invite 作业练习

Part I. 作业练习:

1. 崔永元的激进行为和大胆评论招致了不少麻烦。

翻译:Cui Yongyuan's radical action and brave criticism invited much trouble.

答案:Cui Yongyuan's aggressive acts and bold comments invited much trouble.

aggressive, act, bold, comment

2. 场景1) 这部电视剧中对胖子歧视的情节和价值观,招致了观众的批评。

造句1) The show invited viewers' criticism for its plot and value of discrimination against the overweight.

场景2) 政府花费大量资金用于奥运场馆的建设,却忽视国家博物馆的修缮,招致了民众的强烈不满。

造句2) Government splashed the cash to build Olympic venues, but neglected the renovation of the National Museum. That action invited pubic dissatisfaction.

场景3) 拼多多由于平台商品管理不规范,招致业内的一些质疑。

造句3) Pinduoduo's nonstandard commodity management invited doubts in the industry.

Part II. 笔记:

invite:to do something that makes something bad or unpleasant more likely to happen.

invite 可以引申为“招致”“诱发”,当表示一件事可能招致批评、麻烦时可以用invite. invite后面常接消极意义的词,比如:ridicule, criticism, trouble.


1. Your reckless acts will invite nothing but ridicule.


reckless:not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results of your actions.  adj.鲁莽的

ridicule:n. unkind comments that make fun of sb./sth. or make them look silly.

n. 嘲笑

2. Some actor's astronomical pay has invited widespread public criticism.


astronomical:astronomical prices, costs etc are extremely high informal 〔价格、费用等〕极巨大的;天文数字的 【非正式】

3. Voiced by a lifelong Democrat, that suggestion would invite eye-rolling.

invite eye-rolling 招致白眼

voice 做动词时,表示发表意见。

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