
using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 

public class Test1: MonoBehaviour { 
public int uvAnimationTileX = 1; 
public int uvAnimationTileY = 1; 
public float framesPerSecond = 10.0f; 
// Use this for initialization 
void Start () 


// Update is called once per frame 
void Update () 
// Calculate index 
int index = (int)(Time.time * framesPerSecond); 
    // repeat when exhausting all frames 
    index = index % (uvAnimationTileX * uvAnimationTileY); 

    // Size of every tile 
    Vector2 size = new Vector2 ((float)1.0 / uvAnimationTileX, (float)1.0 / uvAnimationTileY); 
    // split into horizontal and vertical index 
    int uIndex = (int) index % uvAnimationTileX; 
    int vIndex = (int) index / uvAnimationTileX; 

    // build offset 
    // v coordinate is the bottom of the image in opengl so we need to invert. 
    Vector2 offset = new Vector2 ((float)uIndex * size.x,(float)1.0 - size.y - vIndex * size.y); 
    renderer.material.SetTextureOffset ("_MainTex", offset); 
    renderer.material.SetTextureScale ("_MainTex", size); 

