1.1、其对航迹的平滑与规划。采用了cross sphere line方法。首先将prev_sp、curr_sp和pos(当前四旋翼在本地坐标系中的坐标)转换到scale空间内prev_sp_s、curr_sp_s和pos_s,转换为即将距离无量纲归一化,使模为1的矢量表示最大速度时四旋翼可以移动的距离。令转换到scale空间内的三个位置点prev_sp_s、curr_sp_s和pos_s分别为a、b、c。令a_b=b-a,得向量a_b由前一期望位置指向当前期望位置。将点c投影至a_b即得投影点d。Ab_n为a_b方向上的单位向量。cd_len为c点与d点之间距离。pos_sp_s为经1次修正的scale空间中的期望位置。
以d为圆心做单位圆在a、b、c构成的平面上。当c和圆心d之间距离小于半径1时,令直线过c点,垂直于该点与圆心d的连线,与圆相交于两点,其中一点为x。根据勾股定理可得d_x距离。在a_b方向上,如果c在b位置前面,那么pos_sp_s为b。否则pos_sp_s为d+ab_norm*dx。当c_d距离大于等于半径时,如果在a_b方向上,a在c前面,那么pos_sp_s为a,如果c在b前面,那么目标点为b。如果c的投影在a_b之间,那么目标点为c的投影点d。求得目标点pos_sp_s即经过cross sphere line计算的,在sacle空间里的期望位置。将pos_sp_s用p表示。
MulticopterPositionControl::cross_sphere_line(const math::Vector<3> &sphere_c, float sphere_r,
const math::Vector<3> line_a, const math::Vector<3> line_b, math::Vector<3> &res)
/* project center of sphere on line */
/* normalized AB */
math::Vector<3> ab_norm = line_b - line_a;
math::Vector<3> d = line_a + ab_norm * ((sphere_c - line_a) * ab_norm);
float cd_len = (sphere_c - d).length();
if (sphere_r > cd_len) {
/* we have triangle CDX with known CD and CX = R, find DX */
float dx_len = sqrtf(sphere_r * sphere_r - cd_len * cd_len);
if ((sphere_c - line_b) * ab_norm > 0.0f) {
/* target waypoint is already behind us */
res = line_b;
} else {
/* target is in front of us */
res = d + ab_norm * dx_len; // vector A->B on line
return true;
} else {
/* have no roots, return D */
res = d; /* go directly to line */
/* previous waypoint is still in front of us */
if ((sphere_c - line_a) * ab_norm < 0.0f) {
res = line_a;
/* target waypoint is already behind us */
if ((sphere_c - line_b) * ab_norm > 0.0f) {
res = line_b;
return false;
bool near = cross_sphere_line(pos_s, 1.0f, prev_sp_s, curr_sp_s, pos_sp_s);
if (!near) {
/* we're far away from trajectory, pos_sp_s is set to the nearest point on the trajectory */
pos_sp_s = pos_s + (pos_sp_s - pos_s).normalized();
/* move setpoint not faster than max allowed speed */
math::Vector<3> pos_sp_old_s = _pos_sp.emult(scale);
/* difference between current and desired position setpoints, 1 = max speed */
math::Vector<3> d_pos_m = (pos_sp_s - pos_sp_old_s).edivide(_params.pos_p);
float d_pos_m_len = d_pos_m.length();
if (d_pos_m_len > dt) {
pos_sp_s = pos_sp_old_s + (d_pos_m / d_pos_m_len * dt).emult(_params.pos_p);
_pos_sp = pos_sp_s.edivide(scale);
/* do not go slower than the follow target velocity when position tracking is active (set to valid)*/
if (_pos_sp_triplet.current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_FOLLOW_TARGET &&
velocity_valid &&_pos_sp_triplet.current.position_valid) {
math::Vector<3> ft_vel(_pos_sp_triplet.current.vx, _pos_sp_triplet.current.vy, 0);
float cos_ratio = (ft_vel * _vel_sp) / (ft_vel.length() * _vel_sp.length());
// only override velocity set points when uav is traveling in same direction as target and vector component
// is greater than calculated position set point velocity component
if (cos_ratio > 0) {
ft_vel *= (cos_ratio);
// min speed a little faster than target vel
ft_vel += ft_vel.normalized() * 1.5f;
} else {
_vel_sp(0) = fabs(ft_vel(0)) > fabs(_vel_sp(0)) ? ft_vel(0) : _vel_sp(0);
_vel_sp(1) = fabs(ft_vel(1)) > fabs(_vel_sp(1)) ? ft_vel(1) : _vel_sp(1);
// track target using velocity only
// limit vertical acceleration
float acc_v = (_vel_sp(2) - _vel_sp_prev(2)) / dt;
if (fabsf(acc_v) > 2 * _params.acc_hor_max) {
acc_v /= fabsf(acc_v);
_vel_sp(2) = acc_v * 2 * _params.acc_hor_max * dt + _vel_sp_prev(2);
/* make sure velocity setpoint is saturated in xy*/
float vel_norm_xy = sqrtf(_vel_sp(0) * _vel_sp(0) +_vel_sp(1) * _vel_sp(1));
if (vel_norm_xy > _params.vel_max(0)) {
/* note assumes vel_max(0) == vel_max(1) */
_vel_sp(0) = _vel_sp(0) * _params.vel_max(0) / vel_norm_xy;
_vel_sp(1) = _vel_sp(1) * _params.vel_max(1) / vel_norm_xy;
/* make sure velocity setpoint is saturated in z*/
if (_vel_sp(2) < -1.0f * _params.vel_max_up) {
_vel_sp(2) = -1.0f * _params.vel_max_up;
if (_vel_sp(2) > _params.vel_max_down) {
_vel_sp(2) = _params.vel_max_down;
// limit total horizontal acceleration
math::Vector<2> acc_hor;
acc_hor(0) = (_vel_sp(0) - _vel_sp_prev(0)) / dt;
acc_hor(1) = (_vel_sp(1) - _vel_sp_prev(1)) / dt;
if (acc_hor.length() > _params.acc_hor_max) {
acc_hor *= _params.acc_hor_max;
math::Vector<2> vel_sp_hor_prev(_vel_sp_prev(0), _vel_sp_prev(1));
math::Vector<2> vel_sp_hor = acc_hor * dt + vel_sp_hor_prev;
_vel_sp(0) = vel_sp_hor(0);
_vel_sp(1) = vel_sp_hor(1);
// limit vertical acceleration
float acc_v = (_vel_sp(2) - _vel_sp_prev(2)) / dt;
if (fabsf(acc_v) > 2 * _params.acc_hor_max) {
acc_v /= fabsf(acc_v);
_vel_sp(2) = acc_v * 2 * _params.acc_hor_max * dt + _vel_sp_prev(2);
vel_err = _vel_sp - _vel;
thrust_sp = vel_err.emult(_params.vel_p) + _vel_err_d.emult(_params.vel_d) + thrust_int
thrust_int 为速度误差的积分,更新公式为:
/* update integrals */
if (_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled && !saturation_xy) {
thrust_int(0) += vel_err(0) * _params.vel_i(0) * dt;
thrust_int(1) += vel_err(1) * _params.vel_i(1) * dt;
if (_control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled && !saturation_z) {
thrust_int(2) += vel_err(2) * _params.vel_i(2) * dt;
/* protection against flipping on ground when landing */
if (thrust_int(2) > 0.0f) {
thrust_int(2) = 0.0f;
3.1.1、确保升力大于最小值。当-thrust_sp(2) < thr_min时,令thrust_sp(2) = -thr_min。
/* limit min lift */
if (-thrust_sp(2) < thr_min) {
thrust_sp(2) = -thr_min;
saturation_z = true;
if (_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled || _control_mode.flag_control_acceleration_enabled) {
/* limit max tilt */
if (thr_min >= 0.0f && tilt_max < M_PI_F / 2 - 0.05f) {
/* absolute horizontal thrust */
float thrust_sp_xy_len = math::Vector<2>(thrust_sp(0), thrust_sp(1)).length();
if (thrust_sp_xy_len > 0.01f) {
/* max horizontal thrust for given vertical thrust*/
float thrust_xy_max = -thrust_sp(2) * tanf(tilt_max);
if (thrust_sp_xy_len > thrust_xy_max) {
float k = thrust_xy_max / thrust_sp_xy_len;
thrust_sp(0) *= k;
thrust_sp(1) *= k;
saturation_xy = true;
thrust_abs = thrust_sp.length(); /* recalculate because it might have changed */
if (thrust_abs > thr_max) {
if (thrust_sp(2) < 0.0f) {
if (-thrust_sp(2) > thr_max) {
/* thrust Z component is too large, limit it */
thrust_sp(0) = 0.0f;
thrust_sp(1) = 0.0f;
thrust_sp(2) = -thr_max;
saturation_xy = true;
saturation_z = true;
} else {
/* preserve thrust Z component and lower XY, keeping altitude is more important than position */
float thrust_xy_max = sqrtf(thr_max * thr_max - thrust_sp(2) * thrust_sp(2));
float thrust_xy_abs = math::Vector<2>(thrust_sp(0), thrust_sp(1)).length();
float k = thrust_xy_max / thrust_xy_abs;
thrust_sp(0) *= k;
thrust_sp(1) *= k;
saturation_xy = true;
} else {
/* Z component is negative, going down, simply limit thrust vector */
float k = thr_max / thrust_abs;
thrust_sp *= k;
saturation_xy = true;
saturation_z = true;
thrust_abs = thr_max;
/* calculate attitude setpoint from thrust vector */
if (_control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled || _control_mode.flag_control_acceleration_enabled) {
/* desired body_z axis = -normalize(thrust_vector) */
math::Vector<3> body_x;
math::Vector<3> body_y;
math::Vector<3> body_z;
if (thrust_abs > SIGMA) {
body_z = -thrust_sp / thrust_abs;
} else {
/* no thrust, set Z axis to safe value */
body_z(2) = 1.0f;
/* vector of desired yaw direction in XY plane, rotated by PI/2 */
math::Vector<3> y_C(-sinf(_att_sp.yaw_body), cosf(_att_sp.yaw_body), 0.0f);
if (fabsf(body_z(2)) > SIGMA) {
/* desired body_x axis, orthogonal to body_z */
body_x = y_C % body_z;
/* keep nose to front while inverted upside down */
if (body_z(2) < 0.0f) {
body_x = -body_x;
} else {
/* desired thrust is in XY plane, set X downside to construct correct matrix,
* but yaw component will not be used actually */
body_x(2) = 1.0f;
/* desired body_y axis */
body_y = body_z % body_x;
/* fill rotation matrix */
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
R(i, 0) = body_x(i);
R(i, 1) = body_y(i);
R(i, 2) = body_z(i);
/* copy quaternion setpoint to attitude setpoint topic */
matrix::Quatf q_sp = R;
memcpy(&_att_sp.q_d[0], q_sp.data(), sizeof(_att_sp.q_d));
_att_sp.q_d_valid = true;
/* calculate euler angles, for logging only, must not be used for control */
matrix::Eulerf euler = R;
_att_sp.roll_body = euler(0);
_att_sp.pitch_body = euler(1);
/* yaw already used to construct rot matrix, but actual rotation matrix can have different yaw near singularity */