


Before 2014, Microsoft had a team devoted to testing Windows in real-world situations and analyzing the results.



Microsoft relies on Insiders to report bugs, but Berg says that many Insiders don’t bother to do that, and that those who do it don’t report them in the timely, structured, useful way that the laid-off team had done. They don’t analyze the bugs, either.

微软依靠内部人员来报告错误,但是伯格表示,许多内部人员都不会这样做,而且这样做的人没有以下岗团队所做的及时,结构化,有用的方式来报告错误。 他们也不分析错误。

Are Insiders by themselves responsible for the declining quality of Windows builds? Certainly not. They’re quite useful as an adjunct to professional testers. But Microsoft now uses them instead of professional testers. After all, they’re free. But as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

内部人员自己应对Windows版本质量下降负责吗? 当然不是。 作为专业测试人员的辅助工具,它们非常有用。 但是Microsoft现在使用它们代替专业测试人员。 毕竟,它们是免费的。 但俗话说,您得到所付出的。
