器实例 18 */ 19 protected $server; 20 /** 21 * @var int 客户端连接描述符 22 */ 23 protected $fd = -1; 24 /** 25 * @var string 数据 26 */ 27 protected $data = ''; 28 /** 29 * @var int 数据读取指针 30 */ 31 protected $offset = 0; 32 33 /** 34 * SwooleTransport constructor. 35 * @param SwooleServer $server 36 * @param int $fd 37 * @param string $data 38 */ 39 public function __construct(SwooleServer $server, $fd, $data) 40 { 41 $this->server = $server; 42 $this->fd = $fd; 43 $this->data = $data; 44 } 45 46 /** 47 * Whether this transport is open. 48 * 49 * @return boolean true if open 50 */ 51 public function isOpen() 52 { 53 return $this->fd > -1; 54 } 55 56 /** 57 * Open the transport for reading/writing 58 * 59 * @throws TTransportException if cannot open 60 */ 61 public function open() 62 { 63 if ($this->isOpen()) { 64 throw new TTransportException('Swoole Transport already connected.', TTransportException::ALREADY_OPEN); 65 } 66 } 67 68 /** 69 * Close the transport. 70 * @throws TTransportException 71 */ 72 public function close() 73 { 74 if (!$this->isOpen()) { 75 throw new TTransportException('Swoole Transport not open.', TTransportException::NOT_OPEN); 76 } 77 $this->server->close($this->fd, true); 78 $this->fd = -1; 79 } 80 81 /** 82 * Read some data into the array. 83 * 84 * @param int $len How much to read 85 * @return string The data that has been read 86 * @throws TTransportException if cannot read any more data 87 */ 88 public function read($len) 89 { 90 if (strlen($this->data) - $this->offset < $len) { 91 throw new TTransportException('Swoole Transport[' . strlen($this->data) . '] read ' . $len . ' bytes failed.'); 92 } 93 $data = substr($this->data, $this->offset, $len); 94 $this->offset += $len; 95 return $data; 96 } 97 98 /** 99 * Writes the given data out. 100 * 101 * @param string $buf The data to write 102 * @throws TTransportException if writing fails 103 */ 104 public function write($buf) 105 { 106 if (!$this->isOpen()) { 107 throw new TTransportException('Swoole Transport not open.', TTransportException::NOT_OPEN); 108 } 109 $this->server->send($this->fd, $buf); 110 } 111 }
Transport类主要用于从传输层写入或读取数据,最后我们创建 Server.php 文件,用于存放基于 Swoole 的 RPC 服务器类:
1 php 2 /** 3 * Created by PhpStorm. 4 * User: 74100 5 * Date: 2019/10/21 6 * Time: 2:24 7 */ 8 namespace App\Sockets; 9 10 use Swoole\Server as SwooleServer; 11 use Thrift\Server\TServer; 12 13 class Server extends TServer 14 { 15 public function serve() 16 { 17 18 $this->transport_->server->on('receive', [$this, 'handleReceive']); 19 $this->transport_->listen(); 20 21 } 22 23 public function stop() 24 { 25 $this->transport_->close(); 26 } 27 28 /** 29 * 处理RPC请求 30 * @param Server $server 31 * @param int $fd 32 * @param int $fromId 33 * @param string $data 34 */ 35 public function handleReceive(SwooleServer $server, $fd, $fromId, $data) 36 { 37 $transport = new Transport($server, $fd, $data); 38 $inputTransport = $this->inputTransportFactory_->getTransport($transport); 39 $outputTransport = $this->outputTransportFactory_->getTransport($transport); 40 $inputProtocol = $this->inputProtocolFactory_->getProtocol($inputTransport); 41 $outputProtocol = $this->outputProtocolFactory_->getProtocol($outputTransport); 42 $this->processor_->process($inputProtocol, $outputProtocol); 43 } 44 }
该类继承自 Thrift\Server\TServer,在子类中需要实现 serve` 和 `stop`方法,分别定义服务器启动和关闭逻辑,这里我们在 serve方法中定义了 Swoole TCP 服务器收到请求时的回调处理函数,其中 $this->transport 指向 App\Swoole\ServerTransport 实例,回调函数 handleReceive中我们会将请求数据传入传输层处理类 Transport进行初始化,然后再通过一系列转化通过处理器对请求进行处理,该方法中 `$this` 指针指向的属性都是在外部启动 RPC 服务器时传入的,后面我们会看到。定义好请求回调后,即可通过 `$this->transport_->listen()` 启动服务器并监听请求。
'event_handlers' => [ 'ServerStart' => \App\Events\ServerStartEvent::class, ],
1 php 2 namespace App\Events; 3 use App\Sockets\ServerTransport; 4 use Hhxsv5\LaravelS\Swoole\Events\ServerStartInterface; 5 use App\Services\Server\UserService; 6 use App\Sockets\TFramedTransportFactory; 7 use App\Thrift\User\UserProcessor; 8 use Thrift\Factory\TBinaryProtocolFactory; 9 use Swoole\Http\Server; 10 use App\Sockets\Server as TServer; 11 12 13 class ServerStartEvent implements ServerStartInterface 14 { 15 public function __construct() 16 { 17 } 18 public function handle(Server $server) 19 { 20 // 初始化thrift 21 $processor = new UserProcessor(new UserService()); 22 $tFactory = new TFramedTransportFactory(); 23 $pFactory = new TBinaryProtocolFactory(); 24 // 监听本地 9999 端口,等待客户端连接请求 25 $transport = new ServerTransport($server,'', 9999); 26 $server = new TServer($processor, $transport, $tFactory, $tFactory, $pFactory, $pFactory); 27 $server->serve(); 28 } 29 }
接下来,我们来修改客户端请求服务端远程接口的代码,在此之前在 app/Sockets目录下新建一个 ClientTransport.php 来存放客户端与服务端通信的传输层实现代码:
1 php 2 namespace App\Sockets; 3 use Swoole\Client; 4 use Thrift\Exception\TTransportException; 5 use Thrift\Transport\TTransport; 6 7 class ClientTransport extends TTransport 8 { 9 /** 10 * @var string 连接地址 11 */ 12 protected $host; 13 /** 14 * @var int 连接端口 15 */ 16 protected $port; 17 /** 18 * @var Client 19 */ 20 protected $client; 21 22 /** 23 * ClientTransport constructor. 24 * @param string $host 25 * @param int $port 26 */ 27 public function __construct($host, $port) 28 { 29 $this->host = $host; 30 $this->port = $port; 31 $this->client = new Client(SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP); 32 } 33 34 /** 35 * Whether this transport is open. 36 * 37 * @return boolean true if open 38 */ 39 public function isOpen() 40 { 41 return $this->client->sock > 0; 42 } 43 44 /** 45 * Open the transport for reading/writing 46 * 47 * @throws TTransportException if cannot open 48 */ 49 public function open() 50 { 51 if ($this->isOpen()) { 52 throw new TTransportException('ClientTransport already open.', TTransportException::ALREADY_OPEN); 53 } 54 if (!$this->client->connect($this->host, $this->port)) { 55 throw new TTransportException( 56 'ClientTransport could not open:' . $this->client->errCode, 57 TTransportException::UNKNOWN 58 ); 59 } 60 } 61 62 /** 63 * Close the transport. 64 * @throws TTransportException 65 */ 66 public function close() 67 { 68 if (!$this->isOpen()) { 69 throw new TTransportException('ClientTransport not open.', TTransportException::NOT_OPEN); 70 } 71 $this->client->close(); 72 } 73 74 /** 75 * Read some data into the array. 76 * 77 * @param int $len How much to read 78 * @return string The data that has been read 79 * @throws TTransportException if cannot read any more data 80 */ 81 public function read($len) 82 { 83 if (!$this->isOpen()) { 84 throw new TTransportException('ClientTransport not open.', TTransportException::NOT_OPEN); 85 } 86 return $this->client->recv($len, true); 87 } 88 89 /** 90 * Writes the given data out. 91 * 92 * @param string $buf The data to write 93 * @throws TTransportException if writing fails 94 */ 95 public function write($buf) 96 { 97 if (!$this->isOpen()) { 98 throw new TTransportException('ClientTransport not open.', TTransportException::NOT_OPEN); 99 } 100 $this->client->send($buf); 101 } 102 }
我们在 app/Services/Client 目录下创建 UserService.php,用于存放 RPC 客户端连接与请求服务接口方法:
1 php 2 namespace App\Services\Client; 3 4 use App\Sockets\ClientTransport; 5 use App\Thrift\User\UserClient; 6 use Thrift\Exception\TException; 7 use Thrift\Protocol\TBinaryProtocol; 8 use Thrift\Protocol\TMultiplexedProtocol; 9 use Thrift\Transport\TBufferedTransport; 10 use Thrift\Transport\TFramedTransport; 11 use Thrift\Transport\TSocket; 12 13 class UserService 14 { 15 public function getUserInfoViaSwoole(int $id) 16 { 17 try { 18 // 建立与 SwooleServer 的连接 19 $socket = new ClientTransport("", 9999); 20 21 $transport = new TFramedTransport($socket); 22 $protocol = new TBinaryProtocol($transport); 23 $client = new UserClient($protocol); 24 $transport->open(); 25 26 $result = $client->getInfo($id); 27 28 $transport->close(); 29 return $result; 30 } catch (TException $TException) { 31 dd($TException); 32 } 33 } 34 }
1 Route::get('/user/{id}', function($id) { 2 $userService = new UserService(); 3 $user = $userService->getUserInfoViaSwoole($id); 4 return $user; 5 });
php bin/laravels start
在浏览器中输入 (为我homestead设置的地址,5200为laravel-s设置的端口号)
- 很多PHPer在进阶的时候总会遇到一些问题和瓶颈,业务代码写多了没有方向感,不知道该从那里入手去提升,对此我整理了一些资料,包括但不限于:分布式架构、高可扩展、高性能、高并发、服务器性能调优、TP6,laravel,YII2,Redis,Swoole、Swoft、Kafka、Mysql优化、shell脚本、Docker、微服务、Nginx等多个知识点高级进阶干货需要的可以免费分享给大家,需要的加群(点击→)677079770