课程 16:Problem Set 5

课程 16:Problem Set 5

1.   练习:Missing Parameters


a.   优化的PID参数,理论上会让轨迹向期望的轨迹逐渐收敛

b.   如果缺失P参数,则CTE表现最大,并逐渐增大。

c.   如果缺失D参数,CTE表现没有b那样,但是也会逐渐增大。

d.   如果缺失I参数,CTE也会变小,轨迹在期望轨迹附近,呈一定的误差。

2.   练习:Cyclic Smoothing






# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


# -------------

# User Instructions


# Here you will be implementing a cyclicsmoothing

# algorithm. This algorithm should not fixthe end

# points (as you did in the unit quizzes).You

# should use the gradient descentequations that

# you used previously.


# Your function should return the newpaththat it

# calculates.


# Feel free to use the providedsolution_check function

# to test your code. You can find it atthe bottom.


# --------------

# Testing Instructions


# To test your code, call thesolution_check function with

# two arguments. The first argument shouldbe the result of your

# smooth function. The second should bethe corresponding answer.

# For example, calling


# solution_check(smooth(testpath1),answer1)


# should return True if your answer iscorrect and False if

# it is not.


from math import *


# Do not modify path inside your function.

path=[[0, 0],

     [1, 0],

     [2, 0],

     [3, 0],

     [4, 0],

     [5, 0],

     [6, 0],

     [6, 1],

     [6, 2],

     [6, 3],

     [5, 3],

     [4, 3],

     [3, 3],

     [2, 3],

     [1, 3],

     [0, 3],

     [0, 2],

     [0, 1]]


############# ONLY ENTER CODE BELOW THISLINE ##########



# smooth coordinates

# If your code is timing out, make thetolerance parameter

# larger to decrease run time.



def smooth(path, weight_data = 0.1,weight_smooth = 0.1, tolerance = 0.00001):



   # Enter code here


   # deepcopy path

   newpath = []

   for i in range(len(path)):

       p1 = []

       for j in range(len(path[0])):




   changeFactor = tolerance

   while changeFactor >= tolerance:

       changeFactor = 0

       for i in range(len(path)):

           for j in range(len(path[0])):

                aux = newpath[i][j]


                newpath[i][j] += weight_data *(path[i][j] - newpath[i][j]) + \

                       weight_smooth *(newpath[(i+1)%len(path)][j] + newpath[(i-1 + len(path))%len(path)][j] - 2.0 *newpath[i][j])


                changeFactor += abs(aux -newpath[i][j])


   return newpath


# thank you - EnTerr - for posting this onour discussion forum


#newpath = smooth(path)

#for i in range(len(path)):

#   print('['+ ', '.join('%.3f'%x for x in path[i]) +'] -> ['+ ','.join('%.3f'%x for x in newpath[i]) +']')



##### TESTING ######



# check if two numbers are 'closeenough,'used in

# solution_check function.


def close_enough(user_answer, true_answer,epsilon = 0.001):

   if abs(user_answer - true_answer) > epsilon:

       return False

   return True



# check your solution against ourreference solution for

# a variety of test cases (given below)


def solution_check(newpath, answer):

   if type(newpath) != type(answer):

       print("Error. You do not return a list.")

       return False

   if len(newpath) != len(answer):

       print('Error. Your newpath is not the correct length.')

       return False

   if len(newpath[0]) != len(answer[0]):

       print('Error. Your entries do not contain an (x, y) coordinate pair.')

       return False

   for i in range(len(newpath)):

       for j in range(len(newpath[0])):

           if not close_enough(newpath[i][j], answer[i][j]):

                print('Error, at least one ofyour entries is not correct.')

                return False

   print("Test case correct!")

   return True


# --------------

# Testing Instructions


# To test your code, call thesolution_check function with

# two arguments. The first argument shouldbe the result of your

# smooth function. The second should bethe corresponding answer.

# For example, calling


# solution_check(smooth(testpath1),answer1)


# should return True if your answer iscorrect and False if

# it is not.


testpath1 = [[0, 0],

             [1, 0],

             [2, 0],

             [3, 0],

             [4, 0],

             [5, 0],

             [6, 0],

             [6, 1],

             [6, 2],

             [6, 3],

             [5, 3],

             [4, 3],

             [3, 3],

             [2, 3],

             [1, 3],

             [0, 3],

             [0, 2],

             [0, 1]]


answer1 = [[0.4705860385182691,0.4235279620576893],

          [1.1764695730296597, 0.16470408411716733],

          [2.058823799247812, 0.07058633859438503],

          [3.000001503542886, 0.04705708651959327],

          [3.9411790099468273, 0.07058689299792453],

          [4.8235326678889345, 0.16470511854183797],

          [5.529415336860586, 0.4235293374365447],

          [5.76470933698621, 1.1058829941330384],

          [5.764708805535902, 1.8941189433780983],

          [5.5294138118186265, 2.5764724018811056],

          [4.823530348360371, 2.835296251305122],

          [3.941176199414957, 2.929413985845729],

          [2.9999985709076413, 2.952943245204772],

          [2.0588211310939526, 2.9294134622132018],

          [1.1764675231284938, 2.8352952720424938],

          [0.4705848811030855, 2.5764710948028178],

          [0.23529088056307781, 1.8941174802285707],

          [0.23529138316655338, 1.1058815684272394]]


testpath2 = [[1, 0], # Move in the shapeof a plus sign

             [2, 0],

             [2, 1],

             [3, 1],

             [3, 2],

             [2, 2],

             [2, 3],

             [1, 3],

             [1, 2],

             [0, 2],

             [0, 1],

             [1, 1]]


answer2 = [[1.2222234770374059,0.4444422843711052],

          [1.7777807251383388, 0.4444432993123497],

          [2.111114925633848, 0.8888894279539462],

          [2.5555592020540376, 1.2222246475393077],

          [2.5555580686154244, 1.7777817817879298],

          [2.111111849558437, 2.1111159707965514],

          [1.7777765871460525, 2.55556033483712],

          [1.2222194640861452, 2.5555593592828543],

          [0.8888853322565222, 2.111113321684573],

          [0.44444105139827167, 1.777778212019149],

          [0.44444210978390364, 1.2222211690821811],

          [0.8888882042812255, 0.8888870211766268]]


# solution_check(smooth(testpath1),answer1)

# solution_check(smooth(testpath2),answer2)


3.   练习:Constrained Smoothing

约束性/限制性 平滑




还是说这个newpath[i][j] 在计算中间过程的时候不能被改变,只能用最初值计算,建议用一个公式就完成每次对于单点newpath[i][j]的调整计算。

对非固定点的单次计算公式,考虑到了前后点对 weight_smooth 部分的计算。

newpath[i][j] +=weight_smooth * (newpath[(i-1)%len(path)][j] + newpath[(i+1)%len(path)][j] - \

                                   2.0 * newpath[i][j]) + \

                                   (weight_smooth / 2.0) * (2.0* newpath[(i-1)%len(path)][j] - \

                                   newpath[(i-2)%len(path)][j] -newpath[i][j]) + \

                                   (weight_smooth / 2.0) * (2.0* newpath[(i+1)%len(path)][j] - \

                                   newpath[(i+2)%len(path)][j] -newpath[i][j])



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Created on Tue May 22 18:41:08 2018


@author: Administrator



# -------------

# User Instructions


# Now you will be incorporating fixedpoints into

# your smoother.


# You will need to use the equations fromgradient

# descent AND the new equations presentedin the

# previous lecture to implement smoothingwith

# fixed points.


# Your function should return the newpaththat it

# calculates.


# Feel free to use the providedsolution_check function

# to test your code. You can find it atthe bottom.



######################## ENTER CODE BELOWHERE #########################


def smooth(path, fix, weight_data = 0.0,weight_smooth = 0.1, tolerance = 0.00001):


   # Enter code here.

   # The weight for each of the two new equations should be 0.5 *weight_smooth


   newpath = [[path[row][col] for col in range(len(path[0]))] for row inrange(len(path))]


   changeFactor = tolerance

   while changeFactor >= tolerance:

       changeFactor = 0


       for i in range(len(path)):

           if fix[i] == 0:

                for j in range(len(path[0])):

                    aux = newpath[i][j]


                    newpath[i][j] +=weight_smooth * (newpath[(i-1)%len(path)][j] + \

                           newpath[(i+1)%len(path)][j] - 2.0 * newpath[i][j]) + \

                            (weight_smooth /2.0) * (2.0 * newpath[(i-1)%len(path)][j] - \

                           newpath[(i-2)%len(path)][j] - newpath[i][j]) + \

                            (weight_smooth /2.0) * (2.0 * newpath[(i+1)%len(path)][j] - \

                           newpath[(i+2)%len(path)][j] - newpath[i][j])


                    changeFactor += abs(aux -newpath[i][j])



   return newpath


# --------------

# Testing Instructions


# To test your code, call thesolution_check function with the argument smooth:

# solution_check(smooth)



def solution_check(smooth, eps = 0.0001):


   def test_case_str(path, fix):

       assert( len(path) == len(fix) )


       if len(path) == 0:

           return '[]'

       if len(path) == 1:

           s = '[' + str(path[0]) + ']'

           if fix[0]: s += ' #fix'

           return s


       s = '[' + str(path[0]) + ','

        if fix[0]: s += ' #fix'

       for pt,f in zip(path[1:-1],fix[1:-1]):

           s += '\n ' + str(pt) + ','

           if f: s += ' #fix'

       s += '\n ' + str(path[-1]) + ']'

       if fix[-1]: s += ' #fix'

       return s


   testpaths = [[[0, 0],[1, 0],[2, 0],[3, 0],[4, 0],[5, 0],[6, 0],[6,1],[6, 2],[6, 3],[5, 3],[4, 3],[3, 3],[2, 3],[1, 3],[0, 3],[0, 2],[0, 1]],

                 [[0, 0],[2, 0],[4, 0],[4,2],[4, 4],[2, 4],[0, 4],[0, 2]]]

   testfixpts = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],

                  [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]]

   pseudo_answers = [[[0, 0],[0.7938620981547201,-0.8311168821106101],[1.8579052986461084,-1.3834788165869276],[3.053905318597796, -1.5745863173084],[4.23141390533387,-1.3784271816058231],[5.250184859723701, -0.8264215958231558],[6,0],[6.415150091996651, 0.9836951698796843],[6.41942442687092,2.019512290770163],[6, 3],[5.206131365604606,3.831104483245191],[4.142082497497067, 4.383455704596517],[2.9460804122779813,4.5745592975708105],[1.768574219397359, 4.378404668718541],[0.7498089205417316,3.826409771585794],[0, 3],[-0.4151464728194156,2.016311854977891],[-0.4194207879552198, 0.9804948340550833]],

                      [[0,0],[2.0116767115496095, -0.7015439080661671],[4, 0],[4.701543905420104,2.0116768147460418],[4, 4],[1.9883231877640861, 4.701543807525115],[0,4],[-0.7015438099112995, 1.9883232808252207]]]

   true_answers = [[[0, 0],[0.7826068175979299,-0.6922616156406778],[1.826083356960912,-1.107599209206985],[2.999995745732953,-1.2460426422963626],[4.173909508264126, -1.1076018591282746],[5.217389489606966,-0.6922642758483151],[6, 0],[6.391305105067843,0.969228211275216],[6.391305001845138, 2.0307762911524616],[6,3],[5.217390488523538, 3.6922567975830876],[4.17391158149052,4.107590195596796],[2.9999982969959467, 4.246032043344827],[1.8260854997325473,4.107592961155283],[0.7826078838205919, 3.692259569132191],[0,3],[-0.3913036785959153, 2.030774470796648], [-0.3913035729270973,0.9692264531461132]],

                    [[0,0],[1.9999953708444873, -0.6666702980585777],[4, 0],[4.666670298058577,2.000005101453379],[4, 4],[1.9999948985466212, 4.6666612524128],[0,4],[-0.6666612524127998, 2.000003692691148]]]

   newpaths = map(lambda p: smooth(*p), zip(testpaths,testfixpts))


   correct = True


   for path,fix,p_answer,t_answer,newpath in zip(testpaths,testfixpts,



       if type(newpath) != list:

           print("Error: smooth did not return a list for the path:")

           print(test_case_str(path,fix) + '\n')

           correct = False


       if len(newpath) != len(path):

           print("Error: smooth did not return a list of the correct lengthfor the path:")

           print(test_case_str(path,fix) + '\n')

           correct = False



       good_pairs = True

       for newpt,pt in zip(newpath,path):

           if len(newpt) != len(pt):

                good_pairs = False


       if not good_pairs:

           print("Error: smooth did not return a list of coordinate pairs forthe path:")

           print(test_case_str(path,fix) + '\n')

           correct = False


       assert( good_pairs )


       # check whether to check against true or pseudo answers

       answer = None

       if abs(newpath[1][0] - t_answer[1][0]) <= eps:

           answer = t_answer

       elif abs(newpath[1][0] - p_answer[1][0]) <= eps:

           answer = p_answer


           print('smooth returned an incorrect answer for the path:')

           print(test_case_str(path,fix) + '\n')


       assert( answer is not None )


       entries_match = True

       for p,q in zip(newpath,answer):

           for pi,qi in zip(p,q):

                if abs(pi - qi) > eps:

                    entries_match = False


           if not entries_match: break

       if not entries_match:

           print('smooth returned an incorrect answer for the path:')

           print(test_case_str(path,fix) + '\n')



       assert( entries_match )

       if answer == t_answer:

           print('smooth returned the correct answer for the path:')

           print(test_case_str(path,fix) + '\n')

       elif answer == p_answer:

           print('smooth returned a correct* answer for the path:')


           print('''*However, your answer uses the "nonsimultaneous"update method, which

is not technically correct. You shouldmodify your code so that newpath[i][j] is only

updated once per iteration, or else theintermediate updates made to newpath[i][j]

will affect the final answer.\n''')




4.   练习:Racetrack Control


Make sure CTE is negative inside the track and positive outside the track.

我之前没看到,在计算跟x轴重合的那条路线时,计算得到的cte值的符号跟其他地方相反。导致运行结果 err 比较大,然后改正后,err值收敛,符合要求了。



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


# --------------

# User Instructions


# Define a function cte in the robot class thatwill

# compute the crosstrack error for a robot on a

# racetrack with a shape as described in thevideo.


# You will need to base your error calculationon

# the robot's location on the track. Rememberthat

# the robot will be traveling to the right onthe

# upper straight segment and to the left on thelower

# straight segment.


# --------------

# Grading Notes


# We will be testing your cte function directlyby

# calling it with different robot locations andmaking

# sure that it returns the correct crosstrackerror. 


from math import *

import random





# this is the robot class



class robot:




   #    creates robot and initializeslocation/orientation to 0, 0, 0



    def __init__(self, length = 20.0):

        self.x = 0.0

       self.y = 0.0

       self.orientation = 0.0

       self.length = length

       self.steering_noise = 0.0

       self.distance_noise = 0.0

       self.steering_drift = 0.0




    #     sets a robot coordinate



    def set(self, new_x, new_y, new_orientation):


       self.x = float(new_x)

       self.y = float(new_y)

       self.orientation = float(new_orientation) % (2.0 * pi)





    #     sets the noise parameters



    def set_noise(self, new_s_noise, new_d_noise):

        #makes it possible to change the noise parameters

        #this is often useful in particle filters

       self.steering_noise = float(new_s_noise)

       self.distance_noise = float(new_d_noise)




    #     sets the systematical steering driftparameter



    def set_steering_drift(self, drift):

       self.steering_drift = drift




   #    steering = front wheelsteering angle, limited by max_steering_angle

   #    distance = total distancedriven, most be non-negative


    def move(self, steering, distance,

            tolerance = 0.001, max_steering_angle = pi / 4.0):


        ifsteering > max_steering_angle:

           steering = max_steering_angle

       if steering < -max_steering_angle:

           steering = -max_steering_angle

       if distance < 0.0:

           distance = 0.0



        #make a new copy

       res = robot()

       res.length         = self.length

       res.steering_noise = self.steering_noise

       res.distance_noise = self.distance_noise

       res.steering_drift = self.steering_drift


        #apply noise

       steering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)

       distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)


        #apply steering drift

       steering2 += self.steering_drift


        #Execute motion

       turn = tan(steering2) * distance2 / res.length


       if abs(turn) < tolerance:


           # approximate by straight line motion


           res.x = self.x + (distance2 * cos(self.orientation))

           res.y = self.y + (distance2 * sin(self.orientation))

           res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)




           # approximate bicycle model for motion


           radius = distance2 / turn

           cx = self.x - (sin(self.orientation) * radius)

           cy = self.y + (cos(self.orientation) * radius)

            res.orientation = (self.orientation +turn) % (2.0 * pi)

           res.x = cx + (sin(res.orientation) * radius)

           res.y = cy - (cos(res.orientation) * radius)


       return res





    def __repr__(self):

       return '[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]' % (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)



############## ONLY ADD / MODIFY CODE BELOWTHIS LINE ####################


    def cte(self, radius):



        #Add code here



        #find out the two circle center point.

       CxLeft = radius

       CyLeft = radius

       CxRight = radius + 2 * radius

       CyRight = radius


       cte = float('Inf')


       if self.x < radius:#robot.x >= 0

            cte = sqrt((self.x - CxLeft)**2 + (self.y- CyLeft)**2) - radius

       elif self.x >= CxLeft and self.x < CxRight:

           cte1 = self.y - 2 * radius

           cte2 = self.y

           if abs(cte1) < abs(cte2):

               cte = cte1


               # 因为编程前视频下方说明:Make sure CTE is negative inside the track andpositive outside the track.

               #cte = cte2

               cte = -cte2

       else:# self.x >= CxRight and self.x < CxRight + radius

           cte = sqrt((self.x - CxRight)**2 + (self.y - CyRight)**2) - radius

       return cte


############## ONLY ADD / MODIFY CODE ABOVETHIS LINE ####################







# run - does a single control run.



def run(params, radius, printflag = False):

   myrobot = robot()

   myrobot.set(0.0, radius, pi / 2.0)

    speed= 1.0 # motion distance is equal to speed (we assume time = 1)

    err =0.0

   int_crosstrack_error = 0.0

    N =200


   crosstrack_error = myrobot.cte(radius) # You need to define the ctefunction!


    for iin range(N*2):

       diff_crosstrack_error = - crosstrack_error

       crosstrack_error = myrobot.cte(radius)

       diff_crosstrack_error += crosstrack_error

       int_crosstrack_error += crosstrack_error

       steer = - params[0] * crosstrack_error \

               - params[1] * diff_crosstrack_error \

               - params[2] * int_crosstrack_error

        myrobot = myrobot.move(steer, speed)

       if i >= N:

           err += crosstrack_error ** 2

       if printflag:


   return err / float(N)


radius = 25.0

params = [10.0, 15.0, 0]

err = run(params, radius, True)

print('\nFinal parameters: ', params, '\n->', err)

