

[Title] College is not an ivory tower

[Topic] What should we learn in College?

[Sub-topic 1] How did we think before we went to College?

[Sub-topic 2] What skills do we need to be in society in the future ?

[Sub-topic 3] How can we learn these skills in College?

[Conclusion] College is not only learning knowledge, but also  about changing yourself


[Title] Why I like to learn English

[Topic] The important of learning English

[Sub-topic1] The benefits of learning English

[Sub-topic 2] English has become the world language and China is on the world stage

[Conclusion] recognize the importance of it ,be interested in it, and then learn it


[Title] Different love from parents

[Sub-topic1] farther's love is silent

[Sub-topic 2] Marther's love is tender and delicate

[Conclusion] The love of parents is great selflessness


[Title] What do you need to change?

[Sub-topic1] Are you satisfied with your past and why?

[Sub-topic 2] What do you want to be in the furture? (For example ①I want to be more mature …②Something makes me feel more confident… )

[Sub-topic 3] Expectation for the furture

[Conclusion] We must reflect on our past before we can move forward


[Title] Moral decline

[Sub-topic1] Dose this society have morals?

[Sub-topic 2]How can we maintain oue view in the present situation ?

[Conclusion] Never forget why you started ,and you mission can be accomplished
