【学习笔记】离散数学(Discrete Math) - 证明 Proof 3

离散数学(Discrete Math)

                                                         - 证明proof


离散数学(Discrete Math)

                                                         - 证明proof


Terminology 术语

How to prove conditional statements?

Direct proof直接证明法

Proof by contraposition对位证明法

Proof by contradiction 矛盾法/反证法

Vacaous and Trival proofs

Proof by cases 列举法

Uniqueness proofs 唯一性证明



Terminology 术语

Theorem 定理 :A theorem is a statement that can be shown to be true.

Proposition 命题:Less important theorems are called propositions.

Proof 证明:A proof is a valid argument that established the truth of a theorem.

Axiom 公理:Statements that we assume to be true.

Lemma 引理:A less important throrem that is helpful in the proof of other results.

Corollary 推论:A theorem that can be established directly from a theorem that has been proved.

Conjecture 推测(猜想):A statement that is being proposed to be a true statement.

How to prove conditional statements?


  1. Direct proof 直接证明法
  2. Proof by contraposition 对位证明法
  3. Proof by contradiction 矛盾法/反证法
  4. Vacaous and Trival proofs 空真和平凡证明

Direct proof 直接证明法


P(n): n is odd.

Q(n): n^2 is odd.

∀n∈Z, P(n)-> Q(n)



n^2 = 2(2k^2+2k)+1



Proof by contraposition 对位证明法

p->q ≡┐q->┐p

Assume q is false by applying rule of inference, we conclude that p is false.


Prove that if n is an integer and 3n+2 is odd, then n is odd.


Assume n is not odd.

Then, n is even

There exists an integer k such that n=2k.

3n+2 = 3(2k)+2 = 2(3k+1)

Since 3k+1 is an integer 3n+2 is even.

So, the premise is not true.

Therefore, the theorem is proved.



The real number r is rational if there exists integers p and q with q≠0 such that r=p/q. Areal number that is not rational is called irrational.


Prove that the sum of two rational numbers is rational.


∀x,y,R(x), R(y)-> R(x+y)

Assume R(x) and R(y) are true. (Premise前提)

R(x)-> ∃p,q≠0 such that x = p/q.(def)

R(y)-> ∃r,s≠0 such that y = r/s.(def)

x+y = p/q + r/s = (ps+rq)/qs

ps+rq and qs are integer and qs≠0, x+y is rational.(def)




If n is an integer and n^2 is odd, then n is odd. ∀n∈Z, odd(n^2)-> odd(n).


We prove ┐odd(n)-> ┐odd(n^2).

Assume ┐odd(n) is true.

i.e. n is even.

There exists k such that n=2k.

n^2 = 2(2k^2)

Since 2k^2 is an integer, n^2 is even. Therefore ┐odd(n^2) is true.


Proof by contradiction 矛盾法/反证法

If we want to proof p is true, we first assume ┐p(i.e. p is false). Then , by applying rules of inference we get some contradiction.(i.e. ┐p->F). Since ┐p->F is true ,we can get p is T.


Prove that ‘√2 is irrational’ by contradiction.


Assume √2 is not irrational.

There exists integers p,q≠0, such that √2 = p/q( Beside, we can assume p and q are both composite.)

P^2 = 2q^2

Since p^2 is even ,q is even (E(p^2)->E(P))

Assume ,p = 2k, (2k)^2 = 2q^2.

We get

q^2 = 2k^2

since q^2 is even ,q is even .

2|p(代表2为p的一个因子) and 2|q , imply p,q are not composite.

This is a contradiction.

Therefore ‘√2 is rational’ is false

And we prove the theorem.


Vacaous and Trival proofs 空真和平凡证明



To prove p->q is true ,we can

show p is false (vacuous proof) or

show q is true (trivial proof).


Let P(n) =”if n>1,then n^2>n”. Prove P(0) is true.


P(0) =”if 0>1,then 0^2>0.” in the conditional statement.

The premise  “0>1” is false , so P(0) is true.


Let P(n) =”If a and b are positive integers with a ≥ b, then a^n ≥ b^n”. Show that P(0) is true.


P(0) =”If a and b are positive integers with a ≥ b, then a^0 ≥ b^0.”

Since a^0=1 and b^0=1,

a^0 ≥ b^0 is true.

So, P(0) is true.


Proof by cases 列举法

(p1∪p2∪p3 ∪…∪pn)->q ó p ≡ p1∪p2∪p3 ∪…∪pn and p->q


Show that there are no solutions in integers x and y of x^2+3y^2 = 8




Uniqueness proofs 唯一性证明

∃!xp(x) ≡ ∃x0(p(x0)) ∧ ∀x ≠x0 ┐p(x)

So, we need to

  1. Find an x0 such that P(x0) is true;
  2. Show that ∀ x≠x0 ┐p(x) is true.



WLOG 不失一般性原则 without loss of generality

Set 集合

Set builder 结构式式集合

Subsets 子集


易志伟老师 – 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics
