
以Meeting J之后更新的参考软件为例

  1. 进入https://mailman.rwth-aachen.de/mailman/listinfo/jvet进行注册
  2. http://phenix.it-sudparis.eu/jvet/下载J1002文件(Algorithm description for Versatile Video Coding and Test Model 1 (VTM 1)),文档中的scope给出了参考软件下载链接


  3. https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html下载并安装svn,桌面单击右键出现如下图所示SVN Checkout和TortoiseSVN说明安装成功。VVC/JEM(一):VVC参考软件_第1张图片
  4. 下载文件:点击SVN Checkout,登录步骤一中的账号,填入步骤二中参考软件下载链接和要下载到本地的地址,OK。VVC/JEM(一):VVC参考软件_第2张图片
  5. 打开svn_VVCSoftware_VTM/trunk 中的README.txt。                                                                                                   Open a command prompt on your system and change into the root directory
    of this project (location of README.txt).

    Create a build directory in the root directory:
    mkdir build

    After that use one of the following cmake commands. Feel free to change the
    commands to satisfy your needs.

    Windows sample for Visual Studio 2015 64 Bit:
    cd build
    cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"(or cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 64 Bit"

    Linux Release Makefile sample:
    cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

    Linux Debug Makefile sample:
    cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

    MACOSX Xcode sample:
    cd build
    cmake .. -G "Xcode"
  6. 得到下图所示文件,双击打开NextSoftWare.sln。VVC/JEM(一):VVC参考软件_第3张图片


可以直接从网址https://vcgit.hhi.fraunhofer.de/jvet 中下载压缩包。然后根据上述编译方式在本地生成工程。


