
写在前面:Coursera算是一个非常非常老牌和有名的在线视频教育网站,涵盖类目非常综合,知乎上有很多大v的推荐。它所提供的证书也越来越被高校和企业所认可。Coursera是付费的,一套课程需要几百刀。广大学生群体却常常因为无法承担相对较高的费用而未能如愿得到完整的课程资源与证书。 Coursera 考虑到这个情况,对平台上每门课程都提供了助学金申请选项。和大家分享一下 Coursera 助学金的申请流程。

  1. 进入你要学习的课程主页(以吴恩达老师的经典课程Machine Learning为例)
  2. 选择“有助学金(Scholarships available)”,然后选择“继续申请”。
  3. 填写相关个人信息。

Why are you applying for a scholarship? (要求至少 150 个字)
Dear reviewers, I am a postgraduate at Xidian University. I major in Computer Technology. I came from China who has no income yet. To register the course, I would like to apply for the certificate of Machine Learning. I am a student and my income is barely enough to cover my living expense. I don’t have extra money to get the certificate. My family can only provide me limited finance support which does not cover the cost of extra online courses. However, I have always loved to learn new knowledge and enhance my research skills. I really want to learn this course to improve my programming skill and help me completing my research. Thank you for your consideration. I promise I will learn it seriously. No pain, no gain. And I will keep my step forward to the top. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you!

学习此课程将如何帮助您实现职业目标? (要求至少 150 个字)
As we know, the development of Artificial Intelligence is leading the trend of whole computer science. Machine learning is the new and most important branch of the field of artificial intelligence. I have been very interested in AI since I was a child and have been learning this knowledge. My career goal is to find a job in the field in the future. Therefore, this course is a course I must take. It allows me to fully understand the basics of deep learning. With this foundation, I can continue to learn the knowledge of this field and research this aspect. Through my constant study of this aspect of knowledge and research projects in this area, I have enough strength and confidence to compete for jobs in this field when I am looking for a job in the future. I love the course and it could be a wonderful experience for my learning process. I am grateful to your help if I get the Finance Aid. Thank you!

  1. 最后选择不考虑低息贷款,原因可用中文写。如何申请Coursera课程助学金并获得证书_第5张图片
  2. 提交申请后,你会收到一条邮件,表示收到你的助学金申请。
  3. 要等待漫长的15天的审核,才能给你回复
