用内点法求解线性规划问题理论上的计算复杂度为 O ( n 3.5 L 2 ) O(n^{3.5}L^2) O(n3.5L2),其中n是变量的维数,L是输入长度。而单纯形法本质上还是个搜索问题,其计算复杂度是 O ( 2 n ) O(2^n) O(2n)。
本文依次介绍Logarithmic barrier method,Affine scaling method,Projective method。
详细的介绍可以参考 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/32685234,对应的代码https://github.com/PrimerLi/linear-programming/tree/master/src
一般选用Logarithmic barrier method,如下。其中 ϕ ( x ) = − Σ i ln ( x i ) \phi(x)=-\Sigma_i \ln(x_i) ϕ(x)=−Σiln(xi)称为barrier函数。至于为什么用这个函数做barrier,可以参考这里
使用牛顿法求解,不同 μ \mu μ下的最优解构成的集合称为central path。
min c T x \min c^Tx mincTx,s.t. A x ≤ b Ax\le b Ax≤b
barrier函数设置为 I t ( x ) = − l o g ( − u ) / t I_t(x)=-log(-u)/t It(x)=−log(−u)/t,目标函数为 t c x − Σ log ( − A x + b ) tcx-\Sigma\log(-Ax+b) tcx−Σlog(−Ax+b),并且有:
内点法是选取一个比较小的初始参数 t 0 t_0 t0,求出这个参数对应的解 x t 0 x_{t_0} xt0,逐步迭代从小 t 0 t_0 t0 到大 t t t可以得到一系列的解,最后得到的解 x t x_t xt称作是淬火解。这个解应该可以满足我们的精度需求。
def newton(t, A, b, c, x0):
maxIterationNumber = 50
eps = 1.0e-8
for count in range(maxIterationNumber):
slack = 1.0/(A.dot(x0) - b)
gradient = t*c - A.transpose().dot(slack) # 梯度
H = A.transpose().dot(np.diag(np.square(slack))).dot(A)
delta = np.linalg.inv(H).dot(gradient)
x0 = x0 - delta
error = np.linalg.norm(delta)
if (-error < eps):
return x0,error
def solver(t0, A, b, c, x0, factor):
upperBound = 1000*t0
t = [t0]
solutions = [x0]
eps = 1.0e-10
while(t0 < upperBound):
x0,error = newton(t0, A, b, c, x0)
print (x0)
t0 = factor*t0
if (error < eps):
return x0
min x + y \min x+y minx+y,
0.81 x + 0.4 y ≥ 1 0.81x+0.4y\ge1 0.81x+0.4y≥1
0.4 x + 1.1 y ≥ 1 0.4x+1.1y\ge1 0.4x+1.1y≥1
x ≥ 0 x\ge0 x≥0
y ≥ 0 y\ge0 y≥0
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import ReadFile
import random
A, b, c = ReadFile.read("linear-programming/data/A.txt", "linear-programming/data/b.txt", "linear-programming/data/c.txt")
x = np.array([0.1,0.2])
t = 1.0
m,n = A.shape
t = 1.0
initials = []
numberOfTests = 4
for i in range(numberOfTests):
x0 = np.zeros(len(c))
for i in range(len(x0)):
x0[i] = 1.4 + random.uniform(-0.3, 0.3)
for i in range(len(initials)):
print ("******************* Test number = "+ str(i + 1) + " **************************")
factor = 1.2
solution = solver(t, A, b, c, initials[i], factor)
print ("Solution to the problem is: ")
print (solution)
print( "****************************************************************")
min x 1 2 + x 2 2 \min x_1^2+x_2^2 minx12+x22
s.t. 2 x 1 + 3 x 2 ≤ 6 2x_1+3x_2\le6 2x1+3x2≤6
x 2 − 2 x 1 ≥ 1 x_2-2x_1\ge1 x2−2x1≥1
初始的 u = e u=e u=e,
import numpy as np
# function to minimize
def f(x, e):
x1 = x[0,0]
x2 = x[1,0]
return x1**2 + x2**2 - e*(np.log(6-2*x1-3*x2) + np.log(-1-2*x1+x2))
# Gradient of f
def grad(x, e):
x1 = x[0,0]
x2 = x[1,0]
grad = [2*x1 + e*(2./(-2*x1+x2-1) + 2./(-2*x1-3*x2+6)), 2*x2 + e*(1./(2*x1-x2+1) - 3./(-2*x1-3*x2+6))]
return np.array(grad).reshape((2,1))
# Hessian Matrix of f
def hessian(x, e):
x1 = x[0,0]
x2 = x[1,0]
H = [[2 + e*(4./((2*x1-x2+1)**2) + 4./(2*x1+3*x2-6)**2), e*(-2./((2*x1-x2+1)**2) + 6./(2*x1+3*x2-6)**2)], [e*(-2./((2*x1-x2+1)**2) + 6./(2*x1+3*x2-6)**2), 2 + e*(1./((2*x1-x2+1)**2) + 9./(2*x1+3*x2-6)**2)]]
return np.array(H)
def backtracking(x0, delta, e, c):
t = 1
while True:
x1 = x0 + t*delta
if f(x1,e) <= f(x0,e) + c*grad(x0,e).T @ (x1 - x0):
t /= 2
return x1
def newton(x0, e, c, tol=1e-3):
assert(c > 0 and c < 1)
while True:
delta = - np.linalg.inv(hessian(x0, e)) @ grad(x0, e)
x1 = backtracking(x0, delta, e, c=c)
if np.linalg.norm(x1 - x0) < tol:
x0 = x1
return x0
def interior_point(x0, e, c, tol=1e-5):
assert(tol > 0)
while True:
xe = newton(x0, e, c=c)
if e <= tol:
x0 = xe
e /= 2
return x0
xe = interior_point(x0=np.array([-1, 1]).reshape((2,1)), e=1, c=0.5)
print("Minimum at:", xe.flatten())
print("Minimum:", f(xe,1))
PAS内点法(Primal Affine Scaling)需要做一个近似转化,非常像信赖域方法。直观来看,是以当前点为中心点在椭球范围内沿着目标函数梯度方向投影在可行域零空间的向量前进。
做一个线性变换,可以把椭球变成单位球,也就是下面的 x = D k y x=D_ky x=Dky
其中 D k D_k Dk是当前
上面的问题很容易求解。令可行域 A D k y = b AD_ky=b ADky=b的零空间法向量为 P k P_k Pk,则最优解为
令 t = A D k t = AD_k t=ADk,则 P k = I − t T ( t t T ) − 1 t P_k=I-t^T(tt^T)^{-1}t Pk=I−tT(ttT)−1t。
import numpy as np
def PAS(A,b,c,x,ite=1000,delta=0.001):
m,n = A.shape
D = x*np.eye(n,n)
res = np.diag(D)
for i in range(ite):
res = np.diag(D).copy()
t = A.dot(D)
p = np.eye(D.shape[1]) - t.T.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(t,t.T))).dot(t)
D = np.diag(D)*(np.eye(n,n))
resnew = np.diag(D)
if (sum(abs(resnew-res)))< delta:
return np.round(res,decimals=3)
max 12 x 1 + 20 x 2 12x_1+20x_2 12x1+20x2
0.2 x 1 + 0.4 x 2 ≤ 400 0.2x_1+0.4x_2\le 400 0.2x1+0.4x2≤400
0.5 x 1 + 0.4 x 2 ≤ 490 0.5x_1+0.4x_2\le 490 0.5x1+0.4x2≤490
x 1 , x 2 ≥ 0 x_1,x_2\ge 0 x1,x2≥0
A = np.matrix([[.2,.4,1,0],[.5,.4,0,1]])
b = np.matrix([[400],[490]])
c = np.matrix([12,20,0,0])
x = np.array([10,10,394,481])
array([300., 850., 0., 0.])
单纯形是各坐标轴上单位向量构成的多边形S。我们可以定义一个特殊的投影变换,将任意一点 a a a变为S的中心 e / n e/n e/n:
接下来的步骤,用S的内接球B缩小一定比例 α \alpha α后取代S,和投影后的可行域 Ω \Omega Ω合起来求最优点:
def _ip_hsd(A, b, c, c0, alpha0, beta, maxiter, tol):
iteration = 0
x, y, z, tau, kappa = np.ones(n),np.zeros(m),np.ones(n),1,1
rho_p, rho_d, rho_A, rho_g, rho_mu, obj = _indicators(A, b, c, c0, x, y, z, tau, kappa)
go = rho_p > tol or rho_d > tol or rho_A > tol
while go:
iteration += 1
# 求解梯度和步长,并进行更新。
gamma = beta * np.mean(z * x)
d_x, d_y, d_z, d_tau, d_kappa = _get_delta(A, b, c, x, y, z, tau, kappa, gamma)
alpha = _get_step(x, d_x, z, d_z, tau, d_tau, kappa, d_kappa, alpha0)
x = x + alpha * d_x
tau = tau + alpha * d_tau
z = z + alpha * d_z
kappa = kappa + alpha * d_kappa
y = y + alpha * d_y
# 计算误差,判断是否终止。这个终止条件的组合有些玄学啊。
rho_p, rho_d, rho_A, rho_g, rho_mu, obj = _indicators(A, b, c, c0, x, y, z, tau, kappa)
go = rho_p > tol or rho_d > tol or rho_A > tol
inf1 = (rho_p < tol and rho_d < tol and rho_g < tol and tau < tol * max(1, kappa))
inf2 = rho_mu < tol and tau < tol * min(1, kappa)
if inf1 or inf2 or teration >= maxiter:
return x / tau
def _get_step(x, d_x, z, d_z, tau, d_tau, kappa, d_kappa, alpha0):
i_x = d_x < 0
i_z = d_z < 0
alpha_x = alpha0 * np.min(x[i_x] / -d_x[i_x]) if np.any(i_x) else 1
alpha_tau = alpha0 * tau / -d_tau if d_tau < 0 else 1
alpha_z = alpha0 * np.min(z[i_z] / -d_z[i_z]) if np.any(i_z) else 1
alpha_kappa = alpha0 * kappa / -d_kappa if d_kappa < 0 else 1
alpha = np.min([1, alpha_x, alpha_tau, alpha_z, alpha_kappa])
return alpha
# 计算delta的trick有点多,等后面慢慢阅读文献。
def _get_delta(A, b, c, x, y, z, tau, kappa, gamma):
n_x = len(x)
r_P = b * tau - A.dot(x)
r_D = c * tau - A.T.dot(y) - z
r_G = c.dot(x) - b.transpose().dot(y) + kappa
mu = (x.dot(z) + tau * kappa) / (n_x + 1)
Dinv = x / z
M = A.dot(Dinv.reshape(-1, 1) * A.T)
alpha, d_x, d_z, d_tau, d_kappa = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
rhatp = (1-gamma) * r_P
rhatd = (1-gamma) * r_D
rhatg = np.array((1-gamma) * r_G).reshape((1,))
rhatxs = gamma * mu - x * z
rhattk = np.array(gamma * mu - tau * kappa).reshape((1,))
solved = False
while(not solved):
solve_this = L if cholesky else M
p, q = _sym_solve(Dinv, solve_this, A, c, b, solve, splu)
u, v = _sym_solve(Dinv, solve_this, A, rhatd -
(1 / x) * rhatxs, rhatp, solve, splu)
if np.any(np.isnan(p)) or np.any(np.isnan(q)):
raise LinAlgError
solved = True
d_tau = ((rhatg + 1 / tau * rhattk - (-c.dot(u) + b.dot(v))) /
(1 / tau * kappa + (-c.dot(p) + b.dot(q))))
d_x = u + p * d_tau
d_y = v + q * d_tau
d_z = (1 / x) * (rhatxs - z * d_x)
d_kappa = 1 / tau * (rhattk - kappa * d_tau)
return d_x, d_y, d_z, d_tau, d_kappa
[1] Fourer, Robert. “Solving Linear Programs by Interior-Point Methods.” Unpublished Course Notes, August 26, 2005. Available 2/25/2017 at http://www.4er.org/CourseNotes/Book%20B/B-III.pdf
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[3] Freund, Robert M. “Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods for Linear Programming based on Newton’s Method.” Unpublished Course Notes, March 2004. Available 2/25/2017 at https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/15-084j-nonlinear-programming-spring-2004/lecture-notes/lec14_int_pt_mthd.pdf
[4] Andersen, Erling D., and Knud D. Andersen. “The MOSEK interior point optimizer for linear programming: an implementation of the homogeneous algorithm.” High performance optimization. Springer US, 2000. 197-232.
[5] Andersen, Erling D., and Knud D. Andersen. “Presolving in linear programming.” Mathematical Programming 71.2 (1995): 221-245.
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[7] Andersen, Erling D., et al. Implementation of interior point methods for large scale linear programming. HEC/Universite de Geneve, 1996.
使用 [1] Section 4.1.中的predictor-corrector method计算查找方向。计算过程用到了一些trick:首先使用Cholesky分解法代替LU因子法,如果失败,则尝试使用lstsq方法;其次如果是稀疏矩阵,则使用稀疏矩阵的spsolve方法,或者使用scikit-sparse的CHOLMOD方法。[1]的Section 5.3和[7]的Section 4.1-4.2介绍了一些改进方法。
接下来,[1] Section 4.1和4.3介绍了步长计算方法。