

一. 探测网络状态

  1. 过载了 网络负荷比较大,需要减少流量
  2. 正常状态
  3. 欠载 网络负荷比较小,可以加大流量

// ts_delta:2帧发送的相对延迟
// num_of_deltas: 计算offset的点的个数
// now_ms:当前时间点
BandwidthUsage Detect(double offset,double ts_delta,int num_of_deltas,
                                       int64_t now_ms) {	 
  //  T 网络排队延迟,T>表示最近延迟在增加,《0 延迟在减小
  //  点的个数 * 帧间的相对延迟
  const double T = std::min(num_of_deltas, kMinNumDeltas) * offset;
  if (T threshold_) {
    if (time_over_using_ == -1) {
      time_over_using_ = ts_delta / 2;
    } else {
      time_over_using_ += ts_delta;
    //过载状态  已经持续了overusing_time_threshold_时长了,
    // 网络相对延迟比上一次增加了 offset >= prev_offset_
    if (time_over_using_ overusing_time_threshold_ && overuse_counter_ 1) {
      if (offset >= prev_offset_) {
        time_over_using_ = 0;
        overuse_counter_ = 0;
        hypothesis_ = kBwOverusing;
  } else if (T < -threshold_) {
    time_over_using_ = -1;
    overuse_counter_ = 0;
    hypothesis_ = kBwUnderusing;
  } else {
    time_over_using_ = -1;
    overuse_counter_ = 0;
    hypothesis_ = kBwNormal;
  //记录上一次的相对延迟  ,更新阈值
  prev_offset_ = offset;
  UpdateThreshold(T, now_ms);

  return hypothesis_;

二. 动态更新阈值

//now_ms :当前时间
void UpdateThreshold(double modified_offset, int64_t now_ms) {
  if (!in_experiment_)

  if (last_update_ms_ == -1)
    last_update_ms_ = now_ms;

  if (fabs(modified_offset) > threshold_ + kMaxAdaptOffsetMs) {
    // Avoid adapting the threshold to big latency spikes, caused e.g.,
    // by a sudden capacity drop.
    last_update_ms_ = now_ms;

  // k_up_(0.0087)
  // k_down_(0.039)
  // 当网络过载,欠载的时候,慢慢增大阈值 (k_up_),
  // 网络正常的时候 快一点减少阈值 (k_down)

  //  -----欠载区域----|------正常区域--------|---过载区域----------------->
  //                -threshold_         threshold_
  const double k = fabs(modified_offset) < threshold_ ? k_down_ : k_up_;
  const int64_t kMaxTimeDeltaMs = 100;
  int64_t time_delta_ms = std::min(now_ms - last_update_ms_, kMaxTimeDeltaMs);
  threshold_ += k * (fabs(modified_offset) - threshold_) * time_delta_ms;

  const double kMinThreshold = 6;
  const double kMaxThreshold = 600;
  threshold_ = std::min(std::max(threshold_, kMinThreshold), kMaxThreshold);

  last_update_ms_ = now_ms;
