Workshop: Growth Mindset

Professional Development 

9月24日,在学校组织的教师培训上,Dr. Damour 组织我们分小组做了以 Growth Mindset 为主题的讨论会。以下是会后反思和小结。

Mindset 这个概念是斯坦福教授 Carol Dweck 提出来的,她的书就叫 。暑假的时候,学校给所有老师一人买了一本。今年大家都在讨论这本书,就像去年刚来时,全校都在讨论 Sheryl Sandberg 的  一样。

讨论会一共是三个阶段,首先 Dr. Damour  提出了七种老师和学生可能存在的 Fixed Mindset Belief,然后教师个人发言提出与之相对应的 Growth Mindset Belief 分别是什么,最后分小组讨论老师可以说些什么或者做些什么来强化这些 Growth Mindset Belief。


Fixed: Students should be embarrassed when they make mistakes in class.

Growth: Students who make mistakes in class are brave risk-takers who really care about learning.

Involve more students into the class, give everyone a chance to make mistakes rather than only one or two student make mistakes.

Use humor, have a good laugh at mistakes. 吻 和 问 

Tell the students do not afraid of making mistakes, teachers make mistakes too, everyone makes mistakes, learns from the mistakes.

If you ask questions, it means you have been thinking about it. Value the thinking process.


 Fixed: Teachers feel put out when they need to give extra help to students.

Growth: Teachers know that the students who ask for extra help really understand the connection between effort and outcome.

Students ask a question which I have talked to another student during extra help, I will give her a chance to show what she has already know. It encourages students to ask for extra help. It doesn't matter how you learned, where you learned and when you learned, value the effort in private as well as in public, and give the students who benefit from the extra help a chance to show the outcome.

Tell the students: I really appreciate what you have done and you are so smart to be here, this is going to be on the exam next week!

Check with the students if they have done their homework. 


Fixed: The teacher knows the answer and almost never makes mistakes.

Growth: The teacher doesn't always know the answer and does make mistakes, and embraces these parts as part of the learning process.

I do make mistakes when I speak English and the students know that, and they also know I have been learning English over ten years.

The purpose of learning the language is to communicate with other people, so even I made mistakes, they understood.

Chinese is my first language, I know how to say it, I can give you a lot examples, but sometimes I can't explain why cus I never ask why. As a teacher, I do not always know the answers, what I can do is to do research after students asking the question, teachers learn with the students, that's what we called “teaching benefits teachers as well as students” 教学相长, 同学们好,rather than 学生们好,we learn together. 

You are always learning no matter what situation you get into.


Fixed: There are things that you good at and things you are not good at and there is not much you can do about it.

Growth: No matter where you start, you can always improve your skills through effort. 

No effort, no improvement, have a try.

Tell the students I see them as growing person.


Fixed: Girls who usually know the answers don't have to work hard at school.

Growth: Girls who usually know the answers are often the ones who are working hardest at school. 

Unpacking it in front of other students.

Tell others how she learned. 


Fixed: It is not OK for a student to raise her hand in class and say "I'm lost, I have no idea what is going on."

Growth: Under the right condition, it is totally OK for a student to raise her hand in class and say "I'm lost, I have no idea what is going on."

Thanks for putting that on the table.

By asking questions, to show how much they already know.

To point out it is better now.

Help the students to find out what makes her lost.

If you lost, group work, help each other.


Fixed: If a student did poorly in a subject last year , she is likely to do poorly in the same subject this year.

Growth: Even if a student did poorly in a subject last year that does not mean that she will do poorly in the same subject this year.

Turn your frustration into motivation.

You are a growing person.

When students say "I am not good at this", I ask "what is this" then make "this" specific. 

I am not good at Chinese. ----I am not good at the Chinese Grammar.----Which Grammar?





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