Elevation & shadows

Objects in material design possess similar qualities to objects in the physical world.
In the physical world, objects can be stacked or affixed to one another, but cannot pass through each other. Objects also cast shadows and reflect light.
Material design reflects these qualities to form a spatial model that is familiar to users and can be applied consistently across apps.
Material design反射了这些特点,形成了一个用户熟悉的空间模型,并且能够在应用程序中实现一致的效果。

Elevation 高度
Measured from the front of one surface to the front of another, an element’s elevation indicates the distance between surfaces and the depth of its shadow.

Resting elevation 静止高度
All material elements have resting elevations. While components have consistent resting elevations across apps, they may have different resting elevations across platforms and devices.
Dynamic elevation offsets 动态高度偏移
Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative to its resting state.

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Elevation (Android)
Object relationships

Elevation (Android) 高度
Elevation is the relative depth, or distance, between two surfaces along the z-axis.
Specifications: 参数
Elevation is measured in the same units as the x and y axes, typically in density-independent pixels (dp). Because material elements have depth (all material is 1dp thick), elevation is measured in distance from the top of one surface to the top of another.
A child object's elevation is relative to the parent object's elevation.

The images and values shown are for Android apps.

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Multiple elevation measurements for two objects

Resting elevation
All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting elevation as soon as possible.
Desktop resting elevation is 2dp below the listed values to accommodate mouse and non-touch environments.

Component elevations: 组件高度
Components maintain consistent resting elevations across apps. For example, the floating action button’s elevation does not vary from one app to another.
Components may have different resting elevations across platforms and devices, depending on the depth of the environment. For instance, TV has a greater depth than desktop as it has a larger screen and is viewed from further away. Similarly, both TV and desktop have a greater depth than mobile.
Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets 相应高度和动态高度偏移
Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.

Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.

Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting elevation.
Avoiding elevation interference 避免高度冲突
Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways, whether on a per-component basis or using the entire app layout.
On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference. For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off-screen before a user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
在一个组件层级上,组件能够移动或者可以在他们导致冲突之前被移除。例如,a floating action button (FAB)可以在用户调起card之前消失或离开屏幕,或者它能够在snackbar出现的时候移动。
On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference. For example, position the FAB to one side of a stream of cards so the FAB won’t interfere when a user tries to pick up one of cards.

Elevation (dp) Component
24 Dialog
16 Nav drawer
Right drawer
Modal bottom Sheet
12 Floating action button (FAB - pressed)
9 Sub menu (+1dp for each sub menu)
8 Bottom navigation bar
Card (when picked up)
Raised button (pressed state)
6 Floating action button (FAB - resting elevation)
4 App Bar
3 Refresh indicator
Quick entry / Search bar (scrolled state)
2 Card (resting elevation)
Raised button (resting elevation)

Quick entry / Search bar (resting elevation)
1 Switch

Component elevation comparisons 组件高度对比
The following diagram compares component resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets.

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In this diagram, only the elevation dimensions and layout for components are accurate. Other dimensions and overall layout of components are for illustration only.

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An example app layout with cards and a floating action button, along with a cross-section diagram of its component elevations along its z-axis
一个包含了cards 和floating action button的布局,以及其沿Z轴的组件高度的横截面图。

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An example app layout with an open navigation drawer, along with a cross-section diagram of its component elevations along its z-axis.
一个包含了open navigation drawer的APP布局,以及其沿Z轴的组件高度的横截面图。

Shadows 阴影
Shadows provide important visual cues about objects’ depth and directional movement. They are the only visual cue indicating the amount of separation between surfaces. An object’s elevation determines the appearance of its shadow.

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Don't. 官网视频
Without a shadow, nothing indicates that the floating action button is separate from the background surfaces.
没有阴影,不能够展示floating action button 和平面是分离的。
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Don't. 官网视频
Crisp shadows indicate the floating action button and the blue sheet are separate elements. However, their shadows are so similar that they imply they are both at the same elevation.
洒落的阴影表示了floating action button和蓝色区域的分离元素。但是,他们的影子是如此相似,以至于他们暗示着它们处在相同的高度。
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Do. 官网视频
Softer, larger shadows indicate the floating action button is at a higher elevation than the blue sheet, which has a crisper shadow.
绞肉和,较大的阴影表示floating action button比蓝色区域所处高度更高。

In motion, shadows provide useful cues about an object’s direction of movement and whether the distance between surfaces is increasing or decreasing.

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Don't. 官网视频
Without a shadow to indicate elevation, it’s unclear whether this square is increasing in size or increasing its elevation.
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Do.  官网视频
The shadow grows softer and larger as the object’s elevation increases and grows crisper and smaller as the elevation decreases.
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Do. 官网视频
In this case, the consistent shadow helps the user understand that the object is changing shape as opposed to changing elevation.

Component reference shadows 组件参考阴影
The following component shadows should be used as canonical references. If there are any differences between the following reference shadows and component shadows found elsewhere within this spec, defer to these reference shadows.
App bar

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Example of an app bar

Raised button
Resting state: 2dp 静止状态:2dp
Pressed state: 8dp 按下状态:8dp
For desktop only, raised buttons can have an elevation of: 仅仅适用于桌面
Resting state: 0dp
Pressed state: 2dp
See raised buttons for more information

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Floating action button (FAB)
Resting state: 6dp
Pressed state: 12dp

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Resting state: 2dp
Raised state: 8dp
For Desktop only, see Content blocks.

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Menus and sub menus
Menus: 8dp
Sub menus: 9dp (+1 dp for each sub menu)

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Nav Drawer & Right drawer

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Modal bottom sheet

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Refresh indicator

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Quick entry/Search bar
Resting state: 2dp
Scrolled state: 3dp

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Object relationships 对象关系
Object hierarchy 对象等级制度
How you organize objects, or collections of objects, in an app determines how they move in relation to one another. Objects can move independently of each other or be constrained by objects higher in the hierarchy.
All objects are part of a hierarchy described in terms of a parent-child relationships. The “child” in each of these relationships refers to an element that is a subordinate to its “parent” element. Objects can be children of either the system or another object.
Parent-child specifics: 亲子特点
Each object has one parent. 每个对象都有父类
Each object may have any number of children. 每个对象可能有多个子类
Children inherit transformative properties from their parent, such as position, rotation, scale, and elevation.
Siblings are objects at the same level of hierarchy.

Items parented to the root, such as primary UI elements, move independently of other objects. For example, the floating action button does not scroll with content. Other elements include:
每一个父类来源如root,比如初级UI元素,独立于其他对象移动。例如,floating action button不会随内容滚动。其他元素还包含如下几个:
An app’s side nav drawer
The action bar

****Interaction**** 交互
How objects interact with one another is determined by their place in the parent-child hierarchy.
For example:
Children have minimal z-axis separation from their parent; other objects do not get inserted between parents and children.
In a scrolling card collection, the cards are siblings of each other, so they all move together in tandem. They are children of the card collection object that controls their movement.
在scrolling card集合中,cards是彼此的兄弟,所有他们串联时会一起移动。他们是控制他们移动的card collection对象的子类。

How you determine the elevation of objects – their position in z-space – depends on the content hierarchy you want to express and whether an object needs to move independently of other objects.
As the parent sheet scrolls, the raised button (its child) scrolls off screen with it.
当一个父区域滚动,raised button随着父区域滚动。

As the card collection scrolls off-screen, its child cards scroll off-screen with it. The floating action button remains in place because its parent is not being scrolled.
当card collection滚出屏幕,他的所有子cards跟着他滚出屏幕。floating action button仍然保留在原地,因为他的父类不能滚动。

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