所有代码已上传到本人github repository:https://github.com/zgcr/pytorch-ImageNet-CIFAR-COCO-VOC-training
经过前面的base model系列ImageNet训练实践,笔者终于要开始学习目标检测了。目标检测这块的细节特别多,而这些细节在论文中通常不会提及(往往是继承以前的目标检测器的做法),因此只有在代码中才能更好的了解这些细节。学习的最好方法就是自己实现一个目标检测器。在本系列中,笔者将从零开始实现单阶段目标检测器RetinaNet,包含数据集处理、数据增强、网络结构、loss、decode等部分。
COCO数据集官方网站地址:http://cocodataset.org/#home 。COCO是一个大规模目标检测数据集。COCO数据集每年都会更新,但是在目标检测论文中我们只会用到COCO2014与COCO2017数据集。COCO2017数据集包括三个子集:train(118287张图片)、val(5000张图片)、test(40670张图片),共有80个类。其中train和val集都提供了ground truth,test集没有ground turth,需要把detect结果提交到COCO数据集官网上测试才能得到结果。
VOC数据集官方网站地址:http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/ 。VOC也是一个目标检测数据集,但规模要比COCO数据集小的多。在目标检测论文中我们通常用VOC2007和VOC2012。和COCO数据集一样,VOC2007和VOC2012都分为train、val、test三个子集,共有20个类。对VOC2007,train、val、test三个子集都提供了ground truth。对VOC2012,只有train、val两个子集提供了ground truth。
我们参照detectron2中使用faster rcnn在VOC数据集上训练测试的做法(https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/blob/master/MODEL_ZOO.md),使用VOC2007trainval+VOC2012trainval数据集训练模型,使用VOC2007test数据集测试模型。测试时使用VOC2007的11 point metric方式计算mAP。
|----annotations----contains all annotaion json files
| |----train2017
| |----Annotations
| |----ImageSets
| |----SegmentationClass
| |----SegmentationObject
| |----Annotations
| |----ImageSets
| |----SegmentationClass
| |----SegmentationObject
import os
import cv2
import torch
import numpy as np
import random
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
import torch.nn.functional as F
"traffic light",
"fire hydrant",
"stop sign",
"parking meter",
"sports ball",
"baseball bat",
"baseball glove",
"tennis racket",
"wine glass",
"hot dog",
"potted plant",
"dining table",
"cell phone",
"teddy bear",
"hair drier",
colors = [
(39, 129, 113),
(164, 80, 133),
(83, 122, 114),
(99, 81, 172),
(95, 56, 104),
(37, 84, 86),
(14, 89, 122),
(80, 7, 65),
(10, 102, 25),
(90, 185, 109),
(106, 110, 132),
(169, 158, 85),
(188, 185, 26),
(103, 1, 17),
(82, 144, 81),
(92, 7, 184),
(49, 81, 155),
(179, 177, 69),
(93, 187, 158),
(13, 39, 73),
(12, 50, 60),
(16, 179, 33),
(112, 69, 165),
(15, 139, 63),
(33, 191, 159),
(182, 173, 32),
(34, 113, 133),
(90, 135, 34),
(53, 34, 86),
(141, 35, 190),
(6, 171, 8),
(118, 76, 112),
(89, 60, 55),
(15, 54, 88),
(112, 75, 181),
(42, 147, 38),
(138, 52, 63),
(128, 65, 149),
(106, 103, 24),
(168, 33, 45),
(28, 136, 135),
(86, 91, 108),
(52, 11, 76),
(142, 6, 189),
(57, 81, 168),
(55, 19, 148),
(182, 101, 89),
(44, 65, 179),
(1, 33, 26),
(122, 164, 26),
(70, 63, 134),
(137, 106, 82),
(120, 118, 52),
(129, 74, 42),
(182, 147, 112),
(22, 157, 50),
(56, 50, 20),
(2, 22, 177),
(156, 100, 106),
(21, 35, 42),
(13, 8, 121),
(142, 92, 28),
(45, 118, 33),
(105, 118, 30),
(7, 185, 124),
(46, 34, 146),
(105, 184, 169),
(22, 18, 5),
(147, 71, 73),
(181, 64, 91),
(31, 39, 184),
(164, 179, 33),
(96, 50, 18),
(95, 15, 106),
(113, 68, 54),
(136, 116, 112),
(119, 139, 130),
(31, 139, 34),
(66, 6, 127),
(62, 39, 2),
(49, 99, 180),
(49, 119, 155),
(153, 50, 183),
(125, 38, 3),
(129, 87, 143),
(49, 87, 40),
(128, 62, 120),
(73, 85, 148),
(28, 144, 118),
(29, 9, 24),
(175, 45, 108),
(81, 175, 64),
(178, 19, 157),
(74, 188, 190),
(18, 114, 2),
(62, 128, 96),
(21, 3, 150),
(0, 6, 95),
(2, 20, 184),
(122, 37, 185),
class CocoDetection(Dataset):
def __init__(self,
self.image_root_dir = image_root_dir
self.annotation_root_dir = annotation_root_dir
self.set_name = set
self.transform = transform
self.coco = COCO(
'instances_' + self.set_name + '.json'))
def load_classes(self):
self.image_ids = self.coco.getImgIds()
self.cat_ids = self.coco.getCatIds()
self.categories = self.coco.loadCats(self.cat_ids)
self.categories.sort(key=lambda x: x['id'])
# category_id is an original id,coco_id is set from 0 to 79
self.category_id_to_coco_label = {
category['id']: i
for i, category in enumerate(self.categories)
self.coco_label_to_category_id = {
v: k
for k, v in self.category_id_to_coco_label.items()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.image_ids)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
img = self.load_image(idx)
annot = self.load_annotations(idx)
sample = {'img': img, 'annot': annot, 'scale': 1.}
if self.transform:
sample = self.transform(sample)
return sample
def load_image(self, image_index):
image_info = self.coco.loadImgs(self.image_ids[image_index])[0]
path = os.path.join(self.image_root_dir, image_info['file_name'])
img = cv2.imread(path)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
return img.astype(np.float32) / 255.
def load_annotations(self, image_index):
# get ground truth annotations
annotations_ids = self.coco.getAnnIds(
imgIds=self.image_ids[image_index], iscrowd=None)
annotations = np.zeros((0, 5))
# some images appear to miss annotations
if len(annotations_ids) == 0:
return annotations
# parse annotations
coco_annotations = self.coco.loadAnns(annotations_ids)
for _, a in enumerate(coco_annotations):
# some annotations have basically no width / height, skip them
if a['bbox'][2] < 1 or a['bbox'][3] < 1:
annotation = np.zeros((1, 5))
annotation[0, :4] = a['bbox']
annotation[0, 4] = self.find_coco_label_from_category_id(
annotations = np.append(annotations, annotation, axis=0)
# transform from [x_min, y_min, w, h] to [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
annotations[:, 2] = annotations[:, 0] + annotations[:, 2]
annotations[:, 3] = annotations[:, 1] + annotations[:, 3]
return annotations
def find_coco_label_from_category_id(self, category_id):
return self.category_id_to_coco_label[category_id]
def find_category_id_from_coco_label(self, coco_label):
return self.coco_label_to_category_id[coco_label]
def num_classes(self):
return 80
def image_aspect_ratio(self, image_index):
image = self.coco.loadImgs(self.image_ids[image_index])[0]
return float(image['width']) / float(image['height'])
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import random
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
colors = [
(39, 129, 113),
(164, 80, 133),
(83, 122, 114),
(99, 81, 172),
(95, 56, 104),
(37, 84, 86),
(14, 89, 122),
(80, 7, 65),
(10, 102, 25),
(90, 185, 109),
(106, 110, 132),
(169, 158, 85),
(188, 185, 26),
(103, 1, 17),
(82, 144, 81),
(92, 7, 184),
(49, 81, 155),
(179, 177, 69),
(93, 187, 158),
(13, 39, 73),
class VocDetection(Dataset):
def __init__(self,
image_sets=[('2007', 'trainval'), ('2012', 'trainval')],
self.root_dir = root_dir
self.image_set = image_sets
self.transform = transform
self.categories = VOC_CLASSES
self.category_id_to_voc_label = dict(
zip(self.categories, range(len(self.categories))))
self.voc_label_to_category_id = {
v: k
for k, v in self.category_id_to_voc_label.items()
self.keep_difficult = keep_difficult
self._annopath = os.path.join('%s', 'Annotations', '%s.xml')
self._imgpath = os.path.join('%s', 'JPEGImages', '%s.jpg')
self.ids = list()
for (year, name) in image_sets:
rootpath = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'VOC' + year)
for line in open(
os.path.join(rootpath, 'ImageSets', 'Main',
name + '.txt')):
self.ids.append((rootpath, line.strip()))
def __getitem__(self, idx):
img_id = self.ids[idx]
img = self.load_image(img_id)
target = ET.parse(self._annopath % img_id).getroot()
annot = self.load_annotations(target)
sample = {'img': img, 'annot': annot, 'scale': 1.}
if self.transform:
sample = self.transform(sample)
return sample
def load_image(self, img_id):
img = cv2.imread(self._imgpath % img_id)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
return img.astype(np.float32) / 255.
def load_annotations(self, target):
annotations = []
for obj in target.iter('object'):
difficult = int(obj.find('difficult').text) == 1
if not self.keep_difficult and difficult:
name = obj.find('name').text.lower().strip()
bbox = obj.find('bndbox')
pts = ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']
bndbox = []
for pt in pts:
cur_pt = float(bbox.find(pt).text)
label_idx = self.category_id_to_voc_label[name]
annotations += [bndbox] # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, label_ind]
# img_id = target.find('filename').text[:-4]
annotations = np.array(annotations)
# format:[[x1, y1, x2, y2, label_ind], ... ]
return annotations
def find_category_id_from_voc_label(self, voc_label):
return self.voc_label_to_category_id[voc_label]
def image_aspect_ratio(self, idx):
img_id = self.ids[idx]
image = self.load_image(img_id)
return float(image.shape[1]) / float(image.shape[0])
def __len__(self):
return len(self.ids)