
Curiosity is explained in Cambridge dictionary as an eager wish to know or learn something, while curiosity killed the cat is said to warn someone not to ask too many questions about something. So Is it a good thing or bad thing to have curiosity? From my point of view, being curious about the world always stands for we are still young, for the reason that a baby born to explore the world when he or she doesn't know anything about it. At the same time, however, having curiosity doesn't mean we could know everything, there should be a baseline that we are ought to respect other's privacy.

To be honest, when I was in love, I never checked my boyfriend's phone secretly because of curiosity, but I still got hurt due to it. It happened three years ago when I was in India. I was using his spare phone as I needed to keep 2 sim cards available. Just before going to bed that night, an email was sent into his mailbox that he didn't use frequently. I was so strange that I hesitated for a few seconds and then checked the email. It turned out that it was a love letter from another girl and it's said that he wanted to end up our relationship and she would wait for him. I was so amazed and painful that I can feel my stomach is uncomfortable even now, though the girl was deliberately to let me see it for sure. I never regretted I checked the email for I will know the thing sooner or later, but her intrigue maybe didn't work well if I didn't checked it.
